Separate names with a comma.
Offline mode is also good if you want to create a mod of some quest a person cannot complete online like valley of the kings. for offline, you...
I have one question. I would like to know why you trained any stone throwers when that unit is completely useless. Palins are great but...
Another good one that can easily be done at level 40 solo is legendary opis. Just don't worry about the 100 percent though.
Here is my custom soloi quest.
The most easy way to give yourself more resources is in player 1, you can change how many resources you start with. If you want, I can post my...
I was eventually going to create legendary versions of all argos quests. When I get to it, then i can see what else can buff it. You can even...
To edit the advisors, you edit the quest files. Its an xml file. You can go to this site to...
I would love to see the age 4 advisor for babylon for siege towers buffed so more players would be willing to use the siege towers as babylon.
How does somebody hotkey a market? i wish there was a hotkey to directly open screen to trade resources. Does hotkeys even work to choose which...
I do agree with using resources to build economy. I actually would do that. However, even that takes me time since so many things are happening...
I found with me personally when i attack fast, i always lose. even i prefer to turtle as well.
The new oasis legendary quest is a good one to do as well. Very high rewards too.
The problem is if you spend lots of time on a quest and lose, then you wasted all that time. However, if you do a quest you know you can win...
Mad median is better reward. All the ones with better rewards are 6 day. That is only fair. However, that one is much harder because its a...
sais does not get mentioned because you only get 1000 coin and 20 empire points. not very efficient. I played once solo and took me nearly 3...