Hello there Celeste players! The Halloween Event is finally here.![]()
Once you update your game, go to your Empire Store in your Capital City and find all the new quests for the event.
You can find every detail regarding what's new in the event in the attached graphics! We hope that you all have lots of fun playing with friends during the event.
So let's break down the details of the event in a question-based list:
1. How do I access the special event content?
2. What are the new contents available in the event?![]()
- New mini-game style Quests and 3 very difficult Legendary Quests, with awesome rewards.
- Legendary: The Dead of Night
- Legendary: Fright Club
- Legendary: Your Finest Horror
- Don't Let Bahram Be Embalmed!
- Tomb Sweet Tomb
- On Your Gourd!
- New special Event Bosses: Soul Guardians and Emerald Guardians (from last year) and a new Boss: The Headless Horseman
- New PvP Quests with AWESOME rewards.
- All-new Gear, Vanity Gear and Capital City decoration: The Black Cat Vanity Set is back! And The Floating Scarehouse Capital City warehouse, entirely new and exclusive to Celeste.
- All-new Region with an exclusive store: Haunted Isle (P.S. You might want to enable in-game music when you visit this region!)
3. Where do I find the new Quests?![]()
In Haunted Isle.
4. Where can I get the new PvP Quests?
Both in Sparta, and in Haunted Isle. (The Quests have two questgivers who will give you the same quest.)
5. Can I get every event Item playing only PvP or only PvE?
Yes! Everything is obtainable by playing either mode.
(PF2K's Personal Note: Play PvP guys. PvP mode best mode!!!)
6. What are Halloween Points, what can I get with them and where do I spend them?
Halloween Points are the special currency of the Halloween Event. You can use them to buy Vanity Gear, Capital City Decoration, Consumables, in addition to an elusive piece of Gear from last year - Zahhak's Sword of the Undying all at the Haunted Isle Store.
7. What are the Global Quests?
They are quests that can be done in any game mode and inside any quest. They include, but are not limited to, the following types of quests:
- Play Repeatable, Elite or Legendary Quests
- Play Co-op Quests with your friends
- Play PvP matches for a certain amount of time (Daily and Weekly Quests)
- Defeat special treasure guardians (Emerald Guardians, Soul Guardians and Mummies)
- Exchange materials for Halloween Points
8. How long will the event last?
The Event is planned to last until 2019/11/20 00:00 UTC. There has been a timer added to the sidebar on the Forums with a countdown, indicating how long you will have to play the Halloween Event.
9. What else is new?
As shown on a previous blog, there are two entirely new Terrain Sets and five new Gaia Animals, available on PvP and Skirmish maps. The Celtic Autumn and Persian Valley Terrain Sets and Black Wolf, Brown Wolf, Polar Bear, Brown Sheep and Red Deer animals. Check them out below!
Additionally, Bahram has opened a new store in Tarsos while he is waiting for his Lottery to be ready. There he will sell you Materials sold in other Vendors in the game, in bulk. By Hourmazd!
As popular demand, we have also added a quicktravel button to the New PvP UI, alongside links to the Champion Mode Tech Tree and other Ranked PvP information to the Sparta UI and the New PvP UI:![]()
As for a final surprise for you guys, there is a New Island in Vanity Island, showcasing Decorative Units for your Capital City. If the content of the Island is well-received, there will be new Decorative Units added there in the future!![]()
Thank you for reading, and we will see you all in the game soon!![]()
Project Celeste Development Team
Project Celeste is completely free and always will be. However, we gladly accept donations for our overhead costs, which are larger than we have budgeted. If you want to support us, you can do so HERE.
Tell your friends! Join our Discord HERE.
VERY IMPORTANT: Creating additional accounts and multi-accounting is FORBIDDEN and will result in permanent bans for ALL OF YOUR ACCOUNTS, including your main account! One account per player only.
Abusing the Sparta Quests is also FORBIDDEN and will result in a ban.
Let us know what you think about the event in the comments below!
Alexander, Servimomia, Andy P XIII and 9 others like this.
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Discussion in 'News' started by PF2K, Oct 26, 2019.
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