Server Maintenance - [September 10, 2023]

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by martinmine, Sep 9, 2023.

  1. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Age Of Empires Online Celeste Fan Project will undergo planned server maintenance on the 10th of September 2023.
    10:30 CEST: The server will stop responding to login requests, meaning you will not be able to log on from this time.
    11:00 CEST: Start of maintenance.
    11:30 CEST: Expected end of maintenance.
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  3. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Game server is now in maintenance mode and authentication has been disabled. Server maintenance will start in 30 min.
  4. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    The server is now shutting down and starting update. Expected downtime is 30 minutes.
  5. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Server is back online!
  6. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    • Balance Changes:
      • -

    • Sparta PvP Updates:
      • Four Lakes and Wildwoods have been removed from the Ranked Map Pool. Arabia and Bandit Canyon takes their places. Current Map Pool:
        • Equal Footing
        • Big Island
        • Mountain Crossing
        • Bandit Canyon
        • Oasis
        • Grasslands
        • Sheltered Pass
        • Inland
        • Lowland Groves
        • Arabia

    • Map Updates:
      • -

    • Bugfixes:
      • Fixed an issue where the quest Elite: Brennos Attacks was granting lower rewards than intended.
      • Fixed an issue where the quest Legendary: Recapturing Paphos was granting one less chest than intended.

    • Quest Updates:
      • Legendary: You Could be Mine: Made several difficulty adjustments.
      • Legendary: The Siege of Clusium: Made several difficulty adjustments.
      • Legendary: Turanian Trouble: Quest cooldown increased to 6 days, from 3. Rewards adjusted.
      • Legendary: Brennos Attacks: Made the quest Timer an optional objective, instead of mandatory. Quest cooldown increased to 6 days, from 3. Rewards adjusted.
      • The newest quests from the Summer Event are now available in the Library of Horus (Summer Event Archive Building). Rewards and cooldowns for all Summer Archive quests adjusted to their off-season amounts.
      • General Zu's Glory Days:
        • Legendary: Susa in Strife: Made some adjustments to the quest map. Lowered the General's Hitpoints. Made the quest Timer an optional objective, instead of mandatory. Quest cooldown reduced to 3 days, from 6. Rewards adjusted.
        • Legendary: Euphrates in Disorder: Made some adjustments to the quest map. Lowered the General's Hitpoints. Made the quest Timer an optional objective, instead of mandatory. Difficulty rating decreased to 3-stars, from 4-stars. Rewards adjusted.
        • Legendary: More Mad Medians in Mesopotamia!: Lowered the General's Hitpoints. Made the quest Timer an optional objective, instead of mandatory. Difficulty rating increased to 2-stars, from 1-star. Rewards adjusted.
        • Removed the bonus multipliers on all 3 Legendary quests.
      • Greek Revolt: Several quests' names have been adjusted. See the "Other Updates" section for more information.
        • Legendary: A New Rebellion?: Made some adjustments to the quest map. Added 1 optional objective and 1 time challenge.
        • Legendary: The End of the Traitors: Made some adjustments to the quest map. Added 1 optional objective and 1 time challenge.
        • Legendary: Recapturing Efeso: Made some adjustments to the quest map. Made the quest Timer an optional objective, instead of mandatory. Replaced the "Train Only Spearmen" optional objective with "Train Only Spearmen and Cavalry".
        • Legendary: Recapturing Myus: Made some adjustments to the quest map. Made the quest Timer an optional objective, instead of mandatory. Replaced the "Train No Infantry" optional objective with "Train No Ranged" Quest cooldown increased to 3 days, from 12 hours. Rewards adjusted.
        • Legendary: Recapturing Sardes: Made some adjustments to the quest map. Made the quest Timer an optional objective, instead of mandatory.
        • Legendary: Recapturing Mileto: Made some adjustments to the quest map. Made the quest Timer an optional objective, instead of mandatory. Quest cooldown increased to 6 days, from 3. Rewards adjusted.
        • Removed the bonus multipliers on all Legendary quests.
        • Assault in Eritrea: Enemy AI gear set changed to Rare from Epic. Made adjustments to the AI ally.
        • Assault in Teos: Enemy AI gear set changed to Rare from Epic. Made some difficulty adjustments to better fit the 1-star rating.
        • Assault in Priene: Enemy AI gear set changed to Rare from Epic. Replaced the "Build no Markets" optional objective with "Train no Palintonons, Log throwers or Stone throwers".
        • Assault in Colofon: Enemy AI gear set changed to Rare from Epic.
        • Assault in Focea: Enemy AI gear set changed to Rare from Epic.
        • Assault in Quios: Made adjustments to the quest map. Enemy AI gear set changed to Rare from Epic.
        • Assault in Clazomene: Made adjustments to the quest map. Enemy AI gear set changed to Rare from Epic.
        • Assault in Lebedos: Made adjustments to the quest map. Enemy AI gear set changed to Rare from Epic. Replaced the "Don't Reach Age III" optional objective with a Time Challenge.
        • Assault in Samos: Made adjustments to the quest map. Enemy AI gear set changed to Rare from Epic. Replaced the "Build No Towers" optional objective with "Build No Walls".
      • Conquest of the 9 Realms (Well of Urd questline):
        • Legendary: Recapturing Alfheim: made some adjustments to the scenario and changed the difficulty and rewards from 4 stars to 3 stars.
        • Legendary: Recapturing Asgard: made some adjustments to the scenario.
        • Legendary: Recapturing Muspelheim: made some adjustments to the scenario.
        • Legendary: Recapturing Nilfheim: made some adjustments to the scenario and changed the difficulty and rewards from 3 stars to 2 stars.
        • Legendary: Recapturing Helheim: made some adjustments to the scenario.
        • Legendary: Recapturing Svartelheim: made some adjustments to the scenario and changed the rewards and cooldown to 3 days from 12 hours.
        • Removed the bonus multipliers and reduced the overal unit spam of all Legendary quests.

