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in-game name: aceloki in-game city: Dublin[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
The three challenges in Sparta, bronze, silver and gold, are designed to improve micromanagement skills in speed levelling. They hone skills....
Mightymouse I recall the same issue with Persians. Access and load everything using the Sparta option. This worked for me.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] In-game name: aceloki City submitted: Thebes Welcome to Thebes, a display of stunning...
Adding to the posts above, it is game logical to make the three Crete materials account bound. All other materials in the game I think are account...
"Visit the forums for the latest game news" "Join the discord for game chat, tips and more" in game name- aceloki
Your starting warehouse/s is/are locked to your city. All other warehouses when added are upgradable and replaceable in game name -aceloki
"/who" in the chat box reveals how many players are currently playing in game name- aceloki
Rob75 it has been adjusted; probably as the quickest quest. Don't Let Bahram be embalmed has been adjusted the other way ; up to 200 Halloween...
IGN: aceloki Combutis has a hammer; lets use it to create a serious rival to Dumniorx, as the quick Silver Age adviser; balance tested of course...
Another Hidden Skirmish Gem: Just adding to the above; Skirmish also has another hidden trophy: Skirmish Legends, a trophy for winning a large...
As a city builder I can see where Lagspikez is coming from. We want to visit and share our capital city designs, but we understand we have to be...
"It will be easier to balance if we can train a Scout(s) in the TC with 1 built limit like the Norse Chief." -Kulcsos- I think you are actually...
The Norse as you rightly indicate do have that special Raven, a unique additional LOS option. But as you said the chance of a straight forward...
Currently the game has two common consumables that drop from either Moe's or Quest chests that provide a consumable for either a Greek or Egyptian...
While I agree it would be great to have a deco shop for all civs in complete tone like those the Greeks and Egyptians already have access to:I...
While the deco shops can't be purchased directly through Marcus P at the Empire Bazaar there is a strange back-door process that has allowed...
I remember this original tech tree too. You couldn't select everything, so you had to compromise and have only limited or no siege or limited...