What's the Difference? (Civilization)

Discussion in 'PvE Tips & Tutorials' started by Tim619, Nov 21, 2022.

  1. Tim619

    Tim619 Woad Raider

    Aug 1, 2020
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    Wants 2 be a fully comprehensive guide. Post any feedback! Click on icons to see the total difference provided on the UnitStat website. The baseline used will be relying on Greeks with a few exceptions.

    Civilization Type Notable Upgrades
    Greeks Buildings Can be upgraded to increase their health.
    The Celts Buildings Can be affected by Rites to train units faster.
    The Celts Units Can be affected by Rites to deal more damage, have bonus vs buildings, or move faster.
    Romans Buildings Can be upgraded to increase their crush armor and cost less stone if applicable.
    Babylonian Units Military Units can be upgraded to increase their damage. Gardens can also be built to reduce the training time of ALL units.
    Babylonian Infantry, Ranged, Cavalry Can be upgraded to have a health regeneration.
    India Everything All subject to change.


    Civilization Differences
    Greeks, Celts, Persians, Romans, Babylonian -
    Egyptian Deals pierce damage and rely on a Javelin gear slot instead of the standard Sword slot. Slower attack animation.
    Norse Scout (Melee) has reduced health, damage, and movement speed, but can start building the Barrack at 0.5x speed compared to a regular Villager.
    Norse Scout (Ranged) relies on a Bow gear slot, has reduced health, damage, and movement speed, but can start building the Outpost at 1x speed.
    India (Dev Blog #4) Respawn at the town center only once when they die.

    Watch Posts

    Civilization Differences
    Greeks, Egyptians, The Celts, Persians, Romans, Babylonian, (Dev Blog #1) India -
    The Norse Outposts cost 25 more wood, take 10 seconds longer to build, and can train War Dogs.

    Support Animals

    Civilization Differences
    Good Shepherd Shahriyar (All) Unlocked by an advisor, spawns freely from the Town Center to be gathered for 100 Food.
    Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, Romans, Babylonians N/A
    The Celts Sacred Deer can be trained at a small wood cost to be herded as food or used in rites by Augurs. Spawns freely from the Sacred Grove by an advisor.
    The Norse War Dogs can be trained at a small food cost to serve as a population-free combat unit that excels at snaring with a bonus vs villagers and cavalry. They have huntable armor. They have a build cap that can be upgraded each with an upgrade. Can be advised to tremendously increase their HP and build cap.
    India (Dev Blog #4) Sacred Cow can be trained at a ? cost to be herdable as food (to non-Indians) or garrisoned in Shrines to trickle ? resource per second.
    India (Dev Blog #4) Club Monkeys can be trained/spawned at a ? cost to serve as a population-free combat unit that has a bonus vs villagers. Increased build cap with each age advancement.
    India (Dev Blog #4) Fire Monkeys can be trained/spawned at a ? cost to serve as a population-free combat unit that has a bonus vs buildings. Increased build cap with each age advancement.

    Guard Towers

    Civilization Fortified Tower Stronghold Tower Keep Tower Notable Significance Unique Advisor Interaction
    Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Babylonians, Norse, (Indian Release Roadmap) India Yes Yes No
    • Greek Towers can be upgraded to deal bonus damage versus buildings, ships, and siege, remove their minimum attack range, and increase their damage more.
    • Roman Towers can be upgraded to have crush armor and cost less stone.
    • Babylonian Towers can be upgraded to be built faster and cost less.
    Celts Yes With Advisor With Advisor - See their access to Stronghold and Keep Tower upgrades.
    Persians Yes No No - Persian Towers can be advised to have a significant build time reduction for increased cost.


    Civilization Differences Notable Significance Unique Advisor Interaction
    Greeks, Romans, Persians, Babylonian Can only train Palintonon.
    • Greek Forts can be upgraded to deal bonus damage versus buildings, ships, and siege.
    • Roman Forts can be upgraded to have crush armor and cost less stone.
    • Persian Forts can have Relentless Zeal toggled, increasing the training speed and cost of units trained here.
    • Babylonian Forts can be upgraded to be built faster and cost less.
    Persian Forts can be advised to have a significant build time reduction for increased cost.
    Egyptian Can only train War Elephants and Elephant Archers. Are built faster, and require 100 more wood and 100 less stone, but have reduced health, damage, range, and line of sight. Only fort to not train siege.
    Celts Can only train their human Rams and Stone Thrower. These fort units can only be healed.
    Norse Can only train their human Farbjoor and Log Thrower. Are built faster, and require 100 more wood and 100 less stone, but have reduced health, damage, range, and line of sight. These fort units can only be healed.
    (Dev Blog #8) India Can only train their human Ram but mechanical Palintonon. Only fort to train a human and a mechanical unit.


    Civilization Stone Wall Reinforced Wall Rampart Wall Noticeable Significance
    Greeks Yes Yes No Can be upgraded to increase their health a tad bit.
    Egyptian Yes Yes Yes -
    Celts Yes With Advisor No -
    Roman Yes Yes No Can be upgraded to have crush armor and cost less stone.
    Persians, Norse, (Dev Blog #6) India Yes Yes No -
    Babylonian Yes Yes Yes They start with Clay Walls that cost wood and are weaker than regular walls. The Stone Upgrade cost less in stone, but more in stone as well as converting the wood cost to stone.

