By PF2K on Oct 23, 2019 at 9:27 AM
  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Hello there Celeste players!

    As we approach the Halloween Event, I thought you would like to have a preview of what is coming with the next patch. So let's get into it, shall we?

    Since this is one of the biggest content updates we have had in Celeste, I will break it down into question-based sections:

    Are we getting new Quests?
    For the Halloween Event, we are adding 3 new Minigames and 3 new Legendary Quests. Available for a limited time only, these quests offer a unique visual setting for players and new units to play with and against! Find them in the graphics below:


    Is there any new Gear? How do I get it?
    Just like last year, we have new, event-exclusive pieces of Gear! Obtainable via both PvP or PvE, these pieces of Gear are available for everyone to get! Check them out below:

    As you can see, per popular demand, Zahhak's Sword of the Undying makes a return this year. But it will be only available for purchase from inside the Store at Haunted Isle, and cannot be crafted like the other 3 items.

    What about Vanity? Capital City Decorations?
    We are happy to announce that due to popular demand, the Black Cat Vanity Set will be available for purchase once again! But we also have new decoration for you. Behold the new 24-slot warehouse, the Floating Scarehouse! (Don't forget that you can only have up to 5 warehouses in your capital city! So if you want to build one of these, you might need to pack up one of your existing warehouses.)
    These Items will be available for you to purchase in the new Store inside the event-exclusive new region, Haunted Isle:


    Anything else coming for PvE?
    Yes! in addition to all of the things mentioned above, we also have Advisor Reworks and Changes in store for you. More details will be revealed soon.

    Also, whilst we are waiting for Bahram's Lottery to be fully ready, he has bought for himself a small stall in Tarsos and will soon sell materials available in other vendors to you, in bulk. By Hourmazd!


    What's coming to PvP?
    Alongside PvP Balance Patch #17 (PF2K's personal note: I'm very excited for this patch! I think it will bring a few very nice changes to PvP and make for fresh and exciting gameplay. Greek players unite!), there will be two entirely new Terrain Sets added to the game, which will be added to both Classic and Celeste PvP/Skirmish maps. They are the Celtic Autumn and Persian Valley Terrain Sets. In addition, there have been five new Gaia Animals added to the game: Black Wolf, Brown Wolf, Polar Bear, Red Deer and Brown Sheep. Check them out below!

    What's going on with the Romans? Where are the blogs?
    As you know, Project Celeste is a fan project and everything done in it is volunteer work, done by our team in our spare time and there is only so much time we can invest before our real life obligations prevent us from making further progress. While we are still working on the Romans very frequently, with things such as the Events and other content being added, we currently do not expect the Civilization to be ready for release in 2019, considering our high quality standards and us wanting to make sure that the Romans get all the polishing and details that they deserve. But worry not, we will still be having regular updates and blogs about them as we go! Pompey and Caesar aren't done with you yet! Pompey, Caesar and... their friend, who hasn't made the scene yet but will be making an appearance soon enough. Can you guess who he is?

    We expect to launch the Halloween Event this weekend, so we will see you all then!

    What do you think about the new content shown in this blog? Let us know in the comments below!

    Thanks, and see you in the game!

    Project Celeste Development Team

    Project Celeste is completely free and always will be. However, we gladly accept donations for our overhead costs, which are larger than we have budgeted. If you want to support us, you can do so HERE.

    Tell your friends! Join our Discord HERE.
    #1 PF2K, Oct 23, 2019 at 9:27 AM
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2019
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Discussion in 'News' started by PF2K, Oct 23, 2019.

