By PF2K on Oct 5, 2019 at 11:48 AM
  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Hello there Celeste players! We are back with another Roman reveal blog.

    As we develop the Romans, each week we will be revealing the Romans to you building by building, unit by unit, and technology by technology. We are not just showing you what the Romans will be, but showing you how we are building them, who is building them, and also why we are building them the way that we are.

    This week, we are revealing the Decurion, who is a Roman Officer. Since he is the last unit we have revealed who first appears in Age 2, we will recap that moment in the civ, as well. Then we will return again to our Capital City to show you the Embassy.

    Decurion and Age 2 Analysis
    One feature of the Romans is that they train Officer units, which are an entirely unique type of unit and have their own dedicated Building, the Praetorium. Though we inherited the concept of Officers from the original Developers, their specific details were murky and unfinished. We uncovered a number of different versions of the Romans, and the Officer units kept changing. All told, there were at least five different Officers in consideration and the Praetorium was going to train either three or four of them, depending on the version we found.

    Meanwhile, it appeared to be totally unsettled on which Age they would appear and we had almost no information about their powers or stats. So we had to make a lot of decisions and our fingerprints are all over these guys.

    Officer units still adhere to the traditional classes of units (Infantry, Cavalry, etc.), but they each share several important characteristics compared to regular units: Officers are more powerful, more expensive, and more pop efficient. They are also subject to build limits. We also presently intend to give them each a bonus against Priests, though this is subject to balancing. Finally, some will have unique powers, as well.


    On the heels of last week’s discussion of the Gallic Horseman, we are excited to show you more Roman Cavalry, and no better place to begin than with the Decurion. Whereas the Gallic Horseman does not take the field until Age 4, the Decurion will be with you almost the entire game. Training from the Praetorium in Age 2, he is both the Romans’ first available Cavalry unit and their first available Officer.

    Historically, Decurions led small groups of Cavalry into battle. Whereas Centurion translates to “Leader of 100,” Decurion means “Leader of 10.” That does not appear to be an accurate ratio, but it’s reasonable for Decurions to be lower on the chain of command than Centurions.

    From a civ design perspective, before choosing the Decurion, we needed to first consider a constellation of factors, many of which we have discussed in our Unit Design blog. Essentially, we must build the civ from Age 1 forward, making sure that at every moment of the game, there are enough of the right kinds of units training in the right places.

    One unbending design rule in AoEO is that every civ in Age 2 must have some combination of units that can defend against the three standard unit types: Infantry, Ranged, and Cavalry. Similarly, the customary unit roster for a civ in Age 2 has two Infantry, one Ranged, and one Cavalry, however this rule can be bent. We’ve so far seen two exceptions: The Babylonians have an additional Ranged unit, and the Celts have no Cav but instead have a Druid, who is an offensive, buffing Priest. Along similar lines, most civs have exactly four Age 2 military units. The only exceptions are those with five – the Egyptians (Priestess of Ra), Babylonians (that second Ranged unit), and the Norse (War Dogs). The Romans will adhere to the customary Age 2 unit roster of four military units comprising two Infantry, one Ranged, and one Cav, but should do so in a way that feels unique and very Roman.

    For a refresher on the Romans in Age 2, you may want to read our Week 10 blog where we discussed why we eliminated the Veles in favor of some others. After much hand wringing, we arrived at the Age 2 Castellum training the anti-Cav Spearman (who is available in Age 1) and the anti-Infantry Legionary. The Auxilia Camp trains the anti-ranged Balearic Slinger.

    Those three military units counter the three standard unit types and cover almost all of the Romans’ Age 2 needs. But they are still the Romans and they are lacking an Age 2 Cavalry unit and an Officer to train out of the Praetorium in Age 2. And with just one unit spot available, our decision was made for us. There really weren't any other units that fit that description, so fortune favored the Decurion. At this point in development, we cannot tell you exactly how powerful or expensive he will be. But we know he will be both of those things. We also do not yet know how many Decurions you can have at once or whether that number will increase in later ages.

