Loot Drop Rates??

Discussion in 'PvE General Discussion' started by Damiangage, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. Damiangage

    Damiangage Villager

    Jul 9, 2020
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    Hi All,

    I've been a big fan of a the game since it was retail. And I really cannot thank the Celeste team enough for the efforts they have put in not only to revive the game (which would have been enough for most people), but also to add new content.

    I just wanted to discuss the loot drops and drop rates in this game. I think the drop rates for legendaries need to be improved. There's many times where most of us have done numerous legendaries only to drop whites/greens/blues etc.

    Most of us love the game enough to power through this and I'm sure over time things even out. However, I'm looking at this from the perspective of a brand new player to this game. All of us want the community to grow but from the perspective of a new player, that is not in love with the game, it's a meaningless grind fest with rewards very few and far between. I'd be OK with these drop rates if we had a community of thousands, but we don't. At any time there's between 40-200 players online. Any new player that begins playing the game has the potential to be easily discouraged from playing further because the loot drops. Dropping fancy gear and progression are the things that give the dopamine rush that keeps most players hooked onto games like these.

    I just wanted to see how the rest of the community feels about this.This isn't coming from a place of frustration for me. I have my civs geared well and I'm not making this post to cry about a dry spell. But even in the hundreds of hours I've played there's still items that I have never dropped which I think is absurd in of itself. I've introduced the game to some people and they've enjoyed it enough to get to level 40 on 1 or 2 civs, but then once they begin the legendary mission grinds, they end up finding the game unfulfilling and eventually leave.

    If the drop chances can't be improved then maybe at the very least legendary quests shouldn't be dropping whites/greens.

    Anyways if you made it this far, I applaud you and let me know what your thoughts are.

    Take care
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  3. Aman

    Aman Woad Raider

    Oct 10, 2019
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    There is great enjoyment in improving a civilization and getting worthwhile items after a quest ... inversely feels terrible when repeatedly you get nothing for your time and commitment. Simple as that. And I know about concerns of people hoarding, becoming rich or whatever, but end of the day it is just unsatisfying and unmotivational... at least for me, I dont know, maybe I am in the minority, maybe most people prefer balancing out the wealth gap in a game, to just getting cool items from playing it
  4. SystemGlitch

    SystemGlitch Spearman

    May 22, 2019
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    Loot rates are fine in my opinion. You also get tons of coins for completing legendary quests, which allows you to buy the gear you want from the global marketplace. This is my primary way of gearing up civs.
    elassi likes this.
  5. Faluzure

    Faluzure Champion

    Oct 28, 2019
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    As I see it, the problem isn't exactly the drop rates. What ticks me off the most is doing a legendary quest only to get a Staff of the Oracle as your legendary reward. Loot rewards would be a lot better if a lot of the tables were cleaned up first.
    bbgambini likes this.
  6. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    We are having some issues with some items and how the drops are hitting, and there are fixes in the works from what I understand. We are not going to remove all or any of the original items from the game that players no longer think we need. Please be patient and know, we understand, and will work to bring improvements.
    #5 Jeinx, 4y 34w ago
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2020
  7. Aman

    Aman Woad Raider

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Are you saying that the drop rates are bugged?
    Cause a lot of us who were playing hundreds of hours per week have had the complaint that drop rates are off for a long time (since winter), and we were just being dismissed ...
    Evellyn and Pharos like this.
  8. Evellyn

    Evellyn Long Swordsman

    Feb 8, 2020
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    So there's in fact something wrong with the drop rates?
    I mean, anyone that has played like 2 years ago and plays now could tell something was off, and not just talking about the items everybody complains about (Mags)
    There's couples items that seem or supposed to be as needed as mags such as Athenian Manuals, Walls of Architect that drop fairly decent, but then there's items like Belly Bow of The Master Hunter and couple others that for some reason became kinda super rare when they used to be dirt cheap, and not just items, Legendary advisors like Khepri that used to be like not even 10k, and now suddenly the price skyrocketed, and I guess for the simple fact that it barely drops.
    Good to see that it's being acknowledged though and something being done about it, finally, thanks.
    MatrixSoft and Aman like this.
  9. Pharos

    Pharos Champion

    Sep 21, 2019
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    Agree with Aman... "lot of us who were playing hundreds of hours per week have had the complaint that drop rates are off for a long time (since winter), and we were just being dismissed ..."

