New NPC/building Feature "Cornelius the Hoarder"

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by GenXDNA, Jan 31, 2018.

  1. GenXDNA

    GenXDNA Spearman

    Jan 30, 2018
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    I was wondering if it would be possible to add in a new building/npc feature to the game that players can go to to trade in unwanted gear to "Cornelius" for a random item of equal value in return.

    Example: if a player opens up a bunch of chests and gets a lot of uncommon items, they could take those unwanted items and trade them for a random item of equal level. Would be 10 to 1 ratio.

    How it would work.

    10 common = 1 uncommon random
    10 uncommon = 1 rare random
    10 rare = 1 epic random

    Player opens "Cornelius the Hoarder" building:

    Inside the building are 11 slots. 10 slots for your items and one slot from Cornelius.

    Player adds 10 common items to the slots and presses the hoard button.

    Cornelius would than give you a random rarity of the same level.
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  3. Skelotox

    Skelotox Spearman

    Jan 30, 2018
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    I think this is a good idea but 10 is maybe a lot?
    need to store them and there is no such a different between uncommun and rare. 5 could be enough no?
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