Community [Celeste Weekly Challenge] Give me a Quest!

Discussion in 'PvE Challenges/Tournaments' started by smileyguyx, Apr 13, 2018.


How did you find out about Celeste Project?

Poll closed Apr 20, 2018.
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  1. smileyguyx

    smileyguyx Moderator
    Staff Member Moderator

    Dec 25, 2017
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    How lucky or right do you think you were last week? Hopefully the task was clear. Certainly had lots of participants!

    The hints and their relevance were:
    Old, but gold, in more ways than one. Image 3 doesn't have so much gold, while golden armor, golden lions and a gold mine keep the other two.
    Bruce Lee's favourite drink could be described as being present. Wataa! or water! This rules out Image 1 which is dry like my humor.
    Divided we fall. Everyone grouped together! This rules out Image 3 which has a small, if any, army.
    At peace, away from the fight. If you look at Image 2, R-31 you'll find a wolf just watching. Bet you didn't see it!
    Heads Up! Siege weapons throwing large objects! This rules out Image 3, which has none.

    So the right image was #2, and the special tile - the Greek Stables (Q-14) of course! Do I hear a groan?
    Thus the winners are, in order, t.angueth (Q-18), bbgambini (H-16) and SgtKillers (O-5)! Congratulations!

    Onto this week, "Give Me a Quest"! Describe a quest you would add for Age of Empires Online. Will it be a stealth mission, like Trading for Delphi Limestone? A never ending onslaught like Crete? A timed challenge like Build the Farms? Or invade an enemy fortress, like Cyprus? Details could include a description, quest details and rewards. As an example:

    The Egyptian priests have chanted the wrong incantation after a mix up of sacred scrolls and opened a gateway to Tartarus! Defend the Priests from the ungodly monsters as they fix this mistake.
    Timer: 15 minutes, Rewards: 15 EP, 1000 coin, 2 boxes. A medium map where the top part is unbuildable. Monsters can only be damaged by healing (priest units will heal for damage instead of converting) gta5mmN.png

    This time, you the people will be the judge! When this competition ends there will be 24 hours to vote for your favorite entry! Vote for yourself to show at least one person liked it!
    Prizes will be:
    1st Place : 150 t7Ey4ve.png
    2nd Place: 100 t7Ey4ve.png
    3rd Place : 50 t7Ey4ve.png

    Competition closes when the poll ends. Winners receive a private forum message from me asking for your in-game name to distribute the prizes. EP is mailed in batches, on the weekend. Only the best post per person will be considered.

    For next week, you might find it beneficial to download the World Editor. Good Luck!

    unrelated update: all winners should have their EP prizes in the mail

    Any changes will be posted in a log below.
    13/4/2018 - original post
    #1 smileyguyx, Apr 13, 2018 at 2:43 PM
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2018
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  3. Elevenx

    Elevenx Villager

    Jan 4, 2018
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    I would make a "Reverse Crete" quest. (Legendary of Legendaries Tier Mission)


    If you are reading this, then you have deciphered my code using flames atop my fortress! One of my most trusted Crete defenders has betrayed me! I am hiding in my fortress but he has taken over the island, time is short (bout 40 mins) before he destroys my fortress and takes my wives and daughters for himself!

    Crete Island must be recaptured before King Mino's fortress is destroyed (40min time limit). The only way on the island is by ship, and all the coasts are sandy and no buildings aside from walls can be built. The enemy's base must be completely destroyed and no survivors are allowed to escape.

    Build and send units to Crete, a 30 second trip by a 6 speed cargo boat, 1 min in total.
    Land on the beach head of Crete, and wipe out enemy units on the beach. Then push up and into his base.
    Bring siege to take down heavily fortified base.
    Clear a path to King Minos fort and destroy all enemies attacking the fort.
    Blockade the island so that the traitor doesn't escape.
    Destroy all buildings left.

    100k coin
    1 guarenteed Leg chest
    5 epic chests
    1 blue chest of those "ideal" type items.
    500 EP

    (Weekly reset)
    (All enemy units are elite, and enemy buildings are buffed)

    So to explain the quest...

    You start on land, that has ample room. Due to last minute notice, you have low resources. There is a 3 min build time, at which point the "traitor" will start sending units to harass you on your land base. However, if you are good, you will be able to defend from these ships/units and escort merchant/cargo ships with soldiers to Crete. You will need to attempt to shell the beach head, so that you can land your men safely, then the enemy soldiers who are out of range of siege ships, will then defend against your invasion.

    From this point, it's a race, you must make 30 sec ~ trips to the island with fresh men. You can't build on Crete island, except for walls. Due to pop limit, you must have a steady stream of soldiers landing or your army must be very resilient.

    Once you push the enemy spawn campers back into the base, you must siege his base. He will have a base defense of towers and long range units. The enemy will send groups of anti siege units in an attempt to destroy your siege.

    There will be a spot somewhere behind the enemy base, with King Minos Fort. The time limit can either be a set time, or it can be where every 1 min that passes a Palintonon is spawned that attacks the fort. The fort will have like 100k HP or something, with 90% crush armor. I'll do the calculations later, but something where the fort can defend itself and only enemy Palintonons can safely attack it and where it will die within 40min if you don't get to where the Palintonons are to destroy them.

