Aryzel's guides to Gear, Events, and more!

Discussion in 'PvE Tips & Tutorials' started by Aryzel, Jul 27, 2022.

  1. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    I've build up a number of guide sheets for AOEO that might be helpful to others. You can make a copy or download if you want to change filters, colour highlight the advisors or gear you have, etc.

    Its all one sheet, you can just use tabs at the bottom to move around, but here are some quick links to particular tabs.

    Gear Lists
    Showing Basic options and roughly how big an impact upgrades have so you can decide if you're happy with basic option or if an upgrade is worth the effort.

    I've included a new column for Special gear (from seasonal events or very expensive (above roughly the cost of crafted legendary gear, 200k+ or so). The idea of the new column is so people can see what is the practical max before looking at these special gears. I've also added a new Special Gear sheet/tab to give a complete overview of all the special/expensive gear so people can get a handle on how much they want to collect.

    Season Event planning Sheets
    These are separate as they are more temporary use. Helpful for seeing how rewarding all the seasonal quests are and planning out what you need to do to get the items you want.

    Aryzel (Terraryzel on discord)
    #1 Aryzel, Jul 27, 2022 at 4:54 PM
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2022
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  3. Servimomia

    Servimomia Moderator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Impressive job, thank you dude!
    Maki Evil Zero and Makiver9999 like this.
  4. bbgambini

    bbgambini Hippikon

    Nov 25, 2017
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    man, the time and effort on this is crazy, its got loads of good stuff in here, great stuff @Aryzel
    Servimomia likes this.
  5. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    Posted this on another thread about advise to help players struggling with legendaries and other hard quests, is only a small part of the advice but thought i'd add it here anyways.

    Helpful tips for difficulty quests
    • Pause (In the Hotkeys Menu, under General Game Hotkeys there is a Pause option, rebind it to spacebar or something simple for you to hit, it really great to catch your breath and get more things done in key moments of game)
    • Market cost estimate (In the hotkeys menu, under Building Construction Hotkeys, last option is Display Market Preview, I've change the binding for that to M, so when you are placing your market you can see roughly how much gold it will get.)
    • Optionals - Don't try to do optional goals and actually use them for ideas of how to make quest easier.
    • Earn EP to afford consumables, do Defense of Crete, pick last map but do on easiest difficulty. Have look at to how maps and difficulty give different points. All you really need to do is get in the top 33% of scores, usually 600k points roughly, to get 500 EP. Doing same in coop will get you another 500 EP.
    • Consumables for quests you have trouble with: (note look at the 'Class' of consumable to see what shares cooldowns
      • Summon Units: Berserker Wolves if you need units to defend early attacks, then wolves are pretty much best option, to get most health and dmg onto the field. It won't turn a big fight, but can help you cope with a few enemy units if you just need a little help. Can be used in Age 2, cooldown is only 2min and costs 100 EP for 3, so 33 EP for each use.
      • Summon Units: Priest of the Empire - 66 EP per use, but you get 7 converting priests that have very fast conversion rate.
      • Summon Units: Pirate Fire Ships - crafted for 150coin each, aren't crazy strong but if you need to take down a small number of enemy ships then can help.
      • Summon Units: Armada of the Empire - 58 EP per use, aren't super powerful, think of them as 10 mobile guard towers, just need water to drop them on, best use is taking out enemy army units or towns, don't have bonus vs ships so won't be great in naval fight.
      • Bosses: If you find a boss npc in a quest is causing problems then look at Subdual of the Empire which reduces health by 75% for 90sec. Costs 50 EP per use, so its expensive but having a few in your bags for the odd time you need it can be good.
      • Dmg Buildings: Really nice is Pillage, bring your army up a wall, cast Pillage on them and they gain 60% bonus building dmg for 30s, its crafted so costs around 150coin per use, so very affordable.
      • Dmg Boost: If you need a general dmg boost for your army on defense or against a large enemy army then look at Elixir of Power for 35% dmg increase for 30sec, its crafted so around 150coin per use, its not crazy powerful but it help.
      • Eco - Quick Storehouse - crafted for 150coin, has 10sec cooldown (but use them before other consumables or the other consumable will apply the longer cooldown first), is quick way to save 50wood a use, can be very helpful if you just want a little help.
      • Eco - Wood Gathering Elephants - can be used in age 2, cost 25 EP per use, the 3 elephants can only gather wood, but get all the upgrades you villagers get during game, they are basically equivalent to 6 villagers, but can only gather wood. Very helpful in quests where you need some help but not toon of help.
      • Eco - Labor of the Empire - can be used age 1, summons 12 villagers, they are just like your villagers, same gear and everything. If you are doing a serious attempt at a quest you have a lot trouble with then use these.
      • Eco - Resources of the Empire - can be used in age 3, gives you 5000 of each resource, really powerful if you need large boost on difficult quest, drop this the moment you reach age 3, start aging to age 4, learn all your tech upgrades or build pile of unit buildings and get a quick army. Costs 83 EP per use, so its not cheap, but don't be afraid to use it if you are trying to overcome a quest. Note: while its possible this can help you forward on a quest that is going bad, its best use is for quests where you intend to use it before you start, giving you ability to get stronger faster and attack earlier.
    Maki Evil Zero and Servimomia like this.
  6. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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  7. ConradIII

    ConradIII Champion

    May 8, 2022
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    TY Bro
    That was pretty damn quick
  8. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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  9. Daeveren

    Daeveren Long Swordsman

    Jun 21, 2019
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    Hey @Aryzel thanks for your amazing spreadsheet! Are you still around? I would to know you're still planning to update the amazing spreadsheet! The amount of usefulness your spreadsheet has offered is honestly not even measurable.
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