    But we do know he will be quite tanky, and we do not expect him to have a special power. Frankly, at least in our informal playtesting, his very existence is powerful enough, particularly in Age 2. He is an absolute beast, and when he takes the field early in the game, everybody is immediately aware of it. It shouldn’t take a lot of Decurions to get you safely into Age 3, and if we gave him a superpower, the game would probably be over before you even bothered aging up. If you feel like every Officer needs a special power, then tell yourself that his special power is that he is an Age 4 unit who woke up in Age 2. This is why you will only be able to make a few of them and only then at a significant expense.


    Meanwhile,the Romans will have other Cavalry units in Ages 3 and 4, and we need every unit to play a role and earn a spot on the field. We can’t make the Age 2 Decurions overshadow the other Cav. It is unacceptable for us to design a civ with even one useless unit. So the Decurion will leave room for other cavalry in later ages, such as the Age 4 anti-Cav Gallic Horseman.

    But it makes some sense for the Age 2 Officer to ride on a horse above everybody else. He’s in charge at least until the Centurion and the other Age 3 Officer arrive. And we think having a very powerful, limited number of tanky Cav in Age 2 makes a lot of sense for the Romans from a gameplay perspective. The Romans will rely on Legionaries as their backbone, but the unspammable Decurions will also command your attention (and the Spearmen and Balearic Slingers will prove indispensable in their roles, as well). Again, we need the Romans to both stand on their own while also feeling like a natural fit for the game. Keeping their Age 2 unit roster in the same shape and number as players are accustomed but loaded with classic Roman units like the Legionary and Decurion should hopefully thread that needle.

    With the Decurion finally announced, we have now shown you every unit who first appears in Age 2. Though we have not yet revealed every unit who first appears in Age 1, you now have a complete image of the Roman military’s early game. That unannounced unit from Age 1 will certainly impact the Romans in Age 2, but not from a strictly military standpoint.


    Every civ has an Embassy in their Capital City, which is where players send and receive mail. We had concept art for this Building, and it was one of the very first Capital City Buildings our 3d team worked on. Other than some recent touch-up work, it’s been ready on the shelf since March. We think it is just fantastic. Nothing too fancy but gets the job done. That’s kind of the point of a post office, no?


    Looking back, it is a good reminder how important it has been for us to have accomplished so much in the first few months. We didn’t know the challenges we would face later on, and now that we are facing them, it is such a relief to be standing on a foundation of so many completed Buildings and Units. We can see the outline of Rome up ahead, but we have some long miles to go.

    Here you can see the Roman Embassy next to other civilizations' Embassies:


    Along similar lines, we continue to get pulled in different directions. On the one hand, we are excited to announce that the Halloween Event is on track and much bigger than last year’s. But on the other hand, in order for that to happen, we need to set the Romans down for a bit while we carve pumpkins and hang decorations. Last year, we launched the Halloween Event on October 23, and we expect to keep about the same schedule this year. There are two Saturdays between now and then, so please be patient. There should still be plenty of spooky announcements and frightful happenings to keep you distracted, so we will see you all back here soon enough in three weeks.

    Thank you so much for your support,

    Project Celeste Development Team

    What do you think about this week's blog? What would you like to see next? Let us know in the comments below!

    Missed the Roman Civilization's announcement? Find out about it HERE.

    Project Celeste is completely free and always will be. However, we gladly accept donations for our overhead costs, which are larger than we have budgeted. If you want to support us, you can do so HERE.

    Read every Romans related blog HERE.

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Discussion in 'Romans' started by PF2K, Oct 5, 2019.

