Legendary quest are almost impossible for anyone but people who play 24/7

Discussion in 'PvE General Discussion' started by Joshua turner, Mar 30, 2020.

  1. Joshua turner

    Joshua turner Spearman

    Dec 11, 2018
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    I have tried almost every legendary quest you have for this game. I can complete about 2 or 3 of them, but it takes at least 2 1/2 - 3hrs. I'm sorry it is too long. If you want players to stay and donate to help keep your servers running, you are going to have to make things a bit easier. I mean easier and less drop chance is still better than spending 3hrs on a mission that your best-geared troops get one shot because the legendary group gets to build ten times your amount about five times faster and does 2-3 times more damage than you. I have been playing on and off since you brought this game back to life but notice that the game is still lacking. It seems the only people who can do things on this game or have videos are the game developers. They give you advice on how to do them but forget that they have the best gear in the game and you don't. I am ready to quit playing because of it. If it's not the 2-3hr mission that's hard to bite down on, it's the getting 1hr into a task and loses server connection. Now I understand it's free, and I am grateful for all you have done, but the game is not fun when you can't beat anything because you have to be a professional AEO player to win anything worthwhile. Considering I work 40+ hrs a week I can not devote my life to a game that would take, I would say about 10yrs to get everything you want. When Microsoft had this, it was challenging but nowhere near this ridiculous amount. Thanks, please take into consideration the people who don't play every day.
    Stephhen and bbgambini like this.
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  3. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Hey Josh,
    I'm not really a PvEer myself, but to my knowledge the only legendary quest that should take you an hour or more to do is Valley of the Kings (VoK). There are a few folks that make youtube and twitch playthrough videos and guides for elite and legendary quest content.

    Finishedblock21 video for Soloi

    Psychosaurus video for Impossible Cataclysm

    Vick video for Valley of the Kings

    Geese streaming Holy Man, A New Rebellion and Liberating Memphis

    Finishedblock21 streaming Liberating the Lower Nile, Liberating Giza, Liberating Sais, Liberating Memphis

    It's probably worth trying to COOP them the first few times round, until you learn each of their map layouts and recommended strategies
    Slyrevick likes this.
  4. Joshua turner

    Joshua turner Spearman

    Dec 11, 2018
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    I get that there are videos and guides and all that. The issue is that not everyone has the same play style. In some of those videos, the person playing never stops building for even a single sec. Now you have the casual person who plays and does not want to play like his life depends on his next move. I enjoy the game my friends enjoy it heck even my wife started to play it, but we are not the type of people who move our mouse 1000 times a minute. We like to play and relax. Even some of the none legendary missions are a pain. They have been modified so much that a fleet of 40 war elephants maxed out with the best gear and the correct advisors, and all their upgrades get taken out but ten horsemen because they get five times damage. I cant build 20 fortresses while running up the ramp and then controlling 20 villagers and five platoons up the back. It's just not the correct playstyle for me, sorry.
  5. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Perhaps you're best off pushing for more repeatable normal and elite level 40 quests than attempting to dumb down legendaries. I don't mean to offend, it's not my preferred playstyle either (I'm an advanced level PvPer, we play even faster than this, but around a completely different economic style and balance patch), but taking this away from those that do enjoy playing like this is wrong, in my opinion. Like I said, an expansion to repeatable quests in normal and elite variants, perhaps even slight rewards buffs/improvements, is certainly preferrable to making legendary quests easier. Especially when the legendary runners are pretty much all saying they'd like future releases to be as hard as Valley of the Kings.
    #4 Ardeshir, Mar 30, 2020 at 6:50 AM
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2020
    Slyrevick and Aaron like this.
  6. Joshua turner

    Joshua turner Spearman

    Dec 11, 2018
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    See, this is where your game design is flawed. You say quote, "Especially when the legendary runners are pretty much all saying they'd like future releases to be as hard as Valley of the Kings." This is a limited amount of your players, and as I have seen, these players have some tie to your game, either being developers or friends of someone who is. The game is just not fun, like I said. I can complete the missions on legendary, and I'm sure if I tried, I could beat the valley of the kings, which you claim is the hardest mission in the game over time and take 3 hrs to do so. I get you, claim it shouldn't take more than 40 minutes and all that, but again I do not play like someone who sits in front of his computer from the minute he or she wakes and until they go to bed. I have kids, a wife, and frankly a life. I want to be able to enjoy the game and still get a reward but not play a none legendary quest and have a .0000010 chance to get a useful item that ill get in.... oh, I don't know 5yrs. Now I'm not trying to be an ass or anything I'm just simply stating that the player base is low and this is because people play and get a few levels and realize wow this is really hard and not fun..... Let's go play something else that is fun.
  7. Aaron

    Aaron Berserker

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Sure, regular legendary runners are limited number of players. However, players that are unwilling to learn to become better are also a limited number of players. Most players are in the middle, learning and getting better, so that they don't take 3 hours to do legendary quests.

