why no more winter quest ???

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by jph, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. jph

    jph Villager

    Feb 28, 2020
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    why the winter quests are gone? I find it very frustrating and in addition, it is missing so much that I have less desire to come play with this game that I love for so long. Too bad. very disappointing.
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  3. t31os

    t31os Berserker

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Not sure what you're aiming to get from this post, the winter event is seasonal and this a totally free game maintained by a team of unpaid players/fans/awesome people.

    You liked the winter event, now it's gone, ok.
    Ardeshir likes this.
  4. Geese

    Geese Berserker

    Mar 27, 2018
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    I feel if the winter event quests were available all year long then players would basically get bored of grinding them and it would make the "event" somewhat meaningless and reduce the drive to play them.

    Also like t31os said, this isn't some massive video game corporation, its some great and dedicated people who have gone out of their way to make this game playable for us. That in of itself is more than enough. The fact that they went above and beyond to add more content to this game is a huge bonus.
  5. CriticalCurio

    CriticalCurio Long Swordsman

    Feb 23, 2020
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    Well i feel the same. I would love to have the Ice Age, Ice King all year. It was fun to be honest missing it right now. Doing the casual legendary quest... feeling the game a bit empty.

    I was never a fan of seasonal or any time gated or timed objectives, quests. When i was playing AOEO first time and met a time objective i quit the quest, then at when i first met with timed legendary quest i quit instant of that game.

    I mean if an event is fun i would enjoy it all year non stop. If no fun then not.

    It's a psychological effect, feeling like taking away a freedom factor. And turning the fun into a strict timed work like chore.

    Also it's another psychological effect if a seasonal event was good experience... and it's gone for like a year... it creates a huge negative feeling until it returns.

    Many leg quest has freedom of choice what i love, you can go with anything you want, you choose, inf, ranged, cav, siege, mass fortresses, priests, ranged ships harassment... whatever you like.

    So if the players are playing 6 quests all year instead of 12 quests... then they won't get bored of grinding that 6 ??? For like 9 years.

    The Time Frame existence only drive people to play some map more often then others.

    About burning out... you need to play it 24 hours 7 days... and have no work or being a full time dev, some of these type of guys can burn out after many years all who loved the game. But still there will be a good bunch of people who will never burnt out, if the game won't lose the things they love.

    All the rest normal working people who got a few hours a day... won't burn out, probably they will be a bit confused to chose from 12 quests instead of 6.

    So this argument is not valid. The only valid thing is people will play the event quest less often and mixing it up with other casual quests.

    The seasonal dog bone is only a marketing trick, a tool for top managers to prove statistically for their employers or to the share holders that their genius project ideas are worth their multi-million dollar monthly or seasonal premium bonus.
    On contrary for a casual player it's either has no any effect or produce a very bad effect and make they quit. Why? Because if it was a good event and they are missing it... they will search and find similar enjoyment experience in another product.

    Variety has it's beauty and the best things project celeste do is to bring more variety to the game. Making an event seasonal is like taking away the fun when its offseason.

    Rotating events each after each would be awesome to. Just don't have to wait months, that's killing boredom.
  6. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Have you also asked blizzard to make brewfest/hallows end/the darkmoon faire a 24/7 fixture in a game that takes paid subscription? :p

    Sorry to come off as a dick, but man, the devs are adding new permanent content several times a year, and these events only get better and better too. Rhakotis already has permanent content, and it was the Summer Event region. After Romans, expect to see lots of little questpacks pop up all over the place (after a couple months). There is also going to be less focus on event development compared to last year, so that should free up developer resources to pump out more permanent additions.

    We've gone from a dozen to 35 legendary quests in not quite 2 and a half years, IIRC.
  7. CriticalCurio

    CriticalCurio Long Swordsman

    Feb 23, 2020
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    I never like the darkmoon fairy. I would not mind the brewfest and hallows end to be a whole year addition. They does not make much except if you are leveling a new toon they are useful.

    I quit playing battle net wow in cata, i had 10 man raiding first achievement as a holy priest so i loved that game.

