By PF2K on Apr 11, 2020 at 1:42 PM
  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    As we develop the Romans, we are showing you how we are building them, who is building them, and also why we are building them the way that we are. Though we have finally revealed every Roman Unit, Building, and Technology, we are continuing to present all of their miscellaneous extra features as we design them.

    This week, both the 3D team and the Quest Design team have continued to work on the Roman Campaign Questline. The 3D team has all but finished the modelling for the three Capital City decorations that will be rewarded to players as they complete specific quests. (You will recall that players unlock three different decorations during each of the Greek, Egyptian, and Celtic Questlines. So the Romans will be no different.)

    We have no idea what decorations the original Developers would have used, so we used our best judgment. Perhaps the most famous kind of Roman monument for honoring success in battle was the Triumphal Arch. Even though one is available already in the game, we thought that the Romans would be incomplete without their own. This felt like a natural fit, so we went with it.


    Second, we drew inspiration from one of the most famous Roman symbols of all time -- the Capitoline Wolf. Since ancient times, Romans have embraced the symbol of a she-wolf suckling the mythical twin founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus. Depictions of this legend have appeared everywhere from Roman coins to statues to mosaics. Happy Smurf and Chaos have applied that imagery to AoEO's humorous artstyle, and we think the result is perfect.


    For our third exclusive Capital City decoration, we opted to double back to the original design for the Roman Wonder. As you may recall, we decided to veto the original Developers and promote the Colosseum as the Civ's Wonder, which edged out the Roman Panthenon. As a nod to the original Devs we decided to reward players with the Pantheon for completing the entire Roman Questline. We couldn't be happier with how it looks.



    Additionally, the 3D team has put the final touches on the Etruscans.

    This week, they will be turning their attention back to the City of Rome and its menagerie of Wonders and unique Buildings. Along those lines, Happy Smurf will be hosting a stream on Monday (April 13th, 2020) starting around 11AM or 12AM GMT. He plans to finalize the Imperial Palace and then, if he has time, begin on the Circus Maximus. Depending on schedules, he may host some other guest Devs calling in. You can catch him online on our Official Twitch Channel

    Othewise, the Roman Questline continues to take shape. We will update you all on that in more detail later on. In the meanwhile, we are still interested in hearing any ideas you all may have for different types of quests, quest objectives, etc.

    Thank you so much for reading, and we will see you all next time!
    Project Celeste Development Team

    What do you think about this week's blog? What would you like to see next? Let us know in the comments below!

    Missed the Roman Civilization's announcement? Find out about it HERE.

    Project Celeste is completely free and always will be. However, we gladly accept donations for our overhead costs, which are larger than we have budgeted. If you want to support us, you can do so HERE.

    Read every Romans related blog HERE.

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Discussion in 'Romans' started by PF2K, Apr 11, 2020.

    1. kyogo

      kyogo Long Swordsman

      Jun 29, 2019
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      Amazing job with those buildings. The pantheon its really nice, i love it!
      For the quest, its gonna be fun see some tower defense(u can build only walls and gt), like the quest in greek campaing where u unlock the oracle (iam not sure if was this building exatly). Also in my opinion i prefer quest when u start in the late game, so u have limited resources and can’t train villanger, and u have to build your army and defeat the enemy (this requires a good administration of your resources), i prefer this mode because for me the most Boring part of this game its start the economy from age 1 with 5 vills. I know that Rome campaing start from level 1 obviously also the quest gonna start from age 1. But Maybe some quest In the final, when u reach level 20, could start with an economy already started...
      thanks for read it!
      Kyku, PF2K and Andy P XIII like this.
    2. TheSpaniard

      TheSpaniard Berserker

      Jan 15, 2019
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      Perfect choices for the campaign-rewarded capital city decorations, methinks!
    3. MatrixSoft

      MatrixSoft Champion

      Jul 29, 2018
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      Excellent work, Romans are amazing, and the Etruscans are very good, counting the days to be able to play with them.
      It may seem silly, but I don't know if we can build walls in the capital, now with the Roman Towers it would be great to wall the Capital City.
      As soon as they announced the Romans I started saving EP to buy the decorations, in addition to the new ones I will put in my Roman city, the Roman decorations that the original Devs left in the game, I don't even know how they are, because as the Romans would not be released I didn't want to spending EPs on something that would make me sad to remember that they would not be released, but things have changed and a lot, so, as nostalgia these became part of my city:
      Lapis Niger, Caracalla's Bath, Curia Hostilia, Maritime Theater, Temple of Jupiter, Temple of Vesta, Triumphal Column ...

      Congratulations to this wonderful team, who not only brought this incredible game back, but are doing it much better.
      PF2K, Servimomia and Andy P XIII like this.
    4. ProfessorCatPro

      ProfessorCatPro Spearman

      Jul 1, 2019
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      I am so unbelievably excited for the Roman Civ, I read every one of these threads the day they come out right after I wake up, so please you got to tell me when about are you thinking of releasing the Roman Civ?
      TheSpaniard and PF2K like this.
    5. ProfessorCatPro

      ProfessorCatPro Spearman

      Jul 1, 2019
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      I have this idea for a scenario in which you raid roman supply lines that I think would go well with a Celtic perspective Quest.

      You don't have any villagers but you have buildings to produce military units, to get resources you have to destroy Roman Caravans, however every time you destroy a Roman Caravan the escort gets progressively larger and you also have a limited amount of time to raid the required number of Caravans.
      #6 ProfessorCatPro, Apr 11, 2020 at 6:39 PM
      Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
      TheSpaniard and FluXero like this.
    6. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
      Staff Member Administrator

      Oct 24, 2017
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      Late summer would be the safest bet, I'd say!
    7. CriticalCurio

      CriticalCurio Long Swordsman

      Feb 23, 2020
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      Do you think to integrate in the game the Romans early superpower their extreme fertility rate transition ?

      I mean something like that a pop 1 cheap weak unit (legion) but very fast training time in age 2 transition age 3 still pop 1 but more expensive and stronger unit, then boom vs age 4 pop 2 elite strong more expensive legion champion.

      Early Rome lost many many battles, but they were able to build another army after a defeat, so basically their endless manpower was their unique ability made them outstanding of the many many similar other Italian city states, became their pillar of dominance.

      Then later they got rich (late republic, imperial) and their lifestyle got corrupted, also the many hot baths were like a birth control asset, caused significant decrease in their fertility.

      #8 CriticalCurio, Apr 13, 2020 at 4:56 AM
      Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
    8. Servimomia

      Servimomia Moderator

      Nov 23, 2017
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      Hi!. Is Happy's stream rescheduled?
    9. TheSpaniard

      TheSpaniard Berserker

      Jan 15, 2019
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      Delayed I think, according to Discord
    10. Kyku

      Kyku Spearman

      Jul 25, 2019
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      Amazing, simply astounding!! The models are so cute and evocative at the same time it's just a treat to the eye. Also seeing the enormous care you are giving to details is just magnific.

      I can't wait to level up my romans and make the mostest beautifulest capital city *^* (all my gold sinks into decorations :'D).

      In this regard (and for when you have time, romans are of utmost importance), could you make it possible to make walls and last lvl towers (for persians, celts and greeks are not available anymore in game but the assets are there) as capital city decorations? Being able to paint the soil would also be supercool.
    11. ProfessorCatPro

      ProfessorCatPro Spearman

      Jul 1, 2019
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      I just thought of something each of the civilizations have their own unique music tracks, will you be doing this for the Romans as well or do you not know someone who's good with music ?
      MatrixSoft and TheSpaniard like this.
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