Separate names with a comma.
Wow, I just was thinking about half of these things since I started playing again last 2 weeks, cause they always disturbed my playthroughs haha....
Gogogogo. Great news. I really hope, even if only 100 players seem to play this game per day, it wont die again... I love to come back every once...
Well, how about chinese or japanese? Those are also something that many people would love to see I assume. At least I think they are really...
Wow awesome! Now we just need a swap for player colours and and loadouts for equipment and vanity would be really cool as well. A skirmish mode...
Awesome! Cant wait for any future updates you guys come up with!
No I gonna play romans just for the stone wall! I always hated the thin look of the greek stone wall... Just does not look right. So I am happy...
Holy cow, the Decurion looks fire! The Centurion shield is like super unauthentic, but it is ok cause it looks nice! Overall great job again! I...
Yes he does, yeah maybe it is the art style. But for sure it looks way too long and more like a greek xyphos in terms of form. But sure I can...
Nice stuff, Centurion looks nice except for the sword? He holds it like a spear and actually you made the handle so long that it could be used...
I would like more maps as well. But I am with PF2K on how the maps should be balanced and such. But good idea.
All looks awesome except the fortress. I do not like the palisade part of the fortress. Might be a personal taste but I think it should be full stone.
I see. Lets wait patiently then and see what you reveal soon :) But please consider my armor part at least. Helmet is a deal tho but not as big...
Ok I could not read all replies but I want to post the following: Please for gods sake the romans did not use leather armor! 3 types of armor you...