By PF2K on Sep 14, 2019 at 1:42 PM
  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Hello there Celeste players! We are back with another Roman reveal blog.

    As we develop the Romans, each week we will be revealing the Romans to you building by building, unit by unit, and technology by technology. We are not just showing you what the Romans will be, but showing you how we are building them, who is building them, and also why we are building them the way that we are.

    This week, we are revealing our first Age 4 unit, the Palintonon, as well as two Capital City Buildings, the Roman Palace and General Store.

    Every civ in AoEO has an Age 4 ranged trebuchet siege unit, so it likely goes without saying that our siege-heavy Romans would as well. Unsurprisingly, every Roman design we found included one. So from a design perspective, we slotted the Palintonon into the tech tree immediately and built the civ around it.

    Here's a shot of the Roman Palintonon next to its cousins from other civilizations:


    So all this left was for Chaos, PF2K and Happy Smurf to take it over and make it it sing. They started playing around with it back in May, but we've been so busy this summer that they just this week finalized it. Its plume originally appeared in concept art, and we think it really adds some good Roman AoEO flavor. We saved many late game units for last, so we have recently been having some fun with the big hitting Roman units, though they are quite complex and time consuming.

    This doesn't mean you don't get to see some pretty pictures today! Here's how the Roman Palintonon looks with Epic and Legendary gear equipped. We think it's the best looking Palintonon yet. (PF2K's Personal Note: Okay, maybe not as good as the Persian one, but better than the rest! - Just kidding)

    Remember our blog post about Roman Wood colors? Here's an updated picture where you can see all the wooden buildings and siege constructs of the Romans:

    Along the same lines, though, in fairness and transparency, we want to bring you guys up to speed with some real life considerations. Happy Smurf and Phillus are both back to school now this fall. PF2K is also getting pulled in several directions at once. Every day we take a few steps towards Rome, but our pace is slowing.

    When we announced the Romans four months ago, we assured you that if we could not hit our 2019 goal, we would be sure to let everyone know immediately. While we are not announcing a delay in their release today, we owe you all the respect of being forthright with our progress: we are in good spirits, but are going through a slow period. We still need to finish the core civ and get it into the hands of the playtesters. At that point, we still have a zillion more tasks before us (audio, music, quest givers, gear, vanity, etc.) We know you guys have been banking on our 2019 promise. And we know you are also banking on us capturing the Romans perfectly. Since we are not willing allow an arbitrary deadline to change the quality of the Romans, we must be willing to let the quality of the Romans change an arbitrary deadline.

    Frankly, our team is too important to us, and we are all friends. So we absolutely refuse to let the pressure of designing this game affect their education and other commitments. Not only will we refuse to put them in that situation, but we are actively encouraging them to put down the Romans and do what is right. And we ask your support in this, too. We still have 16 weeks left in 2019, and we may well have them ready for you by then. But, again, we owe you all the truth, so here it is today.

    Meanwhile, Chaos has been picking up some slack. But, again, we don't want to burn him out, either. At last count, we have about six units to go, five of which need their own unique animations. But these are about the most complicated in the civ. And then, of course, we have all those other assets to do, as well. So just hang tight, guys. We are steaming ahead and will keep you all in the loop every week here in our blog.

    That off our chests, let's show off some capital city buildings!

    Roman Palace and General Store

    To our count, there are 17 different Capital City buildings that every Pro Civ in the game must have. We have a huge library of concept art for these. In fact, we have way more than we need. So we tossed them over to Happy Smurf and Chaos and let them run wild. They've cranked out nearly all of them so far, and here are two to get you acclimated to the look you will all be seeing.

    Lots of players mentioned their surprise at the wooden accents to the core Roman military buildings. We promised you to hang tight for that marble you all associate so closely with Rome. And here it is.

    The Roman Palace is the central capital city building that contains the tech tree and milestones. Similar to the Roman Walls, the Roman Palace concept art was also used for the Carthaginian Palace:


    So for the Roman Palace, we had to improvise. Many thanks to Happy Smurf for his outstanding work on the Roman Palace!

    Let's take a look at every civilization's Palace now, shall we?


    As for the General Store, many of you may recognize it from the General Store Construction Dev Stream that was streamed a while ago. And here it is again:


    And here's a lineup of all the General Stores in the game so far, including Neutral regions and Alliances:


    We have those finalized, as well, but you will have to be patient to see them. For now, we hope you enjoy the majesty of this grand building.

    Thanks so much, and we will see you all next week!