    If all else fails, co-op.
  8. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Like I said, ask for a normal or elite version of the quests you claim are too hard, before pushing for removing content for those that want to clear it in it's current state. Or ask for a small buff/improvement to the chest drops or currency rewards from pre-legendary content. There already has been a lot of discussion about toning down the rewards from legendary quests in order to make it fair for people that play normal/elite PvE, and for PvPers, who are honestly the people most overlooked by the dev team (out of necessity too, I might add). I personally do disagree with some aspects of design philosophy like the existence of elite units from enemy ai without the player also having the ability to upgrade individual units (at a fair cost) to also be elite. But I'd replace them with harder AI in any quest where they have a more than 5% chance of spawning. I've probably put more effort than anyone outside the dev team in trying to create randomized quests that don't utilise elite units, and still will work away at "fixing" the athensloader to eventually be able to accomplish this, as someone with no formal IT qualifications.

    You can get legendary gear from Non-legendary quests too btw. It's not exactly fair on the people that want to clear the hard content to give them equal rewards to those that don't.
    Exclusive0r likes this.
  9. Exclusive0r

    Exclusive0r Immortal

    Nov 5, 2018
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    I'm not sure about that ?? I mean there are loads of "Elite" Quests, Co Op, PvP and Cyprus where you can define how hard it is (more or less) or add an AI partner ...It's always hard to discuss how hard quests should be, would be nice if there was a slider then everyone could find a sweet spot. I have medical issues that slow me down so I can solo a few Legs but mostly co op. ( I was so long out of action I lost my partners and got slower lol) .
    However, If you can beat every quest every time then I personally think that would drive more people away. It's an emotive point

    PS if all else fails consumables :)
    #8 Exclusive0r, Mar 30, 2020 at 8:14 AM
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2020
    Ardeshir likes this.
  10. coolblade23

    coolblade23 Champion

    Jun 1, 2019
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    I mean legendary quests are called legendary for a reason , they are not called "Casual: More Mad Medians".

    You need to see the overall perspective, like imagine your request was to a football team. "Playing casually 1 hour per day and expect to play in the FIFA league" .. you see my point ? You are trying to aim yourself at content you are probably not ready to tackle.

    Sure some players have great gear cuz they farmed a lot ... it is because they have put the work and effort into getting better and need that gear to finish hardest of the hardest quests. Their better gear is a reward for their time invested and their progress as a player.

    Not all legendary quests are insane, some are easier you need to see which one of them you can tackle reasonably.

    Legendary quests are NOT designed to be a solo thing. They are suppose to be the hardest of the hardest of the missions and are designed to be tackled by 2 very trained players. Once you manage to learn how to do em , they tend to no longer be that hard over time.

    If it helps , i am also married and i also play about 8 hours per week, yes i do play with my wife, but she does understand that legendary quests are not for her level of skill. I am that type of person that does 1000 clicks per minute (as you said), but that is because i really wanted to do legendary quests, so i had to train myself to reach that level with a lot of fails that i had to stop and learn from (not just idly bash my head over and over again, brainless, until a struck of luck happened).

    I have about 650-750 gear score , which for some it is extremely low, but i can do all legendary quests , and i can tell you right now you don't need more than about 200.000 gold to fully gear out an entire civ to be able to do any legendary quests at high level. You just need to approach this with a clear mind, set a goal and realise your own level potential and work on things you need to improve ... it is just that simple !
    Slyrevick, Ardeshir and Exclusive0r like this.
  11. FinishedBlock21

    FinishedBlock21 Hippikon

    Aug 16, 2018
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    Microsoft content, including legendaries, has not been touched. Many, if not most, of Celeste legendaries are not more difficult than classic legendaries. The recent difficulty rating of legendary quests completed by all players, attests to that. If you enjoyed the game back then, you can surely enjoy it now. Just because the game is now free, it doesn't mean it should be nerfed to the ground. And your assumption that all good pve players are jobless and devoting 24h to the game, is plainly wrong.
    WiriWout and Exclusive0r like this.
  12. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
    Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 21, 2017
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    Simply put, you are doing somthing wrong home skillet. Don't be afraid to make changes. I have spent plenty of time failing quests. The answer wasn't for me to enter a cheat code, or switch to easy difficulty. The answer was to fix the areas I wasn't effective in. The answer was to not be afraid to change things, no matter how uncomfortable it felt at first.
    These posts are absolutely discouraging. Gool luck, I'll be hoping for a post down the road where you have improved and are soloing things now. :(
    WiriWout and Exclusive0r like this.
  13. Carnage I Trolerkules