    Town Centers

    Civilization Differences
    Greeks, Romans, Norse, (Dev Blog #7) India
    • Greek Town Centers can be upgraded to deal bonus damage versus buildings, ships, and siege.
    • Roman Town Centers train their Engineers here and can be upgraded to have crush armor and cost less in stone.
    Egyptians Does not have any age-up upgrade here! They use temples!
    Celts Their age-up upgrade requires more food and gold but no wood in exchange for requiring 3/8/20 houses constructed.
    Babylonians Does not have any age-up upgrades here! They use a Ziggurat! Can be upgraded to be built faster and cost less.


    Civilization Differences Notable Significance
    Greeks, Norse -
    • Greeks Villagers have an instant hunting attack animation.
    Egyptian Increased training time to compensate for their Priestess's empowerment. Instant hunt attack animation.
    The Celts - Can be upgraded to deal more damage with a unique attack animation.
    Roman - Can be upgraded to cost less, train faster, conserve more gold from mining, and regenerate health.
    Persian - Can be affected by Paid Labor, allowing them to cost much less food for gold and train faster.
    Babylonian - Can be upgraded to conserve more wood from chopping and food from berries. Cannot be upgraded with Wheelbarrow or Hard Cart.
    (Dev Blog #6/#7) India - Cannot gather food from Herdable sources.

    Economic Support Unit

    Civilization Differences Notable Significance
    Greeks, Egyptians, Celts, Persians N/A One might say the Priestess classifies here, but she can fail optionals where you are only allowed to train villagers and not qualify.
    Roman Engineer build 35% faster than villagers but cannot gather. Can be upgraded to regenerate health, increase their health, repair rate, and build rate. They also construct the Millarium that can boost movement speed of military units.
    Babylonian Ox Cart serves as storehouses that can move allowing for efficient resource drop-offs. Can be upgraded to garrison villagers. They do not benefit from research time reduction from gardens when researching. This also means Babylonians cannot build Storehouses!
    (Dev Blog #8) India Elephant Gatherers can gather faster than Villagers but cannot build. Does not benefit from Storehouse nor Wheelbarrow and Handcart Upgrades.

    Support Buildings

    Civilization Differences Notable Significance
    Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, Norse N/A N/A
    The Celts Gold Mine can be built after the Silver Age on Gold Deposits, garrisoning up to 20 villagers to mine gold and conservating 50% of the gold mined. It may function as a resource drop-off site. -
    Roman Millariums can be built after the Bronze Age by Engineers, boosting the movement speed of any military units (including ships) by 15%. An advisor can boost the movement speed of civilian units.
    Babylonian Gardens can trickle 0.5 Food per Second and globally increase the training/research speed of all buildings. They are building capped, however. Their effect can be increased with an upgrade and age advancement. Their build cap scales with age advancement.
    Dev Blog (#4) India Shrine with a build cap can trickle ? resource per second from herdables garrisoned in them. They can train the Sacred Cow, Club Monkey and Fire Monkey Build cap scale with age advancement.


    Civilization Wood Upgrades Gold Upgrades Stone Upgrades Farm Upgrades
    Greek (3) Two-man Saw (2) Placer Mining (2) Stone Saw (2) Irrigation
    Egyptian (2) Pull Saw (3) Hydraulic Mining (3) Stone Splitting (3) Crop Rotation
    Celtic (3) Two-man Saw (1) Pickaxe (2) Stone Saw (3) Crop Rotation
    Roman (2) Pull Saw (2) Placer Mining (3) Stone Splitting (2) Irrigation
    Persian (2) Pull Saw (3) Hydraulic Mining (2) Stone Saw (3) Crop Rotation
    Babylonian (3) Two-man Saw (2) Placer Mining (1) Chisel (1) Plow
    Norse (3) Two-man Saw (2) Placer Mining (2) Stone Saw (3) Crop Rotation
    (Discord) India (?) (?) (?) (3) Crop Rotation


    Civilization Differences Notable Significance
    Greeks, Egyptians, Celts, Romans, Persians, Babylonians, Norse All have different graphics respective to their Civilization art style -
    (Dev Blog #1) India Plantations can be worked by more than 1 villager, cost more than Farms, and take up a different shape from farms. Wholesome shape.


    Civilization Differences Notable Significance
    Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Persians, Babylonians, (?) India All have different graphics respective to their Civilization art style -
    Celts Their houses are required to be built to allow age advancement. In quests that usually start in Age 3, they start with 8 Houses instead of 6 usual Houses.
    Norse Longhouses cost 50 more wood, provide 5 more population, take 5 seconds longer to build, and can garrison 10 villagers. The Norse in some quests start with more Longhouses than house's equivalent giving them more population than other Civilization starts.


