Separate names with a comma.
Good news! The issue that caused problems with certain items and their drop rates has been identified, and solved! The fix will be applied next...
There is somthing going on, clearly with certain items and drops. We are trying to identify what caused the issue and correct it. It is important,...
If there is a problem with somthing that is preventing certain items from dropping correctly, the logical solution is to fix that, and restore...
Well, you may have plagiarized yourself, I know you are definatly not the first one to want better drop rates :D
By Focus, what I am referring to is, you are not changing out staffs for a varying damage stat, you are not choosing a staff based off of the...
You know this is last years event thread right? Almost a year old now,?
The damage is not the focus of the staffs, the range is, the damage on the staff is not completely useless, even though you may not find yourself...
I hear you. Understand that we get complaints about drop rates constantly, going back as long as you can imagine. Seasoned players are a good...
There are some issues somewhere, not sure what or where exactly, but we are working on it. You can agree or disagree all you want, we are not...
We are having some issues with some items and how the drops are hitting, and there are fixes in the works from what I understand. We are not going...
Part of the fun of gearing is taking a look at what unit you are using, and finding gear that coments the way you use it best. Sometimes, "best"...
(Reinforced Construction with LOS) As early as level 19, you can start using the games (prior to Celeste) Highest LOS walls available. These drop...
Dude, an over 2 year old post? Bro. Stop playing with dead things.
The Athens quest line was the first New quest pack the team added. The difficulty of these quests are definatly not in a consistent rhythm with...
Yikes, a team mate DC ing at the end would be irritating. I am not sure if it is set this way to stop players from cheesing the co op only by...
Think about the old game. Only players that played near Beta had post level 27 looking glasses, only players that played pre summer update had...
Depends on your skill level. If it is low atm, you can grind out as many Alliance quests as you can daily. (Delos, Carthage, and Frarafrarararia...
Sure, you have several options. You can find a partner in our discord, and coordinate a co op game from there. You can ask in in game chat for a...
If the suggestion is to make store Legendary pieces reforgable, for the time being, it would cause too many balance issues to allow these pieces...
Not every time is rarity or even level the best indicator of "best" Cypress Legendaries are affordable , but really decent entry level legendary...