Hey there Celeste players! This might come as a surprise to many of you, but we have a full new set of Advisors for you to collect and play with, alongside with reworks to a few existing Advisors.![]()
This is the final major content update before the Romans, meaning that they are super close to being released! Find more details below.
GreeksWith the addition of these Advisors, we have finally reached a state of balance and consistency with Advisors' spread amongst all civilizations. Check the graphic below:
Global Advisors (For All Civilizations)
PF2K's Personal Note: You guys wanted unit Advisors, here you go!
- Development Team's Comment: The previous effect of Beorix did not seem very popular, so, once again, we are trying something new. Harjars will now be able to deal poison damage over time, which should hopefully bring them under the spotlight for the first time.
With all the new Advisors added alongside the recent reworks, you might be wondering - what are some good Advisor combinations to use?![]()
Development Team's Comment: With this advisor, Horsemen have become one of the best options for the Norse, to the point where they tend to outshine every other Norse unit thanks to their extreme mobility, population efficiency and their ability to take down buildings on their own quite effortlessly. With this change we hope to bring Horselord Finnulfr closer to the level of the other Norse options, to increase gameplay variety.
Development Team's Comment: Priestesses of Ra have always had a relatively marginal role in the gameplay of Egyptian players, despite being very useful and versatile units. With this change, we hope to make the support of Priestesses of Ra more effective and incentivize players to experiment more with this unique Egyptian unit.
Development Team's Comment: Princess Tahmineh was not a very popular advisor in the Silver Age, since, to fully benefit from her economical bonus, the player is required to place their market very precisely. With the addition of Coinage and Price Adjusting being granted for free, Princess Tahmineh should now be a solid pick for a Caravan-focused economy.
Development Team's Comment: Sappers are rarely seen in the army composition of Babylonian players. One reason for that might be that having to choose between Governor Zopyrus and Cowardly Colonel Pamphilos as your Silver Age Advisor felt like you could never bring sappers to their full potential. Now you don’t have to choose anymore, as you can have both advisors to help your Sappers in combat!
Development Team's Comment: Thinking about new advisors for the Romans gave us the chance to make some adjustments to the ones that were announced on a previous blog. Senator Octavius will still focus on the Auxilia Camp units, but we decided to change the damage bonus to a training time bonus, because the Romans already have plenty of advisors improving their units in combat.
Development Team's Comment: With these changes we are trying to increase the amount of viable Advisors competing with the current popular economic advisors that most players like to stick to in the Bronze Age (Chieftain Dumnorix, Savvy Merchant Zeno, King Nannus and others).
Development Team's Comment: The previous cost reduction value did not seem to be impactful enough to make players consider using Chieftain Combutis very much. We are increasing his bonus by a little bit to make him more appealing.
Development Team's Comment: When it comes to infantry-based armies, players know very well that hardly any advisor can rival Cowardly Colonel Pamphilos in the hardest quests. We are therefore trying to increase the number of viable options by buffing some of the potential alternatives to Pamphilos.
Development Team's Comment: The bonuses Chieftain Britomartus provided for Town Centers were mainly defensive and fell a bit short when it came to kickstarting the player’s economy at the start of a quest. The additional resource savings should have a positive impact on the viability of this Advisor.
Development Team's Comment: We felt like the bonus provided by Engineer Ligeia did not compare well enough to the other Silver Age advisors. The newly added cost reduction should help players who like to mix some siege units into their army. To ensure that his power level doesn't spike up too much, we dialed down his training time reduction a little bit.
Development Team's Comment: The simultaneous presence of two advisors dedicated to walls in the Bronze Age and the fact that neither option seemed very relevant, made us decide to bring their effects together to a single advisor, focused entirely on walls. Fence Builder Bes will from now on also provide the previous bonus of Engineer Cyric.
Development Team's Comment: With the change to Fence Builder Bes, we had to find a new effect for Engineer Cyric. Since we wanted to keep him relevant to the gameplay of Crete, we opted for a bonus on the repair rate of Villagers and Engineers.
Development Team's Comment: With this change we hope to allow players to be more creative with the use of defensive buildings during quests. Considering how many new options are being added and how many improvements have been made to old Advisors, we are also trying to make sure that no Advisor from the original set is left behind.
Development Team's Comment: See “Castle Builder Sostrate”.
Recommended Advisor Loadouts
You're in luck! We have made two Advisor combinations for you to use for each civilization. Of course, this is not the only way to play the game and we definitely encourage you to experiment and find the best combination of Advisors and strategies that you have the most fun with, but here is some inspiration for you:
We are impressed by the number of Really Tasty Carrots still in people's inventories!![]()
Some Fun Stats!
Where are the ROMANS?!In order to ensure that the Romans' release to the public goes as smoothly as possible, we will be rolling out the update to the public servers nearly a week before making them available to everyone, so we that we are able to identify and iron out any leftover bugs and problems.
We are less than a month away from being able to share the Roman civilization with you all, and we cannot wait for you to get your hands on them!
As with every new content, we will be keeping an eye on the power level of these Advisors based on the community's feedback, and will adjust them as needed. A big shoutout to gamevideo113, RekiemOne, Geese, Jenks, Kire and TradeMeMore for helping us with these Advisors!
We've tried our best to make sure that this content release is as bug-free as possible. But we are only human and there is always a chance for us to make mistakes. If you spot any errors or bugs with these Advisors, please report it on our DISCORD BUG REPORT SECTION or the BUG REPORT FORUM here.
Important note: You do NOT need to loot the reworked Advisors again. All of the mentioned changes will be applied to Advisors automatically.
Important note 2: The NEW Advisors are also added to the previous loot tables. You can find them pretty much everywhere!
Important note 3: When you log into your civilizations after the patch is live, Governor Zopyrus will be unequipped and you will have to equip him again. But don't worry, you won't be losing any of your existing Advisors!
What do you think about the mentioned changes? What other Advisor(s) would you like to see changed, and in which way? What is your opinion about reworks towards certain Gear types? Let us know in the comments below!
All current and future content will stay 100% free and accessible to everyone.
Thank you so much for reading, and we will see you all next time!
Project Celeste Development Team
Missed the Roman Civilization's announcement? Find out about it HERE.
Project Celeste is completely free and always will be. However, we gladly accept donations for our overhead costs, which are larger than we have budgeted. If you want to support us, you can do so HERE.
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Discussion in 'News' started by PF2K, Feb 27, 2021.
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