    Civilization Differences Notable Significance
    Greeks, Egyptians, Celts, Persians, Norse, (Dev Blog #2) India -
    Roman, Babylonian Cost 50 more wood. -

    Fishing Boats

    Civilization Net Lures Net Weights Net Landlines Noticeable Significance
    Greek, Norse Yes Yes Yes -
    Egyptian Yes Yes Yes Priestess empowerment can make them one of the most productive fishing boats.
    Celtic, Babylonian Yes Yes No -
    Persian, Roman Yes No No -
    (Dev Blog #2) India ? ? ? -

    Merchant Transport

    Civilization Differences Notable Significance
    Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, Romans, Babylonians, Norse, (Dev Blog #2) India -
    Celtic - Can be upgraded to carry 8 more units.

    Arrow Ships

    Civilization Differences Champion Upgrade Notable Significance
    Greeks, Egyptians - Increased attack range and movement speed. -
    Celtic Swanships cost the most resources and train the longest, but have the highest health, damage, and movement speed. Increased health. Can be affected by rites to further deal more damage overall, bonus vs buildings, move faster, or train faster.
    Persian Galley cost more wood but less gold compared to Triremes. They have reduced health but train faster. Increased attack range and movement speed. -
    Roman, Babylonian Liburnians and Biremes cost less wood but more gold, train faster, and take up 1 less population. They have less health and damage. Increased attack range and movement speed. -
    Norse, (Dev Blog #9) India Longships and Vimana are identical to Triremes. The Longship, however can transport 16 units. Increased damage. -

    Anti-Ship Ships

    Civilization Differences Champion Upgrade Notable Significance
    Greeks, Egyptians, Norse, (Dev Blog #9) India Fire Ships do ranged crush damage. +100% Bonus Damage EHP Although Fire Ships are used to counter other ships, their crush damage allows them to take on buildings much better than arrow ships. Their Champion Upgrade also helps in increasing their HP vs a Fort/Tower's Bonus vs Ship damage.
    Celtic N/A N/A N/A
    Persian, Babylonian Ram Ships do melee crush damage. They cost more wood and gold, but have more health, pierce armor, and a bonus vs building. Increased movement speed and bonus vs building. They perform worse than Fire Ships in terms of damage to other ships. Their great pierce armor allows them to tank multiple arrows at once, however.
    Roman Enneris do ranged crush damage. They cost the most and train the slowest as well as the least damage, but they have the most attack range and can splash. Increased line-of-sight and unlock alternative attack vs buildings Their ability to splash lets them hit multiple unlucky ships at once. Champion Upgrade lets them multitask as a Siege Ship (See below)

    Siege Ships

    Civilization Differences Champion Upgrade Notable Significance
    Greeks, Egyptians, Persians Ballista/Catapult Trireme and Mangonel Galley are identically the same in their stats. Increased damage They are classified as ships allowing you to train them in quests that do not allow siege.
    Celtic, Babylonian, Norse, (Dev Blog #9) India N/A N/A N/A
    Roman Enneris require their Champion Upgrade to operate as Siege Ships. Compared to other Siege Ships, they are cheaper, faster to train, take up 1 less population, increased damage, are faster, and have greater pierce armor. Increased line-of-sight and unlock alternative attack vs buildings See above in their role as an Anti-Ship Ship.


    Civilization Differences Notable Significance
    Greeks, Egyptians, Babylonian, Norse, (Dev Blog #6/Note) India - -
    Celtic, Persian Can research Wooden/Royal Roads that increase the movement speed of Caravans. -
    Roman Can research Roman Roads that increase the movement speed of Caravans. Cannot research Coinage and Price Adjusting in exchange to research Abacus which is costlier but has a larger buy/sell penalty reduction. Although Romans can buy/sell resources better, in the long-term they will get the worst trade deals than the rest of the Civilizations (-0.7 vs 2 -0.4 [or -0.8])


    Civilization Differences Notable Significance
    Greeks, Celts, Persians, Romans, Norse, (Dev Blog #6/Note) India - -
    Egyptian (They used to have reduced trade rates, but this has been removed) The market can be empowered by Priestess of Ra to make them train faster. Empowering the market however does not boost trade rates.
    Babylonian - Gardens can buff Markets to train caravans faster.


    Civilization Infantry Types Available Differences Notable Significance
    Greeks 3 - -
    Egyptian 2 Can train the Slinger, a ranged unit -
    Celts 4 - -
    Persians 2 (+1) - Can have Rigorous Training toggled, increasing the training speed and cost of the units trained here. In addition to their own barracks, their Immortal Camp may be considered part of the Barracks line, where they can have Relentless Zeal toggled, increasing the training speed and cost of the Immortals trained there.
    Romans 2 Can train the Eques, a cavalry unit Castellums can be upgraded to have increased health and the ability to garrison 10 civilians that grant a ranged attack when garrisoned.
    Norse 5 - -
    (Dev Blog #5) India 2 - -


