The real deal - a proper signup list for the Community Challenge

Discussion in 'PvP Challenges/Tournaments' started by Ardeshir, Oct 6, 2019.

  1. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Hey guys, I'm slowly getting more organized with planning out the revival of the community challenge! From now on, rewards are going to be 25k/500EP for winners, and 10k/200EP for losers! All games will be bo3 unless otherwise stated (on player request)! Generally, I'll try get as much of the games on afternoon Saturdays CEST, but we can always arrange for games at other times, as long as a caster capable of streaming is free!

    I need to know everybody's availabilities to plan any games in advance, and being half a day (or more) ahead of you buggers, we can't leave everything to the last minute like a school assignment :D

    I need a list of casters, players, people wanting to do both (and those casting, lemme know if you can/cant stream). So here is the opportunity to do it in somewhere easy to reference!

    IGN, Role/s, times available, skill level/suitable opponents (if you're looking to play) please. My next post is an example!
    #1 Ardeshir, Oct 6, 2019 at 2:38 PM
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2019
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  3. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Hey Ardeshir, thanks for organising this! ( :D :D :D)
    IGN: AUS_Howryagawin
    roles: streamer, caster, player
    time/s available in CEST: 12pm-3pm Mon-Fri, 6am-6pm Saturday, 1am-3pm Sunday
    skill level: roughly entry lowbracket/lower advanced play
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