Unique Units Rework Greece-Egypt[Suggestion]

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by GeorgosJ, Apr 25, 2019.


What do you think?

Poll closed Oct 25, 2019.
  1. Id like to see it

  2. Sounds good, but too much changes

  3. Meh, I dont care

    0 vote(s)
  4. No, we are fine as we are

  1. GeorgosJ

    GeorgosJ Long Swordsman

    Feb 4, 2018
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    So I have been playing around, and I like advisor units, BUT when you reach lvl 40 or even before they lose their edge, which mostly is a higher attack and health and a different visual. Thus my suggestion is a rework:

    Upgrades a basic unit into another with bonuses
    Phalanx Commander Herculos: (Age II)

    Upgrades Spearman to Phalanx, gaining:
    +70 hp, + 4 damage, +10% damage vs infantry/cavalry, + 20 % mele vs infantry/cavalry(armour), + attack range.
    Now can be recruited in the fortress.

    Pezhetairoi Commander Tumerok: (Age III)
    Upgrades Hyspapista to Pezhetairoi, gaining:
    +70 hp, + 4 damage, +20% damage vs infantry, + 10 % mele vs infantry (armour), +10% pierce armour.
    Now can be recruited in the fortress.

    Hetairoi Commander Jason: (Age IV)
    Upgrades Hypikon to Hetairoi, gaining:
    +10% movement speed, +6 damage, +10% armour (pierce/crush), Gain the ability of charging (like baby).
    Now can be recruited in the fortress.

    Instead of beeing Advisors to have this units already in-game
    Somathopylax Commander Matius:

    As the Chief in Norse Civ. A unit (commander) limited to 1, boost armor +20%

    Heliopolis Engineer Medias:
    A siege unit like baby one, which hold units inside to boost its attack.
    (Would use baby as ref, since there aint need to have new models or so, etc.)

    Upgrades a basic unit into another with bonuses
    Master of Chase Namor (Age IV)

    Upgrades Elephants and Archer Elephants to War Elephants, gaining:
    Elphants, +20% armour (pierce/crush)
    Archer Elephants, +200 hp, Can carry units to boost attack and have area attack (like persian towers).

    Special: Now can be equiped by Persian and Greek civs, gaining 2 new units, Elephant archer and Elephant.

    Blademaster Khaba (Age II)
    Upgrades Axeman to Royal Axeman, gaining:
    +40 hp, 4 damage, +20% mele vs infantry (armour), gains area attack like berserkers.
    Now can be recruited in the fortress.

    The Roamer Djer (Age III)
    Upgrades Camel Rider to "Tuareg", gaining:
    +70 hp, +10% mele vs infantry (armour), +10% pierce armour, +10% damage vs mele.

    Instead of beeing Advisors to have this units already in-game
    Nehkbet Protector of the Lost (Age III)

    Medjay unit, (a persian immortal) can attack mele or ranged attack.

    Nynetjer, Lord of the Hunt (Age II)

    Archer unit, (persian archer).

    Explanation: Most of the unique units as stated before lose their usefullness atfer lvl 30 due not having gear slots mostly. For greece the 4 unique units were just "royal" versions of their counterpart, and were all used by Alexander the Great.

    I believe some models can be reused to have certain units in certain civs, since Persia conquered Babylon and Egypt and then Macedonia conquered Greece and Persia, they both should have Elephants.
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  3. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    The unique units are in an interesting spot, where they only get used in PvE, but because of no gear they stop being useful in the upper 30s. I wonder if scaling their stats to player level or quest/crete/skirmish difficulty level could work. Otherwise a change like this could be cool too.
    Exclusive0r likes this.
  4. GeorgosJ

    GeorgosJ Long Swordsman

    Feb 4, 2018
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    Thanks for replying, yes the fastest/easiest way would be re-scalling their stats to match lvl, for example common (match lvl 10 units), uncommon (match lvl 20 units), rare (match lvl 30 units), epic (match lvl 40 units), legendary (match lvl elite 40+ units).

    The second option would be adding gear slots to unique units, in order to scale as normal units, but having a slot used in an advisor that gives you a unit, instead of other advisor like the new ones that enhance certain unit(s), seems like they would be still underated.

    In contrast:
    The Greeks and Persians are more like replacers than aditional units, you have Phalanx (spearmen), Pezhetairoi (Hyspapista), Hetairoi (Hypikon), with a few enhancers x% bonus against x thing. Royal archer (persian archer), Royal Guard (Sparabara), Scythian M Archer (Persian M archer).

    But for the Egyptians and Celts are units that should have been as basic units to have a more complete rooster, Desert Archer, a ranged foot unit good vs infantry, a thanky unit like a hoplite (in order to have more flexibility than just going straigh for an army of Elephants). Gastae a good skirmish unit, another chariot unit with more health but slower. For example the Nords and Babylonian dont have Advisor units nor they need them, as their rooster are the biggest, even Persian rooster is big.

    Also I would like to note that some model could be reused in order to have units with visual gear slots, for example the persian archer for egypt, the peltastoi for celt, and so.
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