    Greek Spearmen cost the most in food and can be championed to increase their damage and have pierce armor.
    Egyptian Spearmen have reduced health, damage, bonus vs cavalry, training time, and cost. They can be championed to increase health, train faster, and require no gold cost.
    Celtic Spearmen have reduced health, training time, and cost (including 0 gold cost), but increased damage, bonus vs cavalry, and movement speed. They can be championed to increase their bonus vs cavalry and buildings.
    Persian Spearmen can only be trained after the Bronze Age. Costing less in food and more in gold, they have increased health, damage, and bonus vs cavalry. They can also be championed to increase their bonus vs cavalry and movement speed.
    Roman Spearmen cost less in food and more in gold. They have increased health and bonus vs cavalry. They can be championed to increase their bonus vs cavalry, movement speed, and snare.
    Babylonian Spearmen cost the least in food but most in gold. They have increased health but reduced bonus vs cavalry. They can be championed to increase their damage and snare.
    Norse Spearmen cost less in food and more in gold. They have the most health and increased bonus vs cavalry. They can be championed to increase their bonus vs cavalry, movement speed, and snare. They have the most health but reduced damage and bonus vs cavalry. They can be championed to increase their health and bonus vs cavalry.
    (Dev Blog #5) Indian Spearmen can be seen here. They can be championed to increase their bonus vs cavalry and pierce armor.

    Anti-Infantry Infantry

    Greek Hypaspists can be championed to increase their health and movement speed.
    Egyptian Axemen are weaker, cheaper, and train faster with an increased bonus vs infantry. They can be championed to increase health, damage, and splash damage.
    Celtic Long Swordsmen are the fastest with average baseline stats. They can be championed to increase their melee-infantry and pierce armor.
    Persian Immortals can be trained later after the Silver Age. They cost food, wood, and gold, have the highest damage, start with melee-infantry, pierce armor, and can use their ranged attack at range. They do not benefit from barrack technologies. They can be championed to take up 1 less population.
    Roman Legionaires have a high base melee-infantry armor with average stats. They can be upgraded to cost less gold. Their uniqueness is able to be championed twice with the first increasing health and damage and the second granting a charge and increasing movement speed.
    Babylonian Royal Guard can be trained after the Golden Age, and cost the most in food and gold. They can be championed to increase their attack rate but reduce their damage vs buildings.
    Norse Throwing Axemen cost food, wood, and gold, and has bonus damage vs ranged. They are unique in dealing melee-infantry damage from a range. They can be championed to ignore armor.
    (Dev Blog #5) Indian Gada Warriors can be seen here. They can be championed to increase their health, melee attack range, and the ability to ignore armor.

    Heavy Infantry

    Greek Hoplites have the most health, damage, bonus vs cavalry, and crush armor. They also cost the most and train the longest. They can be championed to increase their pierce armor and bonus vs cavalry.
    Egyptians do not have a Heavy Infantry at all. The Celts and Romans do not have a Heavy Infantry as they are served by their anti-infantry and elite infantry respectively instead.
    Persian Sparabaras can be trained earlier after the Copper Age. They have increased pierce armor and can snare. They can be upgraded to improve their health and crush armor at a cost of movement speed. They can be championed to increase their health and snare.
    Babylonian Shield Bearers can be trained earlier after the Bronze Age. They have the most pierce armor, cost no gold, and have a bonus vs ranged. However, they have the least amount of health and damage. They can be championed to increase their pierce armor.
    Norse Harjars have a bonus vs infantry and train the fastest out of their counterpart. They can be championed to increase their melee-infantry armor making them the toughest vs enemy infantry out of their counterparts.

    Elite Infantry

    Greek, Egyptians, and Babylonians do not have an Elite Infantry.
    Celtic Champions are trained later after the Golden Age. They have the highest melee-infantry armor with the ability to splash. They are slower than their counterparts but the cheapest and fastest to train of all. They can be championed to increase their health and damage.
    Persian Immortals cost food, wood, and gold and can use their ranged attack at range. They do not benefit from barrack technologies. They can be championed to take up 1 less population making them the most population efficient than their counterparts.
    Roman Centurion have the highest health, damage, bonus vs priest, pierce armor, and are the most resistant to conversion. They also have the ability to toss a javelin every 15 seconds and snare on both the attack and javelin. However, they cost the most and have lower melee-infantry armor, capped to a build limit that can be increased with an upgrade. They can be championed to increase their pierce armor, melee-infantry armor, and ignore armor.
    Norse Berserkers carry a burst of damage with terrifying splash damage compared to their counterpart but are much costlier. They can be championed to be immune to snare, gain health regeneration, and can charge in on enemies from a distance (no bonus damage).

    Archery Ranges

    Civilization Ranged Types Available Differences Notable Significance
    Greeks 3 - -
    Egyptian N/A N/A Their ranged units are trained at the Barracks, Stables, and Fortress.
    Celts 2 - -
    Persians 2 - Can have Rigorous Training toggled, increasing the training speed and cost of the units trained here.
    Romans 2 Can train the Gallic Horseman, a cavalry unit Auxilia Camps do not have regular Archery Range upgrades. Their upgrade line reflects more on reducing cost, increasing damage, and movement speed for their units.
    Babylonian 2 - Both their ranged units, the Slinger, and Bowman are available after the Bronze Age immediately.
    Norse 2 - -
    (Dev Blog #5) India 2 - -


