Notable Vendor Items to Consider

Discussion in 'PvE Tips & Tutorials' started by Tim619, Oct 25, 2022.

  1. Tim619

    Tim619 Woad Raider

    Aug 1, 2020
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    With a good economy comes a good military. Can find this in Taros, Zabol, and many other cities.

    INSANE range stat especially when the rest of the armor plating requires you to craft them or be at a random low level.
    Not that great. Might not be worth it, but if you can't find LoS Reinforced Construction at all, this is your best bet.
    Although not sold in any of the Argo shop, completing the repeatable from the Egyptian Admiral (by doing Argos repeatable if you already have done the non-repeatables) can net you this powerful light armor item! Ideal for your "ranged" mounted units.
    One of the highest damage stat for Reinforced Construction that you don't have to go out of your way for (3rd otherwise). If you don't mind losing +20% health from downgrading the Wall of Titan or Kronus, you get this nice +2% or +4% damage instead!
    Need something for that Egyptian Scout?
    Want LoS for those Norse scouts?
    Highest health in the game for those sieges!
    Free health at no extra cost or movement speed penalty.
    Priests literally taking no damage from infantry!!
    An interesting all-rounder of health and damage arrow (maybe for your babylonian siege towers?)
    Ideal vs infantry-heavy map.
    Imagine if your cavalry gave you a free uncommon Lohsrab without taking up an age 3 advisor slot. Now, look at this.
    I can see the whole world, ma! One of the best soldier's gear for line of sight.
    These archers are renowned for having exceptional attack range.
    This quest has a no-caravan optional and I need something to boost my merchant transport trade!
    There's a no-farm optional and I see a lot of fishies...
    Go go fast!
    This basically translates as all my cavalry gain +15% health to infantry units.
    An interest for range maxers.
    Best druid and clinicus staff available vendor-wise.
    A Norse's best friend can make great use of this gear.
    Ideal vs cavalry-heavy map.
    Imagine the melee-cavalry armor version of Horse Armor of Sargon (+pierce armor). Now, look at this.
    When you need to absorb big siege damage (or a fire ship's damage).
    One of the cost-efficient you could get +max range for an arrow.
    Massive building damage on this gear for its cost. Perfect for rams that can only attack buildings on a budget.
    An interesting all-rounder spear.
    2nd highest max range for a bow
    Highest damage stat.
    For the fastest caravan/villager/engineer/ox cart!
    Guard tower for Cretan defense!
    For some reason if Six Demon Bag isn't available.
    Ideally this is cheap for Work Boats and Merchant Transport in getting some good movement speed stat.
    Can be good for damage stat as well.
    If for some reason you can't find movement speed in the ship accessory at the Global Market or trade channels, they sell something of your pick here.
    Highest health shield!
    The only non-leggy version arrow you can grab with a bonus vs ship!
    If only I had a few more seconds... or a few powerups for my army for that timer...
    Accidentally left my base defenseless, but I have a couple of mercenaries backing me up though.
    Looking for a balance of damage/health for your siege? Also no +cost penalty. it's FREE stats
    Ideally your worker's entry cloth armor.
    Standard range gear for your throwing arms when power-leveling.
    This quest attacks me early with cavalry!
    These archers are renowned for having exceptional attack range.
    I don't need long-ranged bandit archers. I need more archers! (Note they sell in bundle of 5 meaning they're priced 80 gold each)
    I need to rush those buildings down early while they don't have any units! (Note they sell in bundle of 5 meaning they're priced 250 gold each)
    Holy moly, this is the highest tier of Reinforced Construction and you can put it on almost all your buildings. You won't find any Reinforced Construction that buff eco (by reducing cost) at these prices!
    Worst case scenario if you can't find LoS gear for your outpost.
    Vemundr's Woolen Tunic can give +51.2% health and +1.1% movement speed but you end up paying 1025 coins more. Otherwise, it can be good for caravans!
    All-rounder shield, you won't get a shield that has a better damage/health ratio. If we're ignoring armor for the shield.
    Accessible when you completed the first 4 questline starting with the The Rumor in the North.
    When your healer needs to keep up but you can't find the real movement speed sandals.
    The only non-legendary +range gear Medium Armor
    When you're on a tight budget for epic/legendary work tools.
    This quest has a no-caravan optional and I need something to boost my merchant transport trade!
    There's a no-farm optional and I see a lot of fishies...
    Go go fast!

    Can tank siege easier.
    Great item for Celts and other units vs ranged-heavy maps.
    Ideal entry-level axe for Axemen or Harjars
    Cheaper merchant transport!
    Ideal for that Babylonian Siege Tower who can ram harder!
    #1 Tim619, Oct 25, 2022 at 9:21 AM
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2022
    NeoXist, Cuicui13600, pipegr and 6 others like this.
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  3. Slyrevick

    Slyrevick Immortal

    May 22, 2020
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    How does a gauntlet effects on cost, damage and health ? :)
  4. elassi

    elassi Long Swordsman

    Oct 1, 2019
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    Didn't know that staff existed o.o (The one in Cyprus)

    nice guide
  5. PeppeLePoint

    PeppeLePoint Spearman

    Oct 22, 2022
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    awesome guide my friend. I am also blown away by that staff.

    Also I wish there were better LoS stats on items. Not that lookouts cant just solve most of that issue, but it helps with sneaky AI in PVE that somehow gets around your units. I like LoS on my celtic bowmen.
  6. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Thank you Tim, very cool!
  7. Maki Evil Zero

    Maki Evil Zero Spearman

    Aug 5, 2022
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  8. Tim619

    Tim619 Woad Raider

    Aug 1, 2020
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    Reupdated with some items and consumables added and added 2 city to the notable mentions!
    Donar likes this.
  9. Donar

    Donar Berserker

    Dec 5, 2021
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    Yea, especially Arrows of the Moon on bab ram is a good item, even for the end game.
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