How to set up a custom scenario

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by KhanAckhar, Oct 6, 2019.

  1. KhanAckhar

    KhanAckhar Game Developer

    Jan 17, 2018
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    If you have used the editor before, you might have come across some issues, like weird UI glitches, not being able to build or train anything, and computer players doing nothing.
    This tutorial will show you how to make your scenario playable and how to fix all of these issues.

    Step 1: Download AI scripts

    To tell our computer players to do something, we need AI scripts.

    You can download our AI scripts here:

    Step 2: Set player data and assign AI scripts

    Go to Scenario -> Player Data.
    Here you can set player names, colors, civilizations, controllers, AI scripts and Character files.

    To assign an AI script, simply click the "AI" button and select one of the available options.
    We recommend using the scripts located in the "CORE" folder.

    When assigning an AI script to a player, make sure to set the controller to "Computer", otherwise the game might crash.

    When assigning a character file to a player, make sure to select the correct civilization that works with the Character File.

    Step 3: Create the initialization trigger

    To fix UI glitches and enable building/training/AI, we have to create a trigger which runs immediately at the beginning of the game with the "__OfflineScenarioInit" effect.

    To create the required trigger, go to Triggers -> Triggers and follow the following steps:

    1) Press the "insert" button and tick "Run Immediately".
    2) Press the "Effects" button at the bottom left.
    3) Click on the "Type:" Dropdown list and select "__OfflineScenarioInit" at the very top.
    4) Set the Scenario Level (This can affect the difficulty of the AI)
    5) Select the Player controlled by a Human
    6) Set starting resources for all players

    For more information on triggers, check the following tutorial:

    When playing the scenario, you should now be able to build buildings and train units. AI scripts should now be assigned to computer players and UI issues should be gone.
    #1 KhanAckhar, Oct 6, 2019 at 3:05 AM
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2019
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  3. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Cheers, I'll free up some time in one of the coming weekends, and use this to start getting somewhere with customs :D
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