    Greek Toxotes can be championed to increase their health and damage and can be upgraded to deal bonus damage vs buildings, ships, and siege.
    Egyptians do not have a bowman.
    Celtic Bowmen can only be trained after the Silver Age, cost less gold, and have increased damage and health but at a cost of no bonus vs infantry. They can be championed to increase their range.
    Persian Bowmen cost less wood and train faster but have reduced health, damage, and bonus vs infantry. They can be championed to increase their attack rate and upgraded to increase their range at a cost of health.
    Roman Cretan Bowmen can only be trained after the Silver Age, have more health, bonus vs health, and cost less in wood but more in gold. They do not upgrade from regular archery range technology that increases line of sight and range but instead upgrade to reduce their cost, damage, and movement speed. They can be championed to increase their damage, range, and line of sight.
    Babylonian Bowmen cost less in gold, train faster, and have reduced health, damage, and range, but increased bonus vs infantry. They can be championed to require no gold to train and train faster.
    Norse Bowmen can only be trained after the Silver Age, have the most in health, cost less in wood, and have reduced damage. They can be championed to snare enemies.
    (Dev Blog #3) Indian Bowmen can be seen here. They can be championed to increase their bonus vs infantry and movement speed.

    Anti-Ranged Ranged

    Greek Peltasts can only be trained after the Silver Age, cost more wood, train slower, increased damage, and reduced range. They can be championed to increase their health and movement speed.
    Egyptian Slingers cost less wood and gold, have reduced health, damage, and pierce armor. They can be championed to have more pierce armor, train faster, and increased line of sight. They do not benefit from regular archery range technology that increases line of sight and range but instead upgrades to train faster and increase their damage and health.
    Celtic Slingers cost less wood and have increased health, damage, and movement speed but at a cost of reduced range. They can be championed to increase their range.
    Persian Takabaras cost more in gold and have the most damage but reduced bonus vs ranged and range. They can be championed to increase their range and upgraded to increase their range at a cost of health.
    Roman Balearic Slingers have reduced health, damage, and pierce armor, but increased range. They do not upgrade from regular archery range technology that increases line of sight and range but instead upgrade to reduce their cost, damage, and movement speed. They can be championed to increase their attack rate, range, and line of sight.
    Babylonian Slingers cost the least in wood and train faster with reduced health, damage, and pierce armor. They can be championed to be immune to bonus damage.
    Norse Skirmishers cost the most in wood but the least in gold. They have the lowest damage but the highest bonus vs ranged. They can be championed to increase their bonus vs ranged and train faster.
    (Dev Blog #3) Indian Rangers can be seen here. They can be championed to increase their bonus vs ranged and be immune to splash damage.

    Fast Ranged
    These units do not benefit from Archery Range technologies, but rather Stable technologies.

    Greeks, the Celts, Romans, and the Norse do not have a Fast Ranged unit.
    Egyptian Chariot Archers have the least health, slower, but deal the most damage. They can be championed to increase their health and bonus vs infantry.
    Persians Mounted Archers cost less wood and gold and take up 1 less population space for reduced damage and range. They train faster, have more health, are faster, and deal more bonus damage to cavalry. They can be championed to deal more damage and can snare.
    Babylonian Chariot Archers have the most health and range, and train faster but are the slowest. They can be championed to cost less, have pierce armor, and increased line of sight. They can be upgraded to increase their health and movement speed.
    (Dev Blog #3) Indian Blade Chariots can be seen here. They can be championed to increase their movement speed and bonus vs villagers.

    Elite Ranged

    Greek Gastraphetes take up 2 population, and cost the least wood and gold. With reduced stats, they make up in large quantities with their bonus vs infantry, melee-infantry armor, and training faster. They can be championed to attack faster. They can be upgraded to deal bonus damage vs buildings, ships, and siege.
    Egyptian Elephant Archers take up 5 population, cost food instead of wood, and have the highest damage that additionally splashes, range, and line of sight. They can be championed to take up 1 less population.
    Celtic Carpentom take up 3 population, is the fastest, has a bonus vs ranged, and pierce armor. They can be championed to move faster and deal splash damage. They benefit from 2 Stable upgrades instead of Archery Range upgrades.
    Persians do not have an Elite Ranged unit. This role is supplemented by their Immortals.
    Romans do not have an Elite Ranged unit.
    Babylonian War Chariots take 4 up population, cost the most wood, train the longest, have the most health, moves faster, more resistant to conversion, and has a bonus vs ranged. They can be championed to deal bonus damage to siege. They benefit from 3 Stable upgrades instead of Archery Range upgrades. They can be upgraded to increase their health and movement speed.
    The Norse do not have an Elite Ranged unit.
    (Dev Blog #9) Indian Elephant Archers are expected to function like Egyptian Elephant Archers except being available earlier and much faster.


