Buen día a todos. Alguien sabe por qué ahora presenta falla de registro al iniciar el juego. Saludos...
Hello umm Im wondering when the next capital city decoration contest will be and can I again use Delos to enter? I made a few changes to the city hope you will take a look and tell me what you think. :) Btw is there a way to get the learicorn statue Ive got it with my celts but cant find it for greek and it cant be put in the vault is there any way to get it?
thx for the info. Btw is there a way for me to post my capital city here on the forum so people could see it?
I don't play as much as I would like to often times.. but I do cherish and really enjoy the little time I do get to play AoEO Project Celes
bonjour, cela fait un moment que le jeu se coupe et marque que le serveur n'est plus en ligne .Alors que si je relance tout est ok . Je perds du temps et des choses à faire spawn ,y a t'il quelque chose à faire . Scan de jeu: OK