legendary quests are too difficult

Discussion in 'PvE General Discussion' started by Stephhen, Feb 4, 2020.

  1. garyoakk

    garyoakk Long Swordsman

    Apr 22, 2020
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    Well it was before with the only exception being the legendary quests. But now I see more quests are challenging and not only the legendary one. I dont like it personnaly and I dont like the lack of choice end game
  2. Andy P XIII

    Andy P XIII Moderator

    Nov 14, 2017
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    What kinds of end game quests would you want to see us provide?
  3. garyoakk

    garyoakk Long Swordsman

    Apr 22, 2020
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    Generally speaking, more casual quests. I dont enjoy at all playing against a AI that constanly spam units without end. It makes sens in legendary quests because thoses are supposed to be really challenging and I accept that. Maybe have some tuned down versions of the legendary were the AI is less agressive and not full of elite units ? In the same level of the recapturing quests in cyprus maybe.

    I like to mess around and try stuff and not play optimaly in aoeo
    Comecudemod likes this.
  4. Exclusive0r

    Exclusive0r Immortal

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Try Rescue Me that's relaxing - wall off the 2 red islands and age up to IV and kill
    or Lots of Rogues a typical farm gear quest .. even elite it's so easy or Northern hold also not too hard
    MainMan B likes this.
  5. Regent10

    Regent10 Villager

    Dec 29, 2020
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    I agree legendary solo are generally way too hard.. I am sure it is possible to do any legendary co-op, which assumes your friends are available to play with you ( a problem when they are off playing festival related shenanigans on other games) , but for solo it can be neigh on impossible even using the standard legendary techniques. The AI spams out way too many enemies towards your settlement early on to even get slightly established and even when you have for example Marion Christmas edition spams out balistas which basically take out any turtling benefit you had and it is pretty hard to get the walls up, get the economy to a healthy level, and pump out anti-siege (where the requirement is a champion infantry 1200 gold at golden age) in under 5 minutes? Even with legendary/epic gear, consumables, this is off the spectrum hard ... I managed to solo some of the legendary quests in the summer event, which were pretty hard to beat too but not impossible, why do the winter legendaries seem so unbalanced this time round for solo? If the answer is to co-op always, then that is tricky because you can't always guarantee that someone who is able to co-op to a legendary level is available to help out or that they won't prefer to play with someone they are 100% sure they can beat the map with as these maps tend to take quite a while to complete even if on a timer. Games should be hard but ultimately not frustrating otherwise people will just disengage for other games that have a workable balance between challenging and enjoyable.
    goorz likes this.
  6. Andy P XIII

    Andy P XIII Moderator

    Nov 14, 2017
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    We try to find a balance and will keep working on it. Of course, we have just a small team of quest designers and released the editor, so hopefully more players will submit quests. We are always happy to consider well made quests of any difficulty level.
    Regent10 likes this.
  7. goorz

    goorz Long Swordsman

    Aug 10, 2020
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    I fully agree with that , frustration made me looking for other game and believe me I like this one .
    garyoakk likes this.
  8. gamevideo113

    gamevideo113 Champion

    Jun 19, 2020
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    If you ask for someone to coop with you in the tradechat you will almost always find a coop partner, you don't need to always be waiting for your friends to be able to play in coop mode. Also, every legendary quest can actually be played in solo and there are tutorials for almost all of them on youtube. If you are using a "standard legendary technique", maybe you need to revise that technique and ask advice from experienced players. You can also use consumables to have a little extra help when you're struggling. In the end i think there are many players that don't find this game too hard - we enjoy new challenges and we are happy when harder quests are released because we like having to think and figure out new ways to win.
    Andy P XIII and Kire like this.
  9. garyoakk

    garyoakk Long Swordsman

    Apr 22, 2020
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    On the contrary, me and my friends stopped playing because of the level of the quests and are playing more enjoyable games. I said it before but i think the quest system in imbalanced in difficulty and frustrating.

    I'll just try out the romans when they are released probably up to lvl 20 and call it a day
  10. Slyrevick

    Slyrevick Immortal

    May 22, 2020
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    The difficulty is fine, the game just take time to master.

    Each quest has a solution, Once you know it, it become too easy and almost boring.
    The game is so wide, you never stop learning and discovering.

    Best part is the community, It is quite friendly and gentle( not toxic )
  11. Wololoo

    Wololoo Champion

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Because we all have different skill levels this problem won't go away until quests have a difficulty setting: i.e. Easy > Moderate > Difficult > Impossible.
    Of course though, the rewards would need to scale accordingly.

    @ Regent10, Regarding the Marion Christmas edition quest.
    I too really struggled with this quest even though I can usually manage to solo normal Marion. I did manage it once but that was after many fails where I was totally wiped out. Once the enemy got into my base they went straight for my vills and soon with no farmers hence no food, I was dead.

    Yet Marion Christmas edition was rated 1 star difficulty.
    My guess is that the others were harder still. I didn't get to find out.
    Yep, I know... I suck but I'm going to keep trying lol

    This brings me onto another point about event quests that I'd really like considered.
    I find that for solo play nearly all event Legendries are too difficult but there are and have been a few exceptions. eg eventually I got to grips with Finest Horror and could do this solo most times.

    On the other hand the vast majority of the mini quests are easy once you've managed them once. There after, for me they very quickly become extremely boring but just maybe I'll do them repeatedly if I need to grind for a gear or two. And a grind it is... I hate it.

    I really wish events had some in-between type quests, harder and more challenging than the mini quests but not so hard as the legendary quests.
    NannyOgg likes this.
  12. RekiemOne

    RekiemOne Champion

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Just discovered this topic.
    Devs made great adjustements with the difficulty rating, if leg quests are too hard, maybe try more Elites quests, or legendaries but in coop, it's a great way to learn how it should be done, then after making a lot of them try to make it solo with this new understanding. I feel most players that don't go through easily will eventually leave because they keep failing without asking help or check youtube videos.

    As a hint towards improving the game, maybe add a message after X fails saying something like " you might want to try it in coop, ask help in chat or check video on this quest ".

    The game is designed in a way that if you are not able to solo a leg quest it's because of strategy, doing stuff in the wrong order, or not doing what you need to beat a certain type of unit rushing you etc... and even if you know about basics game mechanics. ppl might not know all this playing casually or not in tryhard mode, I totally get it but in all games basics mechanics need to be learned, and how to get good is a totally different thing which requires more time. If players don't take the time beeing curious, asking for help then it's a problem... but i feel it's only players problem.
    purpleganja and Jeinx like this.
  13. NannyOgg

    NannyOgg Long Swordsman

    Jan 6, 2020
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    yes. this game is becoming attic or basement.
    most of the old guard, from many years, gradually withdraw.
    it is sad,
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