New global market buy option

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Ice, Jan 27, 2019.

  1. Ice

    Ice Villager

    Jan 11, 2019
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    After playing for over 2 weeks I've noticed people love hosting/participating in auctions on trade chat, and recently i've noticed that certain people auction items, and when the auction price doesnt meet their expectations they ask friends to place fake bids to drive up the price and/or "take the item".

    Could we have a bid option on GM with a much shorter duration ex 2h-1day on which people could place bids?

    Something like this

    -5% cut on final pay, and can only be canceled if there isnt any bid placed on the item.

    - When placing the bid the GM keeps the gold until the auction ends or you get outbidded.

    - you cannot cancel your bid

    - seller can place a starting bid

    - only 2 auctions per account.

    - seller can choose the duration of the auction, and bids on the last 15 minutes extend the auction for 1 minute

    Just some ideas.

    DariusTheGreat likes this.
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  3. rtsgamer

    rtsgamer Immortal

    Jul 9, 2018
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    Hi mate,

    well i am doing a lot auctions and i also watching auctions but didnt saw any unregular auctions, but here i must say; (no one can see everything) Only saw a few times the hoster done WTA wrong way but also there, we showing how to do it and thats it, nothing special.

    But what u say can stil be true, and atm. idk. how to control it. (no one can see everything)

    I like the idea of having any kind of extra function for auctions, but iam not sure about programing allowed, maybe someone else with knowledge can answer us.

    greetz, hf & gl all
  4. DariusTheGreat

    DariusTheGreat Woad Raider

    Mar 22, 2018
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    Yeah i agree, an auction function would be amazing if they implement it. since they done global marketplace, auction shouldn't be too difficult to implement.

    An idea that i have which i think would be amazing adding to your idea is this:

    Global Marketplace 2.0 Update:

    • New filter options for searching on GM (Newly Listed, Highest Price etc.)
    • New Auction House Functionality
    • New Seller Tiers with new perks
    • Selling and Auction Items now show more statistics such as how many viewers etc.
    Auction House:
    • 1/2/3 auctions per account
    • -20/10/5% cut on final pay
    • Choose duration of auction
    • Seller can place a starting bid
    • You cannot cancel your bid
    Seller Tiers:
    The Symbol for Tiers is Trade Cart with bronze, silver and gold etc. looks)

    The Global Marketplace now has seller tiers which can get from selling items

    Bronze (Default):
    1 Auction Per Account
    10 Marketplace Slots per account
    -20% cut on auction final pay

    Silver (Requires 15 Sold Items):
    2 Auction Per Account (+1)
    15 Marketplace Slots perk account (+5)
    -15% cut on auction final pay (+10)
    75 Empire Points mailed to you

    Gold (Requires 50 Sold Items):
    3 Auction Pek Account
    20 Marketplace Slots per account
    -10% cut on auction final pay
    150 Empire Points mailed to you

    Diamond (Requires 250 Sold Items):
    3 Auctions Per Account
    25 Marketplace Slots per account
    -5% cut on auction final pay
    -0% cut on global market place pay
    25 Empire Points for every 10 sales mailed to you
    Couldn'tCareLess and Kulcsos12 like this.
  5. Couldn'tCareLess

    Couldn'tCareLess Long Swordsman

    Jun 11, 2019
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    Plus the ability to Auction a Bundle Pack (like we see with some auctions, 6 items - X Price) and that would increase over time via the Tier.
  6. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
    Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 21, 2017
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    An auction feature has long been somthing the team wants to implement. Its definatly a nice feature many people would be happy about if the team has the resources and time to get in the game.
    Couldn'tCareLess likes this.
  7. Couldn'tCareLess

    Couldn'tCareLess Long Swordsman

    Jun 11, 2019
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    I believe that after the Romans release the team can focus on improving the existing features and adding new ones ;)
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