Non-transferable items

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Artafern, May 12, 2022.

  1. Artafern

    Artafern Spearman

    Mar 31, 2019
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    Hello! Please make it possible to transfer items to a shared backpack after use.
    It is clear and logical that they cannot be sold, but I see no problem in transferring them to my other civilization.
    There are good items that are a pity to throw away, but they are no longer relevant, and only take up space in the warehouse.

    Or any other way to free up space from old items (maybe some kind of separate warehouse, not for transfer, but just storage)
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  3. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    Not sure what you mean - The only gear items that can't be sold nor can be traded are the Hero's Set given to Norse, Persia, and Babylon on creation. All other gear items can be sold.

    As for Vanity Items, yea, it would be nice to remove untradable tags from a lot of them. I deleted most of my Greek Forts and similar vanity items on non-Greek civs because, it doesn't make any sense for those civs to have Greek Forts, as Greek was never an expansionist empire. Some items are "generic" enough to go on multiple civs.
  4. ConradIII

    ConradIII Champion

    May 8, 2022
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    If you have used/equipped gear and decide to replace/unequip it , then you can save it to use again in the same Civ or You can sell it. You cannot transfer to another Civ once it has been equipped.

    If you find gear in 1 Civ and you don't use/equip it you can transfer via the empire vault or mail it to yourself for use in the Civ you want to

    Or any other way to free up space from old items (maybe some kind of separate warehouse, not for transfer, but just storage) - Empire Vault ??? perhaps

    Like frogspoison Im not sure of yr question. But hope this helps
  5. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    Changing this is not trivial, remember the devs don't have complete access to all the code, rather they mostly build upon what already exists. What I've understood from previous similar conversations the game treats your different civs as almost completely separate. There currently isn't a way for the game to understand that something is tradable to your other civs but not tradable to civs of another player. To add that in this new functionality would be tricky, maybe not possible with devs current access to code and could potentially create lots of bugs that would take time to fix, or turn out to not be fixable depending on the code access, and may take a lot of time. So question is how much time is it worth spending on such functionality? You'd have to convince the devs that they should spend their free time trying to create this functionality instead of making new content, game modes or civs, which are more interesting and likely to see much greater usage for the time required to create them.
  6. Artafern

    Artafern Spearman

    Mar 31, 2019
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    This is what we are talking about. if there is such an opportunity, then of course I would like to see the implementation in the future. Only for the sake of not piling up extra equipment. Much loses its relevance, but is still valuable, and simply disappears in the general chest.

    Exactly like you want to be able to choose a color. Blue from 2011 is difficult =)
    bbgambini likes this.
  7. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    Ok, for the old items that steadily build up - You sell these items to the Vendor. As for the Persia/Norse/Babylon initial items, these have to be deleted - Drag and drop the item onto any empty space on the map to delete it

    There is also the Item Dismantler coming at some point in the future, which will allow you to turn unwanted gear into various crafting mats.

    Gear that you equip should not be tradeable to other civs, as that's how "bound" items work in many, many MMO games to prevent absurd gear bloat.
    Wolfgang likes this.
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