Prices in Crete leaderboard is messed up

Discussion in 'PvE General Discussion' started by ByFstugan, Dec 15, 2018.

  1. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    If I understand the priceboard correctlys something is very wrong and wierd with the Crete priceboard.


    It seems as if some of the top players on position 11-25 will get only 12'500 coins and 250 EP ... and that the top 33% of all who get 1k+ score (which usally is like 200+ players) would get position 26-200 (or so) to get 20'000 coins and 500EP. So it's better to be on those 175 positions after 11-25 if you want about twice the reward. How wierd is that if I got this correctly?

    Other thoughts:

    1) Seasons:

    I also think that seasons should be per month and not quartal since 3 month wait is rather long. Better with shorter seasons and lower prices then in my opinion (top 25 positions already got lower prices though).

    2) Prices:
    I think rank 1 should be at least 100k coins also, just so it looks more fancy ^^
    Maybe there are a bit to much prices from rank 26 and down, both in number of prices as well as size of them? It anyway should be less than the prices above rank 25.

    3) Chests:
    There could very well be some more chests on top 25 positions, especially since they generally give rather useless content, so higher chance for something good is what I'm arguing for.
    Exclusive0r likes this.
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  3. Max the Dragon

    Max the Dragon Woad Raider

    Sep 11, 2018
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    Did you notice that 11-25 get treasure chests too though?
  4. Kevsoft

    Kevsoft XLiveless Dev
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    Oct 24, 2017
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    I think you misunderstood it here. You will get rewards from both pools if you are rank 25 or higher. So you have to calculate both values together.

    It will be likely shortend. To what timespan exactly we cannot tell yet.

    Summing both values together we get around 95k coins in total, which is roughly 100k. Again, you have to calculate both pools. The reason for an absolute prize pool and a relative one, is to ensure that everyone will get something for playing crete ;) Those who perform very well will get more.

    I know that chests are always a gamble here, but we tried to ensure that the rewards are epic or legendary only, as you see in the screenshot. I am open for suggestions, but they should be reasonable.

    I hope I could clarify these questions.
    Exclusive0r likes this.
  5. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    I knew when I wrote this that I in fact NOT to get prices from both pools. Not only that - I didn't even get prices from the main prices correctly. I scrolled back to 1st december in the "Help"-section on your channel on Discord since I wasn't sure about the numbers, but here is a message I posted there the day of the payout:

    //the coin-payout in Crete is not right .. I was top 10 in both solo and coop and both rewards gave correct EP (1000) but gave wrong coins (45k instead of 75k) ... what's that about?//

    As you can see in what I wrote here I assume that I will only get payed for the top 10 position I was in, and get nothing from the "top 33%" (or "top 66%" or "participation above 1k score" for that matter) - since I got nothing more than what I mentioned, which was less than the board said it would be. Besides that I never got the coins missing, and from what I heard this goes for ALL who got prices.

    Here is a copy of the ingame mail I got (also copied from Help in Discord), which I refered to since I presumed you could verify that I told you exactly how it was by checking the payout-mail:

    //You have recieved 1000 Empire Points and 45000 Coins as a reward for being ranked in the CreteSolo Leaderboard (Season : 3). Your rank was 10 / 848 with your highest Score being 3878032.//

    So, no - the prices were not from both pool, nor were they complete in the one I got from.

    That aside it's still a bit weird that the prices from position 26 and down are so high that it almost by twice outmatches the small amount extra you get for position 11-25. So, if prices works as last time (and you DON'T get rewards from both pools) and if there are same amount of participants then position 26 to 280 will get almost twice gold and twice EP than position 11-25, and if they get bad chests they would have gained better prices on playing worse (since most items are unsellable even for 1k and vendors for less).

    *There are also chests of course that differs as "Max the dragon" said above, but generally they don't give good things, so they are more like buying a ticket on any lottery with very low chance of something good. There is a suggestion in next post to fix this.
    #4 ByFstugan, Dec 16, 2018 at 2:04 PM
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2018
  6. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    Season lenght:
    I think monthly timespan is both rather long as well as short enough to not feel to long - but even two months feels like a little to long close to how three months is. So it should be per month or a matter of week(s) in my opinion, but not more.

