Roman Campaign: City Under Siege

Discussion in 'PvE Tips & Tutorials' started by DarkArchon, Mar 17, 2021.

  1. DarkArchon

    DarkArchon Villager

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Anyone have any tips for the Roman Campaign Quest "City Under Siege?"

    It says it's a level 8 quest, but I'm level 13 and always get steamrolled by the 10 minute mark. I've tried double walls, using legionaries as meat shields for the scorpios, and using engineers to repair scorpios (too micro intensive to be worth it, honestly), and it doesn't work.

    This particular quest seems to be a huge spike in difficulty compared to previous quests, so any help would be much appreciated!
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  3. weisi

    weisi Woad Raider

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Really a hard quest, that need some tries!

    Build a fortress in the middle. Walls before and at the sides. Put the scorpios inside (so they can´t be attacked) and build some more. They will bomb the enemy army away. Some Legions before the walls to stop the ram. Also use engineer to repair the walls and scorpios! Forum will be helpful. to heal and engineer repair upgrade. When you have enough resources build the walls before the fortress and after then inside the protected fortress with scorpios.
    DarkArchon likes this.
  4. Romaniac01

    Romaniac01 Champion

    Nov 1, 2019
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    My honest recommendation is as many towers as possible and if possible get better arrows and bow for the towers, there are shops that sell to lol 15s or so and one option that worked for me is to wall us almost fully except one part and force all enemy units to come down one single way. That is the only what that it worked for me. I build like a little tunnel and walls on left and right and the space was enough for around 2 legionnaires and when the siege comes just have a gate to open and go out quickly to take then out.

    I failed first time also cos of the sheet amount of them, but the choke point really worked cos of the splash damage of the Scorpios. Front line was melee like spearman and legionnaire and scorpions at the back.
  5. MainMan B

    MainMan B Berserker

    Feb 23, 2018
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    Hmm...This should not be this hard. I really hope this get fixed. Either with this state of the quest being elite or rather legendary, and then a more doable version as normal.
  6. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Took a second attempt for me, but managed to get it down by towering a bit more heavily and defensively than my 1st run. Am a bit overlevelled from pvp, but just try pumping out a 2nd tc, 1-2 markets, and maybe a 3rd tc, then hunker down as best you can with very tight gaps between your towers. Get a front line of legionaries at first, then legionaries, spearmen and eques, plus some more scorpios. Don't forget to add an aquilifer on each side of your base in age 3 for the bonus damage.

    Remember to pull back legionaries and send in eques when balls of cretan bowmen show up, and to send both eques and legionaries to deal with rams that threaten towers/walls/forts of yours. Use villagers or engineers to kill the rams if you really need to spare every last military unit in the final couple of waves, and remember to repair if needed as well.

  7. Prodigy

    Prodigy Spearman

    May 30, 2021
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    unfortunately the devs only balance Pvp in this game, dont think they really bother with Pve :( there are a few low level quests that are insane hard even for lvl40s
  8. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    If I remember correctly, is this the quest in which you start out with a good number of engineers, 2-3 siege workshops, a good number of castellums? Additionally you have a wonder-like structure you have to defense?

    I did this pre-15 (Because I remember that I couldn't make Onagers), and the trick is simple - Leave a narrow funnel for the enemy to run into. A lot of these defense quests I see players making the repeated mistake of completely walling themselves off - You don't want to do that because that spreads out the enemy army. Instead you want to wall off all but 1 side, and then narrow that last side down so only a handful of enemy units can get in. Then you use just a few infantry/cavalry to block that area, and just make a ton of towers and ranged units. This funnels the entire enemy army into a small place so that Scorpios and Towers can quickly decimate the enemy lines, along with the enemy being unable to really use their infantry, cavalry, and ram, as those units would rather stand around waiting to get at the nearby infantry or towers instead of smashing the walls, as long as there is a single gap for them to get in

    Also make sure to get out your market early - There's 2 long corridors on this map that's protected, so you can get a solid caravan line going for massive resource income very quickly.
    Prodigy likes this.
  9. Prodigy

    Prodigy Spearman

    May 30, 2021
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    thankyou for this tip ,;)
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