    I played wow on private server for many years... i was also a quest fixing admin there, where we set instance reset daily... not weekly and in the burning crusade and in wotlk we were raiding all day on the weekends. Friday, saturday and sunday all 3 days we cleared the black temple, the serpentshire caverns the sunwell and many times zul aman, tempest keep, gruuls lair and the hellfire instance. Just for fun, when we got the wotlk version on private server we did the same with lvl 80 instances daily crusaders, naxx and ICC, when we had extra time we went for other instances as well.

    Me and some crazy guys had fully geared up tanks, healers and dps, so we could jump in any role anytime when other players wanted to switch or there was a need for special roles in some raids.

    We did this for years.

    Initially after i played 6 months i stepped up as a raid leader, then guild an opposite faction raiding (world pvp, opposite capital city raiding) leader. After 3 years other prominent guys started to criticize me, they wanted to lead, so i was like, if you can do it better ok... i gave up the leadership. It resulted in chaos, those guys started to criticize everybody and everything fell apart, the community became toxic and i quit.

    If you remember the original wow had no any time gated shit except the weekly instance reset. What i think should gone to a more flexing option, like they should allow raid leaders to reset the instance daily.
    Who love to raid will raid all day.

    I returned playing BFA last summer but i quit it 4 times it's terrible gaming experience right now, year gated flying, time gated quest, gated main questline progression. They took away your freedom of choice.

    Also its a huge problem how they are raising gear and character level. It makes your dozen year time and effort investment worth zero.

    If you are playing hard, raiding competitively ... after 3 month a new patch come and the newest world quest with lucky titanforged roll can yield as high item level as the previous instance. It's terrible design. It does not respect players time investment at all.

    You log in the game you make a 10 second world quest and you got better item then legion or sunwell legendary bow... or whatver.

    They removed the unique choice of will from the character generation. Now everything is the same, they are like soldiers in uniform.

    No no no no. They are extremely missdeveloped wow in the last dozen years.

    The art section is still awesome and you can play it as a single game for the story and intro videos.

    But it's not the best RPG, mmoRPG or mmoRPGPVP game what it was once.

    Also they removed the PVP PVE gear stat difference... that was a huge mistake... Actually it's different here in aoeo celeste which is amazing work guys.

    Basically PVP is dead in retail wow.

    I can list for days long what is wrong in the retail wow. So terrible now.
  8. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    Just wait until next winter :)
  9. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    And if we scrap exclusivity entirely, there won't be any deviation in home city styles and unit cosmetic and gear choices.

    RNG loot to any extent doesn't in the short run, but will (with some caveats) in the long term. But the randomness does also add a longevity factor to the progression for the majority of players.
  10. Andy P XIII

    Andy P XIII Moderator

    Nov 14, 2017
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    We are never going to release event quests other than during events.
    MainMan B likes this.
  11. CriticalCurio

    CriticalCurio Long Swordsman

    Feb 23, 2020
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    I don't know if i will remember it on next winter and return again. Actually i gave voice to this, because im already started playing other games in the last week.
  12. Andy P XIII

    Andy P XIII Moderator

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Don’t go too far. We have tons of quests yet to be released.
  13. CriticalCurio

    CriticalCurio Long Swordsman

    Feb 23, 2020
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    To be honest if there won't be some other event or game option to replace the fun factor of the winter event right after it ends, it causes a huge vacuum that i better should avoid that negative missing feeling next time, meaning of skipping the whole stuff.

    Actually it's an analyzing of psichological effect. It feel like a sinus curve.
  14. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    Pre Celeste, they only had a Halloween and Winter event. Celeste added the summer event. Is it still not enough?
    Andy P XIII likes this.
  15. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
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    Oct 24, 2017
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    And there were no event-exclusive Quests, Gear (not counting Vanity) or Regions. Just some cosmetic changes and that's it.
    Jeinx and Andy P XIII like this.
  16. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    @CriticalCurio Keep an eye out for new questpacks coming out. It might fill that void that you have when there's no seasonal event on!
    CriticalCurio likes this.
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