    1. indianempire

      indianempire Woad Raider

      Apr 20, 2018
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      Hey guys any idea when they will come out can’t wait to try them out and they look cool.
      Thank you for the work guys loving the game
      happysmurf and Andy P XIII like this.
    2. Oussssama

      Oussssama Villager

      Dec 24, 2018
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      Amazing job guys ,but i need to ask does every unit in the roster has it's own unique animation combat?or it's just recycling older animation from other civs not that i am against that NOT AT ALL!
      happysmurf, Andy P XIII and Towex like this.
    3. indianempire

      indianempire Woad Raider

      Apr 20, 2018
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      I was looking around the advisors and all I was wondering if we would get any missions from Alexander the Great. Like attack on Persia and moving in to conquest the country’s Alexander did. Then they turn into legendary after finishing the missions or start as legendary. Would be really cool but loving the work guys !! Can’t wait for the ROMANS !!!!
      happysmurf and alex5ale like this.
    4. TheSpaniard

      TheSpaniard Berserker

      Jan 15, 2019
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      The target deadline is still "by the end of 2019," though there have been several indications that this may bleed over into 2020. No definite information yet.

      I think I've seen some of the devs indicate somewhere that some of the combat animations will be unique to Rome/Roman units and are being worked on right now, but not all of the combat animations, meaning some will be recycled from older animations/other civs. Don't quote me on that though, I don't know for sure.
      happysmurf and Andy P XIII like this.
    5. Oussssama

      Oussssama Villager

      Dec 24, 2018
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      Thank you man ^_^
      happysmurf and Andy P XIII like this.
    6. Andy P XIII

      Andy P XIII Moderator

      Nov 14, 2017
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      We are creating our own unique animations for many of our units. Some units will be able to recycle existing animations, and we will lean on those shortcuts when available, just as the original developers carried forward many animations from one civ to the next. But the Romans include many units that are physically built quite differently from existing units, and so those units will have their own animations. We can thank @Phillus for doing all of this for us. He is a professionally trained 3d animator and all around great guy.

      Alexander the Great is definitely on a very short list of most requested classic ancient quest lines. Obviously as a Macedonian who conquered Greece and Persia, he is unrelated to the Romans, though.
      indianempire likes this.
    7. indianempire

      indianempire Woad Raider

      Apr 20, 2018
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      -of course sir he is unrelated to the Romans but as a separate quest or an event is what I mean. If we do will we get to see more of the west of the map. Thank you for the reply.
      #27 indianempire, Oct 9, 2019 at 4:13 PM
      Last edited: Oct 9, 2019
      happysmurf, Ardeshir and Andy P XIII like this.
    8. Bahram

      Bahram Desert Trader
      Staff Member

      Aug 13, 2019
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      Would that that the foul cur Alexander recognize Darius the Great King, King of Kings, King of Countries, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenid, and Persian by the favor of Hourmazd!
    9. alex5ale

      alex5ale Woad Raider

      Jan 15, 2019
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      Alexander the Great is definitely on a very short list of most requested classic ancient quest lines. Obviously as a Macedonian who conquered Greece and Persia, he is unrelated to the Romans, though.[/QUOTE]

      Alexander the Great never conquered Greece, he is from Greece... he was king of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon and was born in Pella which was Greek! During his youth, Alexander was tutored by Aristotle.Alexander was awarded the generalship of Greece and used this authority to launch his father's pan-Hellenic project to lead the Greeks in the conquest of Persia.{}
      happysmurf and indianempire like this.
    10. mandakafa

      mandakafa Long Swordsman

      Jan 20, 2018
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      a caesar campaign would be best for the Romans the most
      ave caesar.jpg
    11. Ardeshir

      Ardeshir Immortal

      Apr 8, 2019
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      Alexander was the son of Philip II of Macedon, who reunified the Greek citystates (sans Sparta) under what historians call the league of corinth or the hellenic alliance, with Alex serving in some of the battles. Alex had to quell uprisings from some of the citystates after his father's death, and sacked Thebes, the then major player amongst the citystates, as a warning to stop future rebellion. He was a seasoned commander by the time he left Greece to fight the Persians, and the Spartans even had an uprising while he was away, but he pardoned them after Antipater put it down.