    1. Daantjuh-NL

      Daantjuh-NL Woad Raider

      Jun 15, 2019
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      Bit sad Romans are being delayed, but I rather have a quality civ, than a rushed one. Now to the event. I have to say the bosses look amazing, love the atmosphere as well. Oh and can you tell me how many Zahhak's I need for the Romans? :p
    2. rtsgamer

      rtsgamer Immortal

      Jul 9, 2018
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      adding one more light spear rather than to replace a rare/epic item, which is better then leg... okaaay. sry i am a bit skeptical but anyway lets see.. i am looking forward to it, ty all.

      zahlak: 54,6 dmg and self heal rate ? greetz.

      edit: zahlak will be availale to buy after the event aswell ?
    3. TheSpaniard

      TheSpaniard Berserker

      Jan 15, 2019
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      I'm also sad to hear about the Romans, just because I am so anxious for them. Nevertheless, real life obligations always take precedence over a game... And quality is always better than speed when it comes to an entire civilization! I wish you guys good luck and all that as you navigate the rest of the year trying to balance life and the game. We're still cheering you on to the finish line!

      The event looks absolutely incredible. I love new regions, so I'm very pumped to see the Haunted Isle! And the PvP terrain sets are also amazing! I sound like a broken record, but the work you all do blows me away. Thanks and looking forward to hopping in with everyone.

      One (two-part) question: do we know how long we expect the event to run yet, and if it is shorter than the summer event, would we see a shorter time investment to be able to craft the event legendary gear?
      #4 TheSpaniard, Oct 23, 2019 at 11:01 AM
      Last edited: Oct 23, 2019
      Alzerus and Panthericus like this.
    4. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
      Staff Member Administrator

      Oct 24, 2017
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      I would say at least one of each item.

      It is 8 health per second for the sword.

      No it will not be available. (It's also Zahhak, not Zahlak)

      Part 1: No longer than 4 weeks.
      Part 2: You will need fewer numbers of these pieces of gear, as opposed to the Summer Event gear. For example, Wall Joints could be used on many, many buildings.
    5. TheSpaniard

      TheSpaniard Berserker

      Jan 15, 2019
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      Oh and regarding the third character that is set to join Pompey and Caesar: surely it is the third member of their triumvirate, the man himself... Crassus, right?!

      If not Crassus, then probably Mark Antony or perhaps Augustus/Octavian. But my money is on Crassus! And if it is Crassus... Boy do I hope we get a Spartacus quest pack at some point in the future after Rome is released. Oh the possibilities!
      Verhuver and PF2K like this.
    6. ThunderCat

      ThunderCat Spearman

      Nov 14, 2017
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      The event looks amazing, Hope it lasts longer than the 4 week prediction. I really appreciate all the work put into this game. Love the events, and the 24 slot warehouse Love It!. Sad about the Romans but good things come to those who wait,. Keep up the good work you guys rock,
    7. PedroAlmeida72

      PedroAlmeida72 Woad Raider

      Nov 28, 2017
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      The new Zahhaks Heavy Spear looks amazing on the units! Im looking forward to try these new quests from the haloween event... congrats for your amazing work!
    8. Verhuver

      Verhuver Villager

      Apr 17, 2018
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    9. Andy P XIII

      Andy P XIII Moderator

      Nov 14, 2017
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      Oh, were there three of them?
      TheSpaniard likes this.
    10. Pharos

      Pharos Champion

      Sep 21, 2019
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      Great work guys!!! THX for your hard work and motivation!!! (hope to see Zahhak's Axe of Undying)
      bbgambini and Andy P XIII like this.
    11. Fraxure022

      Fraxure022 Berserker

      May 18, 2019
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      Very excited by the new gear. The light spear in particular excites me for my Hoplites. I am disappointed that their is no Axe, but that kind of ties into my next point. I worry that the “of the Undying” series of gear is perhaps too plainly BiS in many occasions, but that’s probably because gear stats in this game are so uneven to begin with. I’d love to see more dramatic differences in gear, similar to the self heal thing, to make gearing decisions more interesting.

      On a tangentially related note, the Sword of the Undying is currently the only legendary Sword with a straight appearance that is viable on non-scout units (the Exalted Xiphos, if I’m remembering the name correctly, is clearly designed with scouts in mind). I know it’s silly, but visuals on my units are really important to me, I’d really like to see a straight sword and a curved blade like the Vorpal blade added to the loot pool at some point.

