Separate names with a comma.
Daily Logins or Market are your only two sources of it. Thankfully it isn't a very popular item so it shouldn't cost more than 100 thousand coin...
You would have made third and gotten the participation coin as well if you participated and did all four quests with the rules in mind.
Congratulations @Donar for winning the contest! The wall has been mailed, enjoy your wall! The contest is officially over. No more entries are...
The contest requires doing all four quests, AND recording them, for eligibility of rewards. So looks like your window of opportunity is over.
This contest is ending on December 3! If you want a Vishwakarma wall for free, this is your last chance at going for it, so take advantage of the...
A continuation of Aryzel's Quest list, but it is a WIP so it is missing globals, repeatables, summer, and winter quests. If something is off with...
With the Halloween event now active, now is a great time for achieving high times in my contest! Items that are potentially the best for the...
Yes. Those items are not available for level skip users.
Keep in mind using it will prevent you from earning any questline rewards except ashoka armor. I would highly advise against it personally.
Impressive stuff. I hope that by the time of the Halloween event there are more participants.
Updated for Indians!
Honestly I think the game really could use account bound gear instead of everything either being soulbound or tradeable. But I would think if that...
You can do each quest with a different civ if you believe that is the best route. Just keep in mind that I'm pretty sure Indians would be best for...
Pillage the Village: [MEDIA] Gold Bound Tusk Blades: [MEDIA] Shield Made of Gold: [MEDIA] Attire Fit for Kings: [MEDIA]
With the release of the Indians, comes new quests. As a celebration of this new civilization, I seek players that can master four quests and...
Non-EP Consumable Co-op Strategy: [MEDIA] The strategy is just starving the AI by sniping their buildings and villagers with arrow ships. It is...
[MEDIA] Breaking Bandits is considered one of the slowest quests because of how the No Stone optional prevents players from building defenses,...
Well, I never said I was a fan of how it's handled. But given that it hasn't changed in a decade, I don't see them doing a substantial rework of...
Congratulations @Kire and @Donar for winning the contest! Prizes have been mailed, enjoy your shields! The contest is officially over. No more...
Username: DestroyerArcher City: DesArch (Egyptians) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]