    Civilization Cavalry Types Available Differences Notable Significance
    Greeks 3 - One of the two stables to train only cavalry.
    Egyptian 1 Can train the Chariot Archer, a ranged unit. -
    Celts 1 Can train the Carpentom a ranged unit. Available later at the Silver Age.
    Persians 2 Can train the Mounted Archers, a ranged unit. Can have Rigorous Training toggled, increasing the training speed and cost of the units trained here.
    Romans 2 Can train the Centurions and Aquifiers, both infantry units Praetorium do not have regular Stable upgrades. They have no upgrade line except at the Golden Age of increasing the build cap of the units trained here.
    Babylonian 1 Can train the Mounted Archers, Chariot Archers, and War Chariots, all ranged units. -
    Norse 2 - One of the two stables to train only cavalry.
    (Dev Blog #5) India 2 - -


    Greek Sarissophoroi are unique raiders in having a ranged attack and the highest base pierce armor and bonus vs ranged. They can be championed to increase their range and movement speed.
    Egyptian Camel Riders train the fastest functioning as an Anti-Cavalry Cavalry with a bonus vs cavalry. They can be championed to deal bonus damage vs ranged and have pierce armor.
    The Celts do not have traditional raiders at the stable but at the barracks known as Woad Raiders after the Silver Age. They can charge dealing more damage on impact as well as having a bonus vs ranged, sieges, and priests. They can be championed to make their charge apply splash damage and be immune to snares.
    Persian Asabaras have the most health and damage but at the cost of being the most expensive and being slow. They can be championed to increase their health, damage, and movement speed.
    Roman Eques can be trained after the Silver Age, has a bonus vs ranged and cavalry with a unique base melee-cavalry armor. They can be championed to deal more bonus damage vs ranged, have more pierce armor, and move faster.
    Babylonian Lancer are unique with their bonus vs infantry and melee-infantry armor. They are also one of the few units that has an increased melee range allowing them to hit units over walls. They can be championed to increase their health and grant a mighty charge that deals more damage on impact.
    Norse Raiders take up only 1 population, fastest, and are the cheapest but with reduced damage, pierce armor, and bonus vs ranged. They can be championed to deal bonus damage vs villagers and be immune to snares.
    The Norse despite having a traditional raider at the stable can also train at the barrack after the Golden Age, Ulfheoinn which has devastating damage, bonus vs ranged and cavalry. They can be championed to deal bonus damage vs ranged and priests.
    (Dev Blog #3) Indian Turanga can be seen here. They can be championed to deal bonus damage vs cavalry.

    Anti-Cavalry Cavalry

    Greek Prodromos can be championed to deal bonus damage vs siege and buildings and can snare.
    Egyptian Camel Riders functioning as a raider with an emphasis on speed and training speed means they don't have the melee-cavalry armor most start with but they do appear after the Bronze Age. They can be championed to deal bonus damage vs ranged and have pierce armor.
    Celtic Horsemen have the highest damage vs cavalry and speed but lack melee-cavalry armor. They can be championed to have pierce armor and can snare.
    Persians and Babylonians do not have an Anti-Cavalry Cavalry. This role is served by their Fast Ranged.
    Romans do not have an Anti-Cavalry Cavalry as their Raider and Elite Cavalry serves this role.
    Norse Horsemen begin with reduced bonus vs cavalry and speed but starts with base pierce armor and bonus vs siege. They can be championed to increase their bonus damage vs cavalry and siege.
    (Dev Blog #3) Indians do not have an Anti-Cavalry Cavalry as this role is served by their Raiders after the champion upgrade.

    Elite Cavalry

    Greek Hippikons deal the most damage to a single target. They can be championed to take 1 less population which makes them shine in terms of efficiency for elite cavalries.
    Egyptian War Elephants take up 1 more population, have the most health, deal bonus damage to buildings and siege, splash damage, and move faster. They do not benefit from stable technologies. They can be championed to have more pierce armor and resist conversion better.
    The Celts, Babylonian, and Norse do not have an Elite Cavalry unit.
    Persian Cataphracts cost the most gold but have more health, deal bonus damage to infantry and siege, and start with melee-infantry armor. They can be championed to deal more damage and have more pierce armor.
    Roman Decurions can be trained early after the Bronze Age. They cost the least in food, deal the most damage with Hippikons, regenerate health, deal bonus damage to priests, can snare, start with high base pierce armor, and are more resistant to conversions. They do not benefit from stable technologies. They are capped to a build limit and can be increased with an upgrade. They can be championed to be more resistant to snare and bonus damage.
    Roman Gallic Horsemen cost more and lack pierce armor, but have increased health, damage, and melee-cavalry armor. They can be upgraded to have the most damage out of the Elite Cavalry line. They do not upgrade from regular stable technology that increases movement speed, health, and damage but instead upgrade to reduce their cost, damage, and movement speed. They can be championed to increase their damage and bonus damage vs siege.

    Siege Workshops

    Civilization Siege Types Available Differences Notable Significance
    Greeks 3 - -
    Egyptian 3 - Can train the Palintonon, usually found at Fortress of other Civilizations
    Celts, Norse N/A N/A All their Siege Units are trained at the Fortress.
    Persians 2 - Can have Relentless Zeal toggled, increasing the training speed and cost of the units trained here.
    Romans 3 - -
    Babylonian 1 - -
    (Dev Blog #9) India 0 Mahout Camps train Elephant units which are cavalry and ranged and their upgrade line consist of upgrading all their elephant units including their elephant gatherers. All their Siege Units are trained at the Fortress.