    • Art Updates:
      • -

    • Champion Mode Changes:
      • Greeks:
        • Peltast: DPS reduced to 8.5, from 9. Bonus vs Ranged increased to 3.25x, from 3.0x.
      • Egyptians:
        • Slinger: DPS reduced to 6, from 6.5. Bonus vs Ranged increased to 3.25x, from 3.0x.
      • Celts:
        • Slinger: DPS reduced to 6.5, from 7. Bonus vs Ranged increased to 4.25x, from 4.0x.
      • Persians:
        • Takabara: DPS reduced to 8.5, from 9. Bonus vs Ranged increased to 3.0x, from 2.75x.
      • Romans:
        • Balearic Slinger: DPS reduced to 6.5, from 7. Bonus vs Ranged increased to 3.25x, from 3.0x.
      • Babylonians:
        • -
      • Norse:
        • -
      • Global:
        • Town Center: Cost reduced to 300w/300s, from 400w/400s.
        • Golden Age: Cost reduced to 1000f/1000w/1000g/600s, from 1000f/1000w/1000g/800s. Research Time reduced to 75s, from 100s.
          • Egyptian Temple of Ptah: Cost reduced to 1000f/1000w/1000g/600s, from 1000f/1000w/1000g/800s. Build Time reduced to 200s, from 250s.
          • Celtic Golden Age: Cost reduced to 1200f/1200g/600s, from 1200f/1200g/800s. Research Time reduced to 65s, from 80s.
        • Armory: Cost reduced to 200w, from 250w.

    • UI Updates:
      • Added a notification flash animation for Global Marketplace sales and for Daily Login Rewards.

    • Other Updates:
      • The Well of Urd region has been added back to the Quest Rotation System. Rewards for all three variations of the region increased (when it is on rotation).
      • Several quests names from the Greek Revolt quest pack have been changed to be consistent with how they are called in English:
        • Mileto -> Miletus
        • Quios -> Chios
        • Clazomene -> Clazomenae
        • Eritrea -> Eretria
        • Colofon -> Colophon
        • Focea -> Phocaea
        • Efeso -> Ephesus
        • Sardes -> Sardis
      • Minigame quests from the Lodi region have been moved to another Quest Giver: Wanted Board.

    • XLive Changes:
      • -

    • Backend Changes:
      • -
    #5 PF2K, Sep 10, 2023 at 10:51 AM
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2023
    bbgambini, Romaniac01, Hothn and 6 others like this.
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