99% Wood PVP Map

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Wade Lebron 36, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. Wade Lebron 36

    Wade Lebron 36 Spearman

    Dec 29, 2018
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    I joined a 1v1 in sparta, and the entire map was literally all woods. It made black forest look like a barren map. Below are some screenshots. I had to cut my way to victory, because my opponent resigned only when i got close hahaha. Just look at that mini map xD

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  3. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    It's not a bug, RecoN just thought he might sneak forest nothing into the most recent patch :D

    I'm kidding, I think it should be fixed when sparta gets fixed over the next couple days, so sit tight and pray you don't get wildwoods in Sparta, and don't pick it or black forest in arena unless you want to play forest nothing: AOEO edition
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