    Project Celeste Development Team

    What do you think about this week's blog? What would you like to see next? Let us know in the comments below!

    Missed the Roman Civilization's announcement? Find out about it HERE.

    Project Celeste is completely free and always will be. However, we gladly accept donations for our overhead costs, which are larger than we have budgeted. If you want to support us, you can do so HERE.

    Read every Romans related blog HERE.

    Tell your friends! Join our Discord HERE.
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Discussion in 'Romans' started by PF2K, Sep 14, 2019.

    1. Bahram

      Bahram Desert Trader
      Staff Member

      Aug 13, 2019
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      By Hourmazd, are those some lovely General Stores. What wares they have to peddle! Would that their storekeeps come by Tarsos and marvel at the majesty of Bahram's Bulk Bundles! And at my prices!
      Towex, Ardeshir, happysmurf and 2 others like this.
    2. Fraxure022

      Fraxure022 Berserker

      May 18, 2019
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      I’m not all that surprised by the delay. This is a very professional community development team, but it is still an unpaid development team doing this as a passion project. Rome was always going to be an enormous undertaking, and the constant updates and communication go a long way towards alleviating any frustration at a delay.

      Palintonon looks great, far superior to the Greek and Babylonian ones, and on par with Persia (yeah, Persia’s is a little goofy, but it has so much personality). I am a fan.

      The Capital buildings look great. I’d like to see Capital City decorating expanded upon in the future. Being able to put combat buildings like barracks and towers and whatnot in our city would be so cool. Maybe even walls? Not sure if the engine allows for that, but it would be so awesome.

      Keep up the good work team.

      EDIT: Actually, on taking a second look at that Palintonon, it’s easily the best in the game. Serious props.
      #3 Fraxure022, Sep 14, 2019 at 2:55 PM
      Last edited: Sep 14, 2019
      Kenji03, BOSAIF, MsMuffins and 2 others like this.

      RASPUTINPRIME Champion

      May 27, 2019
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      Love the Palintonon - especially that Epic Pali!

      Palace looks fantastic and the general store looks particularly unique.

      I'm saddened to hear about the possible delay but totally support any delay that keeps this civ on track to reach its potential. There is no need to rush towards an arbitrary deadline here.
      Kenji03 and Andy P XIII like this.
    4. John Quincy

      John Quincy Long Swordsman

      Aug 15, 2018
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      It looks like there is a hint of the Greeks in each Roman building. It makes sense to me. I am sad that the pace of development is slowing but it is the right thing to do. I am a patient person so I will wait.
      Andy P XIII likes this.
    5. Andy P XIII

      Andy P XIII Moderator

      Nov 14, 2017
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      The epic Pali is my favorite, too
      Kenji03, Bahram and dmtheripper like this.
    6. MsMuffins

      MsMuffins Champion

      May 3, 2019
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      Everything looks great! x), but that roman palace steals the show for me, looks absolutely gorgeous! :O Can't wait to see it ingame, and admire it for afew minutes hehe :)
    7. Oussssama

      Oussssama Villager

      Dec 24, 2018
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      Hello guys,happy to hear that you are taking all your time to make the romans a true full fledged civ and also i wanted to talk about its cavalry i saw in one of
      the pics there was i white horse soooooo i think its the famous auxlia gallic cav and am ready to bet all my leg gear on it
      happysmurf and Bahram like this.
    8. Quazimojojojo

      Quazimojojojo Villager

      May 12, 2019
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      That Roman General Store is my new favorite building in the whole game. Holy **** I love it.

      Take your time to do it right. I'm a student too, so I understand the university struggle.
      happysmurf, Bahram and Andy P XIII like this.
    9. Leow193

      Leow193 Woad Raider

      Jul 2, 2018
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      A helmet on a siege unit ? Isn't that a bit weird ?
      Towex likes this.
    10. Kenji03

      Kenji03 Berserker

      Jul 17, 2018
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      How else would you make the siege unit look decidedly roman?

      Besides, this game is inherently weird in appearance: have you ever zoomed in on a deer?
      Leow193, Andy P XIII and Rataheavy like this.
    11. Andy P XIII

      Andy P XIII Moderator

      Nov 14, 2017
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      The original Devs put a helmet on the Roman Pali, so we went with it. It’s pretty funny, I think. And we want to bring you guys the Romans as close to how they would have been.
      #12 Andy P XIII, Sep 17, 2019 at 10:08 PM
      Last edited: Sep 21, 2019
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