Separate names with a comma.
Congratulations! It was a long road but I am expecting many hours of great fun with the Indians! Great job!
I love this kind of analysis! Good job.
That's pretty cool. I am sure the creators had lots of plans but the bean counters nixed them! Must have been frustrating. Thanks for this insight.
What a great and exciting update! I am so happy to see the game continue to move forward.
Primus will be a fun unit!
Totally pumped about starting at level 1. I have always loved the process and am never in a hurry to level up but enjoy building up my civ along...
I love these milestones! I can't wait to play and decorate my Roman city!
That demo was so cool! I am getting antsy to give the Romans a try!
So awesome! I am getting so excited to play play Romans! The engineer is a perfect addition. I am glad you kept at it.
Yes to the Warpaint! It's the point of a game to have fun. Thank you for that. The residences are the best looking in the game. Thanks again for...
It looks like there is a hint of the Greeks in each Roman building. It makes sense to me. I am sad that the pace of development is slowing but it...
Again, these reveals are just awesome! I love the Age III Town Center. The new tech for the town center is cool as well. Revealing the teams...
Absolutely fascinating! I especially enjoyed your Veela discussion. I am getting so antsy to play this new civ. Thanks again for the insight.
Each week you reveal these minute details. I had noticed how detailed the game art was over the years but never to this extent. This week I...
Once again a great reveal! There are some talented people making great art for the Romans civ! Thanks again.
Again I am impressed with the decision making process you document. I have always wanted to have insight into game development and in this case, I...
I think the storehouse is the coolest yet! Thank you again for the weekly update.
Thank you for giving us insight into the development process. I have hoped for a new civ since the beginning and reading these blogs are...
This is the most exciting news since we first found a somewhat working version of AOEO a couple of years ago! Thanks for keeping us updated each...
the quest reward for "Elite: Losing Your Religion" and "Elite: Lots of Rogues" indicate the quest reward at the level my Persian civ is at should...