    Carnage I Trolerkules PvP Balance Team Member

    Oct 25, 2017
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    you cant expect them to completely alter the game just because youre bad. you dont need good gear for legendary quests. they are all doable without any gear at all which isnt easy ofc but its doable. so basically, all you need is like, blue gear and youre good to go if youre willing to spend half the time improving that you spend on complaining online.
    Kire likes this.
  14. Geese

    Geese Berserker

    Mar 27, 2018
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    Thank you for saying this. I have a wife and a full time job as well as I'm sure many good players do.

    For most PVE players breezing through legendaries is casual and not something they're putting their full focus into.

    Long story short, OP just needs to git gud.
    bbgambini likes this.
  15. bbgambini

    bbgambini Hippikon

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @Joshua turner
    After reading the op and responses, I will say that legendary quests are tough (as they are meant to be) and are also tough for casual players especially for those of us that want to "play and relax". These legendary quests are not meant to relax and turtle through them. These are meant to challenge us and make us move our mouse 1000 times a minute [see warlock_ant streams =) ]

    These quests make us Multitask like a mothafkr lol. I understand what you mean but using hotkeys, spending resources, advancing your base, deleting villagers to make pop space, spamming 1 or 2 units are all strategies and are needed especially to meet the Timed optional objectives.

    And taking shots at players ain't cool bro. Leave that sh*t for LoL, Fortnite or COD. Don't bring it to aoe. There are some players willing to show others the ropes on quests, even carry players through some. It's not how many times you get knocked down that count, it's how many times you get back up!
    WiriWout, MainMan B, Geese and 2 others like this.
  16. Exclusive0r

    Exclusive0r Immortal

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Perhaps we should consider the wisdom of the venerable Bahram, long may he live, who doth sayeth:

    "it is easier for a camel to talk in a sandstorm, than to complete a Legendary quest without a winning strategy" :)

    afterall it is a realtime strategy game :p

    that was then and now is now .....
    #15 Exclusive0r, Mar 31, 2020 at 7:46 AM
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2020
    Jeinx, WiriWout and bbgambini like this.
  17. Romaniac01

    Romaniac01 Champion

    Nov 1, 2019
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    When waiting to play what is your goal?
    1. To get the items to maybe do more quest later or
    2. To beat legendary?

    If 1. Then do those easy quests from the alliance like persian coersion and the pharaoh, etc... they give good drops and are fast...
    Also persian corrsian will make you want to assign number to buildings to train faster thus improve..

    2. If you want to beat legendaries... then you need to learn strategies and not all legendaries are the same.
    Read the pvp guide, it also contains great info about how to play the game for beginners, intermediate and expert. For example one of the worst things that is done is not focusing on deer instead of berries, read them all they are very good.

    As for legendaries, they can be very different and limit the type of units to play or how to play, sometimes you need towers, sometimes infantry, ranged, etc...

    Play to your advantage, get better items, learn some trick and play together... this will make you win
    Exclusive0r likes this.
  18. Exclusive0r

    Exclusive0r Immortal

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Last night I played co op with Finishblock21 ... fastest Leg in the west .... I am impared with my left hand but if you can support co op is the wtg
    Andy P XIII likes this.
  19. Slyrevick

    Slyrevick Immortal

    May 22, 2020
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    I recommend Soloi, It's a nice one to show your progress. The secondary objective( 15min ) is probably impossible for a beginner but you can make your owns objectives.
    For example.
    first try: kill general
    second: destroy first fortress
    third try, destroy second fortress
    and so on...
    I did that and after some fails, i was able to finish it under 40 min
    until you finish it , you'll probably know the advisors / milestones / gears you need to optimize and then switch on coop mode to do the secondary objective.
  20. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    To be honest, the absolute best begginer legendary is.. Renegade Escapade.

    While it's the easiest of all Legendaries, is pretty representative of what to expect from pretty much all Legendaries - Established enemy base with walls, a boss to kill, buildings to destroy, and fairly consistent waves sent your way from the enemy.

    It even gives you the full, complete resource set - Gold, enough room and ability to make caravans (Keep in mind that the "Villager and Spearman" only bonus does allow you to make Caravans, Fishing Boats, and Ox Carts, so you can get up a caravan chain), decent ability to wall yourself off, and even single-unit spam via Spearman bonus. It even has 2 standard legendary camps for you to do!
    Slyrevick likes this.
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