    Disagree with Jeinx "We are not going to remove all or any of the original items from the game that players no longer think we need."
    unfortunately they have to be at least improved, no matter how many leg items u get if its useless leg item (and only purpose they have is vendor... ) player still feels disappointment

    also if original advisors can be improved why not leg items :rolleyes:
    bbgambini, Evellyn and Aman like this.
  10. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    There are some issues somewhere, not sure what or where exactly, but we are working on it.
    You can agree or disagree all you want, we are not gutting all the gear that was here long before us. Not every gear drop can be ideal. Its not sustainable or realistic.It is RNG. There are much better ways to make improvements that just using a flamethrower. We will trust in you to be awesome at playing this game, give some trust in us to improve it.
    rtsgamer likes this.
  11. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    I hear you. Understand that we get complaints about drop rates constantly, going back as long as you can imagine. Seasoned players are a good source of information, and you can always PM me on discord, I will listen. It's not always what you say, but where you say it. Just know if its a crazy idea or suggestion, or an opinion, I may not be interested, and you can't be mad at me, seems that is a lot of what I get. :D
  12. Geese

    Geese Berserker

    Mar 27, 2018
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    #11 Geese, 4y 34w ago
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2020
    bbgambini likes this.
  13. Andy P XIII

    Andy P XIII Moderator

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Advisors are naturally constrained because you can only use four of them at once. Players use dozens of items at once. If we buffed legendary gear, we would run a much higher risk of making the game demonstrably easier and knocking it out of whack. We could obviously survive if we buffed a couple legs or removed a couple legs, but doing so seems kind of arbitrary and a weird precedent to set. I’d rather improve the game in other areas than take risks fiddling with gear that the original devs put into place.
  14. FinishedBlock21

    FinishedBlock21 Hippikon

    Aug 16, 2018
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    lol geese this is hilarious. Is this really a copy paste or did you just suceed at the impossible, find someone who is in total agreement with you??
    Kire and PF2K like this.
  15. Wololoo

    Wololoo Champion

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I think there are a number of issues with the drop rates & loot tables that should be looked at once current priorities: Roman civ / Summer event, are finished.

    1) Leg quest completion rewards can be OK but the treasure camp rewards are frequently garbage that IMO should not be seen anywhere as Leg quest rewards:
    eg Common consumable recipes., Common advisors, Uncommon gear items etc.

    2) The large size treasure camps in several Leg. quest always give 1 chest reward.
    I understood it that these large camps were supposed to give a random number of chests between 1-3.

    3) Several gear items seem to have gone altogether from the loot tables ( I think since about Dec. 2019)
    Examples: Chimera's Leather Hide, Sand-Skin Chiton, Obsidian Walls, Darius' Dire Bow to name a few.

    4) Our dev team has done a wonderful job introducing many new Leg gear items.
    The down side of this is that as more are added, the chances of finding the one item you want diminish.
    Perhaps some thought could be given to targeting certain quests towards certain gear.
    Perhaps the Athens series of quests give 66% chance of slot 1 gear items. 33% all others
    Lodi series give 66% chance of slot 2 gear items & 33% all others
    and so on.

    Finally, although I respect Andy's point that what the original devs did shouldn't be changed I think we should remember that they didn't always get it right.

    eg Coin previously bound to a civ & not account wide
    What a tremendous improvement you guys made putting this right.
    & also all the useless advisors that are now fixed - Great work guys :)

    So why the hesitation to fix some of the other legacy wrongs?
    Useless Leg gear items, Holy staff stats being useless damage focused etc.
    Hawkster likes this.
  16. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    The damage is not the focus of the staffs, the range is, the damage on the staff is not completely useless, even though you may not find yourself using it.
  17. Wololoo

    Wololoo Champion

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Currently 53 different Holy Staffs, 46 of these have damage in their stats and 3 are exclusively damage.
    IMO that's a quite a focus towards something I may find myself not using.
  18. Geese

    Geese Berserker

    Mar 27, 2018
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    Hahahahaha it's a total copy paste. I think it changed the title because I wouldn't be passive aggressive enough to put 2 question marks xd
  19. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    By Focus, what I am referring to is, you are not changing out staffs for a varying damage stat, you are not choosing a staff based off of the damage stat. The best staffs have a range focus, or a specific focus that you may need or want during a specific quest to bring somthing else that helps do what you intend.
    Yes, Damage is a common secondary stat on a lot of staffs. This at least is a lot less boring than one simple stat. It may be rare that the damage is needed with most priest units, but it is useful if your unit ever finds itself attacked by a wild animal.
    Removing all of the damage stats from all of the staffs, and adding stats like pierce armor, bonus damage protection, ect. Will simply change the dynamics and meta for priests staffs where it is simply just not needed. Priests are performing fine. It is not worth the time having a dev calculating new stats for these items, coding them in to the game, and explaining to new players what happened to them when they return. Think about it like this, if the original devs simply never inured the damage stats to any staff, and no staff had a second stat, and we never knew anything but that, would we even be complaining?
    With all the potential Q.O.L. fixes that could be in the game, it still shocks me when this one pops up. So many better areas to focus on. And forgive me Wololoo I am not trying to focus only on you suggesting this, I've just been bombarded by the damage on staff complaint a lot, and it just confuses me as to how this of all things can possibly be first, or near first in line when anyone thinks of QOL improvements.
    #18 Jeinx, 4y 34w ago
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2020
  20. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    Well, you may have plagiarized yourself, I know you are definatly not the first one to want better drop rates :D
  21. Geese

    Geese Berserker

    Mar 27, 2018
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    Damn it was me all along. I'm the culprit. ;_;
    Jeinx likes this.
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