      Will the sword be purchased with event points similar to the wall joints, or will it be with coin? I hope it’s with points.

      Thanks for everything you guys do for this game. It’s really brightened up what was otherwise a really rough year for me, and you’ve no idea how much I appreciate it.
      Andy P XIII likes this.
    12. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
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      Oct 24, 2017
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      More straight looking swords coming in with Romans!
    13. Andy P XIII

      Andy P XIII Moderator

      Nov 14, 2017
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      PF2K just spoils everything. Haha
      TheSpaniard and Pharos like this.
    14. Bahram

      Bahram Desert Trader
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      Aug 13, 2019
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      Such a marvelous written review! And how Bahram looks forwards to seeing his friends this autumn? But why does @PF2K treat Bahram so disrespectfully and not post a picture of the Miraculous Merchant? Would that all men honor their friends!

      Edit: Prithy! I have found my image! PF2K is wise as he is just!
      PF2K likes this.
    15. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
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      Oct 24, 2017
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      How much did the new stall cost? Nice floating icon above your store, that must have cost a fortune, too!
      Alzerus, KazMx and Andy P XIII like this.
    16. Suomak

      Suomak Long Swordsman

      Dec 31, 2018
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      I don't believe, that PF2K everything spoils. :kissingsmiling:
    17. Kulcsos12

      Kulcsos12 Hippikon

      Nov 15, 2017
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      I suggest to write this information into the Sword's stats. "Self-Heal 8 Helath per second" would be more informative than "Self-Heal enabled". ;)
      Towex and Andy P XIII like this.
    18. KazMx

      KazMx Long Swordsman

      Aug 19, 2018
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      The Tarsos Store, would it be a quick way to convert Coin into EP? is the cost set to a high coin amount to limit this? or is War effort quests going away?

      EDIT: I really don't even care the timeframe of the Romans what you guys are doing is above and beyond with these events and PvP maps, it's amaizing the content you pour each time. Nicely done, can't wait for the weekend.
      Alzerus likes this.
    19. Alzerus

      Alzerus Champion

      May 4, 2019
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      This Event and update looks fantastic and am very excited to see it arrive.

      Terrain Sets and New Animals, I particularly like the look of these, especially love the Celtic Autumn scene and its great news that the Zahhak Sword is being re-released along with some new weapons. I thought I’d never see that Sword on at least one a unit, until ultra-rich.

      Advisor Reworks and Changes is also great news to hear as I think we will all agree that quite a lot are completely useless and redundant and not more than about dozen Advisors are effectively and regularly used by most players after reaching level 40.

      Bahram’s Bulk Discounts look’s interesting and at the same time a bit worrying, but will have to wait for more details to see the outcome on prices and what mats apart from those pictured are involved, great news for Warfare trade ins and for those with limited storage space but I’m quite confident that you guys have thought of all outcomes and their relevant pros/cons.

      Floating Scarehouse. As a lover of city buildings, I would love to acquire one of these at least in each civ (time and grind permitting), but at same time hesitant, presuming that they are all year-round use. I’m not sure I would like to have them in my City outside of the Halloween Season. Would love to see some sort of feature that can toggle these on/off to look like regular 24 Slots Warehouse or repacked/rebuilt.

      Romans Delay is no great surprise after some hints in recent weeks but quite understandable as it’s a huge undertaking, but honestly I would have preferred to see Romans launch in around Christmas time and have seen the more recent surprise launch of the "Treasures of the Nile Quests" as a regular quest line with repeatable versions to include Elite/Legendary sometime in Spring instead.

      What you guys are doing is exceptional work and time consuming with real life commitments, so with all said above, take your time guys and do it right and continue to keep us all intrigued and excited with your weekly updates and streams on the Roman advancements.

      You all continue to amaze and surprise us all. Love the work you’re all doing and, on this launch, also Well Done!
      Towex, TheSpaniard and KazMx like this.
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