    Once all enemy TC's are destroyed, a ship will spawn on the back end of the island. You must have a large enough fleet of ships to stop the escape.

    Then once the traitor ship is destroyed, it's GG.

    I don't like long build time based legs (soloi, phaphos, emic....etc) where there is nearly 8-10 mins of uninterrupted build time. So this map specifically harasses you similar to pvp where the enemy will attack early and try to prevent you from going all out economy. Then you must send waves of enemies to, the reverse of Crete, to defeat the Crete traitor. The Crete traitor will be modeled off the rank 1 player's civ ideally, but if that is too troublesome, I believe it should be modeled off the Greeks.

    That's it for my quest idea.

    -Elevenx, The rank 1 Crete Betrayer
    (Yes, I made myself a boss :D)
    Andy P XIII and smileyguyx like this.
  4. RatherWatch

    RatherWatch Long Swordsman

    Apr 8, 2018
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    I would design a silly quest involving Player vs 'Wild Animals'.

    Player has no access to villagers and must use 2 axeman, 2 spearman and a priest to save multiple small villages from the rampaging wildlife. Each village has a problem with a different animal type engaging their villagers/buildings. (Wolves, Boars, Crocodiles, Bears)

    When you clear the animal threat from each village, you are rewarded with an extra spearman.

    The furthest village culminates in the player attacking a number of elephants.

    I see this as a low or mid-level quest, not too difficult - so modest rewards.

    Not only does this quest seem like a bit of fun rather than the regular base-building, it lets you clock up the 'Boar killed'/'Elephant killed' etc quests, but is also a reference to how Gaia was a playable civ (with cheats) in AoE 1 and 2.

    Andy P XIII and smileyguyx like this.
  5. Christusvincit

    Christusvincit Spearman

    Apr 15, 2018
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    I would make a quest called "Lend a helping hand".It would be repeatable 4 times in 24 hours with no restriction on time between.Quest would be given in home city.
    The object of the quest to be able to help others with there quest and get a generous reward regardless of whether you yourself have the quest.
    1. repeatable up to 4 times in 24 time limit between uses of this quest.
    2.Rewards-4 chests of the lvl of the one that is using the quest(at lvl 40, at least a fairly good chance of
    legendary item.)
    At lvl 40-20 empire points and 2000 gold
    At lvl 35-39;10 empire points,150,000 ex.points and 1000 gold
    At lvl 30-34;8 empire points,100,000 ex.points and 750 gold
    At lvl 25-29;6 empire points,75,000 ex. points and 500 gold
    At lvl 20-25;4 empire points,50,000 ex.points and 300 gold
    At lvl 15-19;2 empire points,40,000 ex. points and also 300 gold
    At lvl 7-14;2 empire points 35,000 ex. points and 200 gold
    At lvl 1-6;2 empire points 20,000 ex.points and 200 gold
    The only restriction would be that those below lvl 40 could not "lend a helping hand"with legendary quests.
    And needless to say the helper would also gain all chests that are "In game"at that quests lvl,of course.
    All numbers could ,at the discretion,of the developers be changed,of course.The whole point of this quest is to give a strong incentive for people to help others in coop.and the reward has to be generous for that to come to reality.
    Andy P XIII and smileyguyx like this.
  6. DariusTheGreat

    DariusTheGreat Woad Raider

    Mar 22, 2018
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    The Evil Within - Athens - Legendary Quest

    Quest Description: A New Evil of Darkness has corrupted the lands of Athens, heroes of the past have arrived possessed by a demonic force, eliminate all the heroes and the enemies that stand in your way!


    Repeatable: 6 Days

    Eliminate All Heroes
    +10000 Gold
    +75 Empire Points
    +5 Lv40 Chests (High Chance of Legendary)

    Challenge Bonus:
    Eliminate Enemy Town Centres x4
    +10000 Gold
    +3 Lv40 Large Chests (High Chance of Legendary and Classic and Athena Loot table)

    You start in the centre of a large forest map with the resource of 5000 of food, wood, gold and stone. You have a base pre-built at Silver age with one castle, town centre, four guard towers and walls that block each four entries. In the first two minutes of this quest it is best to create as much defence and units as quick as possible. After 2 minutes and 15 seconds a group of elite champion units will start attacking at every 20 second interval, elite champion heroes will also appear which will provide a very difficult challenge for you. The enemy will throw most of the units in the game including other civs like elephants, beserkers and more. Once all the heroes has been defeated the quest is complete but if you want to achieve the challenge you must destroy enemy town centres which will require a lot of pushing and extra defence on the way.

    There are total of 5 Large Camp Guardians which is located on each end of the map.
    #5 DariusTheGreat, Apr 15, 2018 at 9:33 PM
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2018
    smileyguyx likes this.
  7. MegaDerpLord

    MegaDerpLord Spearman

    Feb 27, 2018
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    So I would probably do a multi-island, nomad type of mission.