    Melee Siege

    Greek Battering Rams can be championed to deal more damage and be immune to snares.
    Egyptian Siege Towers cost more wood and gold, train slower, take up 1 more population, and have increased health, damage, and line of sight. They can be championed to deal more damage and be immune to snares.
    Celtic Rams cost less gold and wood, take up 1 less population, move faster, and train faster, but have reduced health, damage, and pierce armor. They cannot be repaired but healed instead. They can be championed to have more health, train faster, and be immune to snares.
    Persian Battering Rams can be championed to deal more damage, move faster, and be immune to snares.
    Roman Battering Rams can be championed to deal more damage, have more health, and be immune to snares.
    Babylonian Siege Towers cost more gold and wood, train slower, take up 1 more population, have reduced bonus vs building, and have increased health and line of sight. They can garrison up to 12 units which give them a special ranged attack that scales with the number of garrisoned units. They can be championed to have more health, a larger ranged splash attack, and be immune to snares. They can be upgraded to increase their health and movement speed.
    Norse Farbjoors do not cost gold but food and cost less wood, take up 1 less population, have increased damage, move faster, and train faster, but have reduced health, bonus vs buildings, and pierce armor. They cannot be repaired but healed instead. They can be championed to attack non-buildings.
    (Dev Blog #10) Indian Rams cannot be repaired, but healed instead.

    Ranged Siege

    Greek Ballistas can be championed to move faster.
    Egyptian Catapults cost more wood, gold, and train slower. They have increased health and damage. They can be championed to deal more damage.
    The Celtic and the Norse do not have ranged sieges. This role is served by their "Palintonon."
    Persian War Wagons cost more wood but less gold. They have more health, reduced range and line of sight but instead of dealing crush damage and bonus vs buildings, they deal splashing pierce damage. They can be championed to increase their health and the splash effect.
    Roman Scorpios cost less wood, and gold, move faster, train faster, start with melee-infantry armor and take up 2 less population space. They can also be trained earlier after the Silver Age. They have reduced health, damage, line of sight, minimum range, maximum range, and splash, and deal bonus damage to infantry and ranged instead of buildings. They can be championed to deal more bonus damage to infantry, be allowed to snare, and have their minimum attack range removed.
    Roman Onagers cost less wood, train faster, have reduced health and damage. They can be championed to increase their damage and movement speed.
    Babylonians do not have ranged sieges. This role is served by their Melee Siege.


    Greek, Egyptian, Persian, Roman, and Babylonian Palintonon can all be championed to increase their range and line of sight.
    Egyptian Palintonon takes the longest to train as they are trained in the Siege Workshop as opposed to the Fortresses.
    Celtic Stone Throwers cost less wood and gold, train faster, and take 1 less population space. They have reduced health, damage, minimum attack range, maximum attack range, and line of sight. They cannot be repaired but healed instead. They can be championed to deal bonus damage vs siege and take up 1 less population.
    Norse Log Throwers function identically as Stone Throwers with a bonus vs infantry. They cannot be repaired but healed instead. They can be championed to deal bonus damage vs siege, move faster, and take up 1 less population.
    (Dev Blog #6) Indian Palintonon are no different than the rest of their counterpart.

    Military Support Units

    Greek, Egyptian, Persians, and Babylonian do not have a support combat unit.
    The Celts have a military support unit in their Support Priest, the Druid that can increase the damage of any friendly units recently healed by the druid by 20%.
    Roman Aquilifier are infantry that can boost the damage of any friendly military unit by 10% (including military ships).
    Roman Primus Pilus is a cavalry that can reduce the damage of any enemy military unit by 10% (including military ships).
    Norse Chief is an "infantry" that does not fail any optionals and increases the health of any friendly military unit by 10% (including military ships).


    Egyptian Temple of Ra cost the same as researching the Bronze Age. They have increased health.
    Egyptian Temple of Set cost the same as researching the Silver Age. They have increased health and take longer to build.
    Egyptian Temple of Ptah cost the same as researching the Golden Age. They have increased health and take longer to build.
    Celtic Sacred Groves cost less in wood and can be built after the Bronze Age. Can train Sacred Deer herdable here.
    Persian War Academy can research unique upgrades here and toggle technologies.
    Babylonian Ziggurat cost the same as researching the Bronze Age and can research unique upgrades here.
    Norse Great Hall can train a powerful Chief here.
    Dev Blog (#4) Indian Monastery can research choose-one technologies.

    Support Priests

    Greeks, Persians, Babylonians, and Norse do not have a support priest.
    Egyptian Priests of Ra take the longest to train and have the most health. They may empower buildings to generate more resources from dropoffs, train units faster, and build faster. They can be upgraded to increase their healing rate, healing range, line of sight, movement speed, and health as well as to cost cheaper and train faster. They can potentially be the fastest in speed and training as well the cheapest support priests.
    Celtic Druid cost less gold, and have reduced health, and healing but they can deal damage. They apply a temporary damage buff to the recently healed. They can be upgraded to increase their health, damage, and healing rate.
    Roman Clinicus can only be trained after the Silver Age. They have reduced health, one of the strongest healing in the game, but cannot area heal. They can be upgraded to area heal.