      Another Greek questpack would be cool, but there's more things to come first.
      happysmurf likes this.
    12. Andy P XIII

      Andy P XIII Moderator

      Nov 14, 2017
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      Sorry about that. I had thought he conquered Greece, but perhaps unified Greece is a better term. Looks like he marched around Greece a bit but mostly people surrendered without a fight. If Athens sues for peace, you are pretty much in charge at that point.
      happysmurf likes this.
    13. Oussssama

      Oussssama Villager

      Dec 24, 2018
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      thank you andy and good luck to the dev team :)
      Ardeshir and Andy P XIII like this.
    14. Fristi61

      Fristi61 Champion

      Jun 22, 2019
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      Alexander's father Philip II is a really interesting (and super underrated) historical figure though, who took the Kingdom of Macedon which was then at the brink of collapse and beset by enemies at all sides, reinvented Greek warfare and conquered large parts of Thrace and Illyria before unifying the Greeks.
      This dude's accomplishments always make it look to me like he typed in a cheat code.

      Alexander was a far more reckless guy whose immense conquests in Asia kind of stole the spotlight, but really he was working off of the foundation he inherited from his father.
      Ardeshir, happysmurf and alex5ale like this.
    15. Andy P XIII

      Andy P XIII Moderator

      Nov 14, 2017
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      Funny how nothing changes. :)
      Ardeshir, happysmurf and Fristi61 like this.
    16. TheSpaniard

      TheSpaniard Berserker

      Jan 15, 2019
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      Though this certainly doesn't mean all great men reach their accomplishments from a platform built by their fathers.
      Ardeshir, happysmurf and Andy P XIII like this.
    17. Fristi61

      Fristi61 Champion

      Jun 22, 2019
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      Heh, I guess. Alexander is certainly one of the greatest military geniuses of all time, though, and the aftermath of his conquests arguably had a significant impact on Western culture being what it is today.

      A similar thing with Hannibal and his father Hamilcar who was largely the one to restore Carthaginian power between the 1st and 2nd Punic Wars, built the army Hannibal would inherit, and established the Carthaginian territory in Spain were much of the 2nd Punic War would take place.
      Even the plans to use Spain as a launching pad for an overland invasion to Italy across the Alps may have originated with him.
      ...and just like with Philip and Alexander, it doesn't detract from Hannibal's military genius one bit.

      That one may be a bit more relevant to the Romans ;)
    18. Ardeshir

      Ardeshir Immortal

      Apr 8, 2019
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      so, taking Phil/Alex and Hamilcar/Hannibal into account, is the 3rd gen just lazy, or is the 2nd just hopeless at developing a succession plan?
      Fristi61 likes this.
    19. Fristi61

      Fristi61 Champion

      Jun 22, 2019
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      Heh, interesting.
      In this case the 3rd generation was just kind of screwed from the beginning, really.

      Basically, political disputes within Carthage itself prevented Hannibal from receiving reinforcements at the vital moment, so eventually his expedition failed, Rome won the war, and Hannibal eventually died in exile.
      We don't know for sure if Hannibal had children, but they wouldn't have had much to inherit. Hannibal basically lost everything he and his father had built. Kind of a sad ending.

      Alexander... more or less thought he was a living god. Well he had won impossible victories and cheated death so many times, you might start to believe the same thing in his shoes.
      Dying in bed after a few weeks of illness at age 32 was probably not a thing he planned for much.
      When he died he had no children, but his wife was pregnant with what turned out to be a boy.
      Alexander's generals became "regents" and "governors" of Alexander's territory for Alexander's son, but really they were just carving out private kingdoms for themselves and waging war against one another.
      Some of them were more loyal to Alexander's legacy, some of them less so.
      Eventually one of them just straight up murdered Alexander's son, who was 13 or 14 at the time.
      Ardeshir likes this.
    20. mandakafa

      mandakafa Long Swordsman

      Jan 20, 2018
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