Separate names with a comma.
As I started playing celts I went down to too mainly army composition with leg advisors: 1) Champion army with druids for a bit healing...
I’m doing quite a lot of legs all the Cyprus,Elite Meet ,Asgard,Hellheim, Meso ,Rebelion,Cataclysm ! And I’m playing more than a year now and I...
Some items are really expensive and helped a lot some casual players to buy them via ep !!!
I don’t like this idea, they could just make the items more expensive or make them untreatable!! I’m playing more than a year and I have still...
Alexander the Great is definitely on a very short list of most requested classic ancient quest lines. Obviously as a Macedonian who conquered...
No I haven’t tried to be honest!! I am doing it in co op with hippi but now that you mention it I will try it with hoplites cause I’m curious to...
That’s quite good news!!!! :p
You could always change reset your points and put whenever you wanted...I think we are shoehorned now...given builds are mostly necessary now if...
In the first form of the game the tree where you put your points had more choices and wouldn’t let you have all choices unlocked like it has now...
Hello everyone i can confirm that Celts can solo Elite meet in Crete with relatively ease !!! I manage to solo it with my Celt civ with word...
I like the the TC very much, it’s feels unique!!! Something that I was wondering,the romans will have milestones too?
When I kill all villagers and caravans in wave 30-31 I have about 25000-30000 food and 40000-50000 gold,stone and wood are much lower!!!
I very well equiped most items are leg and some epic,i use horse armor sargon as light armor i will try using the one with crush armor or the epic...