By PF2K on May 2, 2021 at 6:38 PM
  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Hello there Celeste players! We are back with another Developer Blog. This time, we will be showing you some of the things that we have added to the game in our most recent patches, alongside our future plans including a teaser for the Indian Civilization!

    So without any further ado, let's get started, shall we?

    Indian Civilization!
    Many of you have seen the April's Fool's Joke about the three new Indian, Hun and Phoenician civilizations, but this time, we are being serious!

    The Indians are the 8th civilization to be added to Age of Empires Online.

    We hope to be able to share more details with you soon, but for now, we can say:
    • The Indians will be a Pro civilization, starting at level 20 (like the Persians, Babylonians and Norse)
    • They will be a mid-game focused civilization, with heavy emphasis on technologies and upgrades that carry them in the lategame.
    • The Indians bring a new style of upgrades to the game called "Choose-One Techs". These techs give you a choice between multiple upgrades that allow you to adapt based on your playstyle, and the map/matchup. You can only choose one upgrade from each set every game, so choose wisely!
    • Alongside the Indians, there will be new Gaia animals added to the game, including Asian Wild Elephants, Tigers and Saltwater Crocodiles.
    • The Indians will have their own Terrain Sets, Trees and more.
    • The Indians will add a new Shared Region to the game, Pataliputra. (Similar to Tarsos, Northern Hold and Babylon)
    • They will have multiple Elephant units. More details to follow later!

    Party 2v2
    We are incredibly excited to tell you that you are finally able to play 2v2 Ranked Mode with a friend!

    Invite your friend to your party, queue up on the ladder and have fun! Remember that we recently increased the Sparta Rewards by a lot, so don't miss out on those sweet new rewards. Find more details about the increased Sparta Rewards here.

    Priest Conversion RNG reduction
    Until today, the way Priests Convert Rate worked was that you would be able to convert your target (assuming there are no other factors such as convert resist gear are in play) at 0.5 to 1.0 of the displayed convert rate. So for example, a Priest with a convert rate of 10 would have a chance of converting its target anywhere between 5 to 10 seconds.

    We have reduced the range of this RNG-based conversion time to 0.75 to 1.0 of the displayed convert rate. This will allow us to balance priests a bit more reliably.

    New Decoration!
    Added to the Editor and Vanity Island are these new assets. You can buy the Persian Flagpoles and Balusters in Vanity Island.

    New Recon Man Consumables
    A highly requested addition, the Recon Man consumable is now available for all civilizations. You can find them in your Capital City's General Stores (and similar General Stores).

    All current and future content will stay 100% free and accessible to everyone.

    Thank you so much for reading, and we will see you all next time!

    Project Celeste Development Team

    What do you think about this week's blog? What would you like to see next? Let us know in the comments below!

    The Romans are here! Watch the Overview Trailer.

    Project Celeste is completely free and always will be. However, we gladly accept donations for our overhead costs, which are larger than we have budgeted. If you want to support us, you can do so HERE.

    Read every Romans related blog HERE.

    Tell your friends! Join our Discord HERE.
    BOSAIF, Drag0nstarz, Raider and 21 others like this.
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Discussion in 'News' started by PF2K, May 2, 2021.

    1. frogs.poison

      frogs.poison Immortal

      May 19, 2020
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      Greeks have the 3rd strongest walls and 100% the strongest towers.
      Wall strength order is something like Babylon>=Egyptian>Greek>Roman>Norse=Persian>Celts.

      Tower strength order is something like Greek>Roman>Celts(WithAdvisor)>Babylon>=Norse=Egyptian>Persia=Celts(NoAdvisor)

      Because of the extreme strength of Greek's towers, they actually have the strongest fortification capability - It doesn't matter how tough your walls are if you can't kill the massive army attacking your walls. Combine that with the strongest Ranged units, and Greeks are easily #1 for base defense.
      NoteHermelin786 likes this.
    2. Artafern

      Artafern Spearman

      Mar 31, 2019
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      This is true, but all the same, against the general background, the same Babylon and Egypt will keep the defense of the base much longer only at the expense of the walls, which at 14k HP for the Greeks crumble instantly under enemy elephants and siege.
      In the same conditions of solid defense - walls - 30 towers and long-range combat (each has its own) - they simply will not go to Babylon and Egypt only due to the huge wall.
      Yes, and I'm talking about ultra difficult quests, which will be even more difficult in the future, I'm sure.
      Therefore, for example, the option with the addition of the last upgrade not to the technology tree but in the form of an advisor may be a good solution. Giving the players a choice - a wall or other useful things.
      Moreover, this can be implemented in different ways.
      (for example - Babylon has a unique wall (cost per tree)), and improves immediately more expensive and stronger.
      Also, for example, an advisor for the 3rd century can give a unique wall upgrade - in the form of 150-200% (and with a unique appearance).
      In any case, you can implement this in different ways.
      In defensive defense, other civilizations are indeed an order of magnitude stronger than the Greeks.
    3. frogs.poison

      frogs.poison Immortal

      May 19, 2020
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      Again, it's not an issue of walls - If you only have a single layer of walls, you aren't walling correctly. Hell, generally you should make a maze with the walls within range of your towers - The AI loves attacking walls when they see them, but they suffer damage they will attempt to close in to the attacker, and often if they can't the AI pathing "bugs" for a lack of a better term and they just run in a circle. It's why on higher quests you generally see players building a wall maze, in which only the outer-most wall gets attacked and only until towers start to hit them.