    -Start with a large unique transport ship(with its attack disabled) at the south of the map with a small escort fleet. The unique transport ship can unpack and become the trojan shore ship that will allow you to build your unique units. This unique transport ship can pack itself back and turn back into the regular transport ship Around you are a series of diverse islands ranging from snow to desert to forests. On each of these islands are hostile beasts of all kinds presenting different situations and objectives. Your objectives is to essentially make sure the unique transport ship reaches the end of the map.

    -You can't actually build buildings
    -you don't harvest resources in the traditional way.
    -all of your units are built from your transport ship.
    -the transport ship can actually carry your entire army.
    -docking at an island will trigger the subscenario on that island. Have to think about environmental visual feedback though as to how to communicate what kind of scenario you are getting into.
    -can't build any naval units.
    -As their are no econ units, the transport ship can regenerate if out of combat.

    Map Layout is as follows:
    -Unique islands. Each island is respectively their own little sub scenario. Islands work in clusters that are gated off from each other. In order to move on to another cluster you need to have collected a certain number of Relics to move on ( think door keys but it can be represented through the Argos cow).

    So for example:

    Cluster 1 is three islands. To move on to Cluster 2 you need two Argos cow.

    Island 1 is a small island with a capture point in the middle. By standing over this capture point you delete the capture point and trigger a scenario where you are rushed by a small mob of rhinos and clubmen that ultimately ends with fighting a single armored elephant. Your reward for completing this is an argos cow and some resources(resource are ultimately gained by completing these small islands).

    Island 2 is a rescue mission where you have to save allied spearmen from getting killed by wolves. Saving the spearman is actually optional as they can be wiped out but the more important objective is killing the wolves so as to be rewarded with the Argos Cow

    Island 3 is is an example of an optional challenge island. The objective is to kill Beorix who are backed by 3 invulnerable priest units that will constantly heal beorix from a distance. Thankfully the priest units can't actually convert your units. Killing Beorix will reward you with two argos cow and will eliminate the invulnerable priest units(so as to make clear that the objective is done and to avoid confusion to the player).

    Having two argos cow minimum will allow you to move on to the next cluster of islands which have similar objectives to those. Ultimately their would be 4 clusters total each with 3-4 islands in them.
    smileyguyx likes this.
  8. Wololoo

    Wololoo Champion

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I'd design a set of 4 quests called "Choose your rewards"

    These quests would allow players to choose what items would be in the reward chests before starting the quest via a series of drop down lists.

    There would be 4 versions of this quest:

    1) Legendary - Choose your rewards. Repeatable fortnightly.
    A difficult quest but allowing players to preselect legendary reward items.
    Possible reward items would include all legendary gear & advisors.

    2) Epic - Choose your rewards. Repeatable weekly.
    A fairly hard quest allowing players to preselect epic reward items.
    Possible reward items would include all epic gear, advisors, consumables, recipes, materials & blueprints.

    3) Rare - Choose your rewards. Repeatable every 3 days
    A moderately hard quest allowing players to preselect rare reward items.
    Possible reward items would include all rare gear, advisors, consumables, recipes, materials & blueprints.

    4) Uncommon - Choose your rewards. Repeatable every 24 hours.
    A moderately difficult quest allowing players to preselect uncommon reward items.
    Possible reward items would include all uncommon gear, advisors, consumables, recipes, materials & blueprints.

    Players would be limited to selecting reward items at (or below) their current level.
    eg A level 36 player could only select items from level 1 to level 36.

    The quests themselves could be similar to the middle Cyprus series of quests which can be done, are time consuming but are not full of AI spammed overpowered elite units that one shot kill you !!!

    What do you think guys ?
    smileyguyx likes this.
  9. KrakenKO

    KrakenKO Villager

    Jan 17, 2018
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    My idea for a quest would involve a more hands off approach than typically seen in AoE. This quest idea would exemplify economics and the effect of foreign aid on a war.

    In this scenario your ally and enemy are two warring city-states, each with armies clashing between the two. Reinforcements from the cities will be sent in waves. However your allies reinforcement type and number will be determined by you. But you can't directly influence this. No, the way your ally creates reinforcements is entirely depending on the type and amount of resource you tribute to them. The main goal of the quest will be to aid your ally through this tributing of resources. As such, there will be no other way for you to interfere with the battle taking place (i.e. you are blocked off behind an impassable obstacle).

    As this outside economic aid, you will be able to watch as the battle between the two cities progresses and change your tributed resources accordingly to influence the type of troops your ally makes. The quest is completed when your ally defeats the enemy city or reaches a certain objective point with their army.

    This quest would start off as a low-mid level quest (probably for the greek civ since they notoriously had a lot of warring city-states) but could easily be upgraded to higher levels based on the enemies difficulty level. For higher level versions of this quest, an aid for the enemy could also be added. You would be able to fight this aid in order to decrease the amount of reinforcements the main enemy is sending against your ally. However, you would have to maintain a constant flow of resources to your ally else the main objective of the quest could end in failure! As such, I think this would be a good quest because I have not seen any mechanic like this in AoE yet and i think it would be an interesting change of pace for the player.
    smileyguyx likes this.
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