    Converting Priests

    Greek Priests can be upgraded to increase their conversion range and line of sight.
    Egyptian Priests of Set have reduced healing rate, healing range, and health. They also inflict chaos (converting to neutral) rather than converting enemy units to their side. They can be upgraded to increase their healing rate, healing range, chaos range, line of sight, movement speed, and health as well as to cost cheaper and train faster. They also can be the cheapest, fastest, and provide the most line of sight. THEY DO NOT COUNT AS CONVERTING PRIESTS FOR OPTIONALS AND WILL NOT FAIL THEM.
    Egyptian Priests of Ptah cost more, take up 1 more population, convert slower, have reduced conversion range, healing range, line of sight, and movement speed but can convert buildings and multiple units in an area of effect. They can be upgraded to increase their healing rate, healing range, conversion range, line of sight, movement speed, and health as well as to cost cheaper and train faster. They also can have the most health but are also the slowest.
    Celtic Augur cost more in gold but can cast rites on huntable/herdable to provide training time reduction, bonus vs buildings, increased damage, or movement speed. They can only be upgraded to increase their healing rate. They can potentially be one of the strongest healer.
    Persian Magus converts slower. They can be upgraded to increase their conversion rate to become the fastest converter.
    Roman Pontifex have increased conversion range but cannot heal. They can be upgraded to increase their conversion rate, conversion range, and line of sight. They have the largest conversion range.
    Babylonian Priests can be upgraded to increase their conversion rate, conversion range, and line of sight. However, they can be trained the fastest with all the garden training time reduction.
    Norse Seers cost less gold but cannot heal and have reduced line of sight. They can summon a raven that can move unobstructed across the map to explore. They can be upgraded to increase their line of sight and of their ravens.
    Norse Rhapsodes cost more in gold, and have increased health, reduced healing, and line of sight. However, they have the largest healing area. They can be upgraded to increase their healing.
    (Dev Blog #4) Indian Gurus are unique in being able to convert and heal in-combat at one's choice.


    Egyptian Armories are unique in replacing their Scale Mail/Shield Rim, Chain Mail/Shield Truss, and Laminar Armor/Shield Boss with Scale Mail and Hide Armor; Chain Mail and Boiled Leather Armor; and Lamellar and Lacquered Leather Armor respectively saving down on upgrade times and cost efficiency.
    (Dev Blog #1) Indian Armories are no different than the rest of their counterparts.

    Advanced Technology Building

    Greek Academy focuses on ranged and defensive technologies.
    Egyptian do not have any specific advanced technology buildings. The Egyptians research their advanced priest-focused technologies in their temples.
    Celtic Bard Hall focuses on infantry technologies.
    Persian War Academy serves as a temple and focuses on toggle technologies which greatly decrease training time for additional costs.
    Roman Forum focuses on economic and civilian technologies.
    Babylonian Ziggurat serves as a temple and a way to age up to the Bronze Age. They focus on a variety of economic and military technologies.
    The Norse do not have any specific advanced technology buildings. The Norse do not have one unless you are in Champion Mode/PvP which their Great Hall serves to focus on construction speed and towers.
    Dev Blog (#4) Indian Monastery serves as a temple and focuses on choose-one technologies between two upgrades that allow Indians to adapt based on the situation.

    Wonders (Champion Mode/PvP Difference)

    Greek Statue of Zeus increases the damage of all military units, the maximum range for all ranged and siege units, and bolsters the health of fortresses.
    Egyptian Great Pyramid adds 20 maximum population cap, increased health, movement speed, and health regeneration for all barrack units.
    Celtic Tree of Life increases damage, movement speed, bonus damage vs buildings, and training time reduction for all military units.
    Persian Gate of All Nations generates 25 gold per second and increases movement speed for all military units as well as villagers and caravans.
    Roman Colosseum increases damage for all siege units, bonus damage vs buildings for all non-siege military units, and reduces population count for all praetorium units.
    Roman Wonders can be upgraded to cost less in stone.
    Babylonian Hanging Garden generates 10 food and 10 wood per second as well as increases the training and research rate of all buildings and villagers build and repair faster.
    Norse Dragonship grants bonus damage protection for all military units, increased attack rate and construction rate for all infantry units as well as granting 1 more Chief to train.
    #1 Tim619, Nov 21, 2022 at 2:03 AM
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2024
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  3. Donar

    Donar Berserker

    Dec 5, 2021
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    Nice overview, i would add that castellums also can garrison engineer
  4. ConradIII

    ConradIII Champion

    May 8, 2022
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  5. Slyrevick

    Slyrevick Immortal

    May 22, 2020
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    Thanks for this comparative :)

    The wonder's boost apply only to PVP, right ?
  6. Tim619

    Tim619 Woad Raider

    Aug 1, 2020
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    Or if you're doing the Champion Mode version of questlines like the one in Zabol!
    Donar and Slyrevick like this.
  7. Tim619

    Tim619 Woad Raider

    Aug 1, 2020
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    I think I documented the differences between every civilization as well as included in some India blog notes that can differentiate the Indian civilization already!
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