      Since the walls themselves aren't getting attacked, the more crucial point is NOT the health of the wall, but instead the damage of the towers. Additionally, Greek towers can not only attack in melee range with more damage, but they deal bonus damage to siege - Greek Towers essentially have 50% more damage to Siege then any other tower, so it's rare for a Ram to even make it TO the wall - And higher tier siege like Catapults/Ballista are quickly eliminated by high-range towers.

      So, no, Tower strength is greater then Wall Strength - Even Celtic Walls, which have 1/4th the HP of Egyptian/Babylon walls and close to 1/3rd the strength o Greek Walls, do the job because, again, if units are attacking your walls right at the towers, you walled wrong.
    4. Artafern

      Artafern Spearman

      Mar 31, 2019
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      Unfortunately, we are talking about different things =) I know perfectly well what a wall is and the behavior of bots in quests, since it's been in the game since its launch. Thousands of towers are great, we are talking about specific situations in which the Greeks lose to stronger civilizations. I'm only talking about the possible addition of an advisor, for example.
      I do not see any imbalance in this. (for example, we use Rome like any other civilization, without strengthening units, only endless spam, in such a situation a wall with 5k + more HP is much more imbalanced than a population of 220? I don't think so)
      And in general, a huge number of very strong advisors appeared in the game. And this is natural, since the complexity of many quests is many times greater than the quests of 2011-2014.
      And the moment about the walls was voiced in the same way only based on current realities =)
    5. indianempire

      indianempire Woad Raider

      Apr 20, 2018
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      waiting for great ming or tang;)
    6. bbgambini

      bbgambini Hippikon

      Nov 25, 2017
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      Is it safe to say that the Indian Civ will be released before AOE4 does later this year??
      *fingers crossed*
    7. Andy P XIII

      Andy P XIII Moderator

      Nov 14, 2017
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      No. I doubt we go that fast.
    8. SHIFENG

      SHIFENG Long Swordsman

      Feb 13, 2020
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      Yes,me too:p
      NoteHermelin786 likes this.
    9. NoteHermelin786

      NoteHermelin786 Spearman

      Feb 19, 2021
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      I guess with the new Indian legs AI will go above and beyond what they do in the Rome legs.
      Player can only win by the skin of their teeth
      Having some anxiety
    10. Erasmus

      Erasmus Spearman

      Apr 30, 2021
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      Is not fixed, that Age of Empires 4 will be release at the end of this year, can also be next year.
    11. frogs.poison

      frogs.poison Immortal

      May 19, 2020
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      Rome Legs are more in-line with previous legs - Clusium for instance is on par with VoK or Brennos Attacks, and there are easier legs such as Come Together which is considered on par with Mad Medians.

      From my understanding though a few of the devs are hard at work improving the AI - If it's greatly improved, I believe they will cut back on the stat boosts elites have.
    12. Artafern

      Artafern Spearman

      Mar 31, 2019
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      By the way, regarding some visual:
      Certain legendary items (new ones) always look the same. Of the obvious exceptions, this is the Shield of Aeneas. And for example swords are always the same.

      I would very much like to finally see legendary versions of items in the future: (visually, with any new characteristics, of course)
      1) Ajax's Heavy War Shield (sorely lacking in the collection of the legendary half-moon shield)
      2) The Vorpal Blade
      3) Pharaoh's Spear of Destiny (One of the most balanced in terms of model, spear (not huge, not small), like Blessed Spear of Thoth, the legendary version of which you have already made)
      4) Envoy of Thanatos (now all Javelins look just huge)
      Kulcsos12 likes this.
    13. Serigala Putih

      Serigala Putih Villager

      May 15, 2021
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      you guys did a great choice bring Indian as 8th Civs. please bring Chinese civilization as 9th Civs ! they well known ancient vast empire and different from the others. because Huns might be similar to Norse & Celts (barbarian type),while Phonecian we already have Babylon & Persian (arabian type). but Chinese or Japanese (Yamato) is something new. with Indian & Chinese into this game, this Celeste Project is already complete & perfect ! PLEASE. THANK YOU
    14. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
      Staff Member Administrator

      Oct 24, 2017
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      Persians are not Arabian type. Where did you get that from?
    15. Erasmus

      Erasmus Spearman

      Apr 30, 2021
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      He means the playing style of the peoples and not the togetherness of peoples. But i also mean in play behavior, the persians play differently than egyptians and babylonians.
    16. Artafern

      Artafern Spearman

      Mar 31, 2019
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      Continuing the theme of expanding the legendary range of equipment.
      By the way, your team started the journey of replacing certain equipment with their legendary version (for example, Delian Archon's Wheels).
      I would very much like to see (of the important) the legendary version of the equipment in the future:
      1) King Minos' Radiant Shield
      2) Reinforced Walls
      Maybe not with increased characteristics, but just level 40 and legendary.
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