Separate names with a comma.
Awesome work guys again! But have to stop for a moment. NERFING NEVER SHOULD BE AN OPTION in PVE. There are some advisors which are the most...
Uh. You didn't get at it at all. I was talking about a multiplayer, coop. You know a social fun option, which is more than a single player stuff....
Suggestion. 2 Players in 1 Civilization. It would be cool a repeatable side quest type. Normal, Elite and Legendary version. It was in AOE 2,...
I wait for Romans to get you million coins :P
awesome job, love the Gate improvement, it was missing long time ago... (the milestone reset is awesome to)
It has been solved. Had to abandon all Lodi quests and now its fine again. I saw other player had the same issue and fix on discord, so it may...
You are guys truly amazing !
Looks awesome, gonna check :D
Do you think to integrate in the game the Romans early superpower their extreme fertility rate transition ? I mean something like that a pop 1...
To be honest if there won't be some other event or game option to replace the fun factor of the winter event right after it ends, it causes a huge...
I don't know if i will remember it on next winter and return again. Actually i gave voice to this, because im already started playing other games...
The two reasons quest rewards are bugging me are 1, is the overpriced shop items 2, some good performance legendary items (for example wall of the...
I am total agree. For a newbie average skill level player some Elite quests are impossible hard, they are simply very gear dependent. But when...
Yes that would be awesome, 1-2 easier, leg quests with fewer chest, lesser gold rewards. Yes i copy that. To play the game efficient, you need...
I never like the darkmoon fairy. I would not mind the brewfest and hallows end to be a whole year addition. They does not make much except if you...
Well i feel the same. I would love to have the Ice Age, Ice King all year. It was fun to be honest missing it right now. Doing the casual...
Hey Stephhen! I personally love the legendary difficulty. I admit it's a big slap into your face when you are a newbie fresh level 40 player and...
The Romans were the most fertile and adapting civilization in their City State, Republic and early Imperial times. They were weak and suffered...
Im a bit disappointed that Julius Caesar is not within the roman units. I would just rename the roman wonder to Julius Caesar build it and win all...
Basically i have no problem at 66,7% of the games. In like 28,3% of the games are having desync problem. You know it is so annoying, if you are...