Separate names with a comma.
:) :rolleyes: :) Congratulations to everyone for everything you have created! You are extraordinary, I hope you keep it up! I wish you good health...
Thank you very much for all those dedicated to this project ;) Love u guys :kissingheart: Congratulations :rolleyes:
Oke ;) I find out Talk to MArcus Pollux first in Capital city :)
... there are just 3 quests "Median manipulations" "Temple wrecker" and "Return to Susa"
Hello ;) I updated the game to the latest version (scanned twice), after I go to the Babylon region and talk to Retired General Zu in order to...
I join Carthage and sabotage Delian IGN: Cioko ;)
Trick ;) in-game nick = Cioko
Hello guys !!! :rolleyes: This is my first post since I created my account here. First of all I want to thank all those who have been involved in...