Separate names with a comma.
I also wonder how it works. Here it indicates to be absolute, not relative.
Pro Hotkey hint: default hotkey for market gold trade preview is shift + z. Change it to "M". So that if you build a market with using hotkey "M"...
Wow wow wow!
My greek haven: [MEDIA]
If siege is allowed: go with war waggons. Well equiped they have more than 250dps with around 30 range and 3 field area-damage. You don't need...
Maybe because your profil shows a german flag and it says you are from Munich, Germany.
I don't understand this response.
This grind is so 2004. But I expect better mechanics for an event in 2018. A quest giving those materials as reward after 5 times killing for example.
Discord rich presence. ?? What does it mean?
That's awesome! Looking forward for it. :)
Any Update on this? I don't see any reason of not being able to reset milestones.
I want to add: since Moes' is not anymore used so much due to missing change on athene legendaries, a huge gold sink is missing at the moment....
I never have this issue. So if you have it alot maybe you'd search the issue on yourself instead of blaming the lower experienced base of the...
I already said it in discord: If you need a legendary label to speech up... it's just poor.
I agree withmaking the card available also for babylonians. But imo babylonians have much more usefull units than just lancers.. They have...