    Chest prices and suggestion #1:
    About the chests there are SOO many totally unintresting and pure worthless both epic and even Legendary items (why are there worthless Legendary items at all?), so as I see it there are two options, one being just add more chests to increase chance of something good.

    Chest prices and intresting suggestion #2, instead of chests win Crete points + new stores:
    The other, more intresting suggestion, could be that one would get some high amount of Crete points and there were new shops where you could buy Legendary/Epic items for them. I suggest like this in order to explain something I think is balanced:

    1) Payouts in chests are changed to Crete points instead.

    2) There should be two new stores where you can shop for Crete points, one with Legendary items and one with Epic. This stores should have AT LEAST 10 items each (or more with scroll function) that you can spend your Crete points reward on.
    *prices could be set more flexible so that the really attractive things is more expensive than the less attractive ones (to just have two price-categorys as in EP-store on weekend isn't really enough). It's not very hard to sort out which items that should be extra expensive, and if you got statistics on what things sold at in GM you can easy see there how to rank things.

    3) Prices for items in that store are very high, so it's not easy to do a bunch of Crete matches and to soon be able to buy Leg items. So maybe a good Leg item would cost like 500 crete points or so, and the price for first place then need to be at least 1000 crete points. Priceboard rewards in Crete points are so high that you can at least buy one or more things on position 1-25, and at least one of the more expensive at the higher positions.

    This solution also makes it worth while to play 10 more Crete maps after getting a score you can't beat the active season (since in my experience the rewards for doing these crete maps generally is really bad, both in EP/coins and chests loot. Also when I bought Crete chests they have generally so far been really bad also (like buyng a Lev 40 chest in Moe's, but for 60 Crete points that should be worth far more than 750 coins). So a store where you can buy the items you do want/need would solve several problem at the same time as I see it.
    #5 ByFstugan, Dec 16, 2018 at 2:12 PM
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2018
  7. Kevsoft

    Kevsoft XLiveless Dev
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    Oct 24, 2017
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    If we do the math:
    Place 10: 25000 Coins + 500 EP
    Top 33%: 20000 Coins + 500 EP
    45000 Coins + 1000 EP

    We will adjust it for sure.

    Yea, I'd rather go with the crete points solution. In that way you could have more flexibility.
    ByFstugan likes this.
  8. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    When I did it the top 10 position was said to be 75k coins and 1k EP though (this screenshot if from this season started 2 dec and after you lowered rewards). If top 33% were the same then (which I don't recall if it was) I then should have:

    Place 10: 75000 Coins + 1000 EP
    Top 33%: 20000 Coins + 500 EP
    Total: 95000 Coins + 1500 EP

    I got: 45000 Coins + 1000 EP
    Missing: 50000 Coins + 500 EP

    This error is x2 really due to I also were the position 10 on coop, so it's same error twice. So in my case the reward then should have been 190k coins and 3k EP in total, but I only got a total of 90k coins and 2k EP.
    That's 100k coins and 1k EP less than announced in my case.

    Also the ingame mail (as quoted above) only mentioned it was the price for position 10, and said nothing about me getting anything at all for top 33%, neither in that mail or any other. That's why I had no clue the top 25 positions also was getting rewards from being top 33%, if it's so there should be included in same mail or an extra for just that reward.

    Most important is that the annonced rewards match the ones really given, I didn't write this mainly to get what I should have (though I don't delete it if I do get it) - but I'm rather sure this error was for all participants and not only me (there were more talking of it when I mentioned it in help on Dicord, and I've seen someone posted about it in the forum also).
  9. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    This is very good - I like :D

    TYVM for the great work you guys do <3
  10. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    One more thing...

    Dual pool payout is messy and should be changed:
    I think it's messy to get from both pools in top 25, it would be much more straight and simple if the prices there just were much better than the ones below.

    Otherwise it's strange that the top 25 don't also get the top 66% reward as well as the participant reward, since they furfill even those criterias (as well as being top 25 + being top 33%), but don't get the payouts there.

    So better include all prices that's listed in top 25 directly on the leaderbord and that all ONLY get prices from THE BEST position they can be found on the leaderboard.

    Beside that I must say that the leaderboard idea is brilliant and makes those maps SO much more fun to play.
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