Server Maintenance - [January 12, 2022]

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by martinmine, Jan 11, 2022.

  1. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Age Of Empires Online Celeste Fan Project will undergo planned server maintenance on the 12th of January 2022.
    16:00 CET: The server will stop responding to login requests, meaning you will not be able to log on from this time.
    17:00 CET: Start of maintenance.
    17:10 CET: Expected end of maintenance.
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  3. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Game server is now in maintenance mode and authentication has been disabled. Server maintenance will start in 30 min.
  4. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    The server is now shutting down and starting update. Expected downtime is 20 minutes.
  5. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    • Balance Changes:-
      • Celtic Rite of Damara: Now reduces training time of all units by 30%, from 20%. Duration increased to 45 seconds, from 30. Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds, from 120.
      • Celtic Rite of Andrasta: Duration increased to 45 seconds, from 30. Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds, from 120.
      • Celtic Rite of Rudiobus: Duration increased to 45 seconds, from 30. Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds, from 120.
      • Celtic Rite of Ratis: Duration increased to 45 seconds, from 30. Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds, from 120.

    • Sparta PvP Updates:
      • -

    • Bugfixes:
      • Fixed an issue where the Roman Bolster upgrade didn't display its name properly in Champion Mode.
      • Fixed an issue where Prist units wouldn't retarget properly in Champion Mode.
      • Fixed an issue where the "Winter Event!" button wouldn't display the proper pop-up in languages other than English and Simplified Chinese.

    • Quest Updates:
      • -

    • Art Updates:

    • Champion Mode Changes:
      • Greeks:
        • Ashlar Masonry: No longer affects Walls. Now grants +35% Health, from +30%.
      • Egyptians:
        • War Elephant Champion: No longer grants additional Conversion Resistance. Upgrade cost reduced to 800g, from 1000g.
        • Elephant Archer: Cost changed to 225w/100g, from 200w/150g.
        • Elephant Archer Champion: Now also grants +25% Bonus vs Ranged. Upgrade cost increased to 1000g, from 800g.
        • Priest of Ptah: Now has 0.40 Splash Damage Armor, from 0.00
        • Ptolemy's Might: Cost reduced to 300w/300g, from 350w/300g.
      • Celts:
        • Champion: Now has 0.20 Splash Damage Armor, from 0.00. Cost increased to 85f/75g, from 80f/60g.
        • Slinger: Attack Range increased to 18, from 15. Hitpoints reduced to 100, from 110.
        • Slinger Champion: Maximum Range increase reduced to +10%, from +20%.
        • Silver Age: Now requires 6 Houses, instead of 8.
        • Rite of Damara: Now reduces training time of all units by 30%, from 20%. Duration increased to 45 seconds, from 30. Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds, from 120.
        • Rite of Andrasta: Duration increased to 45 seconds, from 30. Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds, from 120.
        • Rite of Rudiobus: Duration increased to 45 seconds, from 30. Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds, from 120.
        • Rite of Ratis: Duration increased to 45 seconds, from 30. Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds, from 120.
      • Persians:
        • Asabara Champion: Movement Speed buff reverted to +10%, from +5%.
        • Shield Wall: Now grants +30% Pierce Armor, from +20%.
      • Romans:
        • Decurion: Conversion Resistance reduced to 1.25, from 2.00. Hitpoints increased to 730, from 720. DPS reduced to 21, from 23. Cost reduced to 65f/90g, from 70f/90g.
        • Centurion: Conversion Resistance reduced to 1.25, from 2.00. Train Time increased to 23 seconds, from 19.
      • Babylonians:
        • Shield Bearer: Hitpoints increased to 225, from 210.
        • Shield Bearer Champion: Now grants +40% Pierce and Crush Armor, from +50%. Upgrade cost reduced to 400g, from 450g.
      • Norse:
        • Farbjoðr: Crush DPS increased to 54, from 36. Bonus vs Buildings reduced to 2.0x, from 3.0x.
        • War Dog: Now also has 0.30 Melee-Cavalry Armor, from 0.00. Bonus vs Cavalry increased to 1.75x, from 1.5x. Cost reverted to 25f, from 20f.
      • Global:
        • Market: Cost reduced to 300w, from 350w. Hitpoints reduced to 4000, from 4500.
        • New Upgrade in all Markets: Fortified Market: Improves Market. +35% Health, +35% Melee-Infantry Armor, +35% Melee-Cavalry Armor. 300w/300g/150s. Age IV. 60s Research Time.
        • Guard Tower: Build Time reduced to 50s, from 60s. Cost changed to 175w/50s, from 150w/75s.
        • Conditioning: Cost reduced to 50f/25g, from 150f/100g.
        • Marksmanship: Cost reduced to 50w/25g, from 75w/50g.
    • Updated the Champion Mode Website to the latest build.

    • UI Updates:
      • Celtic Rites now display their activation and cooldown times in the in-game Tech Tree.
      • Conversion Resistance values of higher than 1.00 and lower than 1.00 are now shown directly in the in-game Tech Tree.

    • Other Updates:
      • Crafting material stack sizes increased to 1500/750/500/250, from 1000/500/250/100. Bahram's Bulk Bundles store item list and Loading Screen updated to match this change.
      • Recipe: Walls of the Piercing Frost: Philosopher's Stones Cost removed. White Honey and Archimedes Tools cost increased by 100 each.
      • Golden Ticket removed from the Empire Store.
      • Woolly Mammoth Champion consumable's Ice King's Heart Shard crafting cost reduced to 1, from 5.

    • XLive Changes:
      • -

    • Backend Changes:
      • -
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