New easily accessible items for new players

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Aryzel, Aug 14, 2019.

  1. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    I've a few suggestions for new items that could be added to the game that would be useful to new players who don't have lots of gold. After hitting 40 recently and building up my gear and using the web item search tools (which are amazing btw), there were some gear gaps I found between what I wanted an what I could get. They are just listed alphabetically, the two needed most (I suggest) are the Scout Special and then the Reinforced construction.

    Armor Plating
    Mostly fine, though there is only 1 line of sight item that is hard to get, maybe add a new one that is accessible

    Cloth Armor
    Ok options on health, armors, dmg, line of sight isn't too bad, move speed ok too.
    For villagers there is the 3.5% wood one from Northern Hold, but could add a 4-5% food gathering one perhaps.

    Construction Addition
    Good options for training, build time, line of sigh. Only one that could be improved is maybe the cost ones, maybe add an easy to get one at -6% cost

    Merchant Gear

    Fine, though the line of sight one from Respectable Rare Ramparts is harder to get when visit friend is disabled.

    Reinforced Construction
    Good options for HP and Dmg, but for the other wanted stats there are big gaps.
    Line of sight: the epic is extremely rare, and legendary expensive, could use a shop/recipe item with maybe 35-40% Line of Sight as nice option for new players.
    Cost: Only option outside of the Legendary is the -1.3% lvl 15 item from Sparta shop, that's what I'm currently using for most buildings. Could use a shop/recipe item with maybe -4% cost.
    Build time: the epic is extremely rare, and legendary expensive, could use a shop/recipe item with maybe -4% build time.
    The legendary combines cost and build time, having two separated for new players, -4% on each, would be nice stepping stone items.

    Scout Special
    Really needs an accessible lens, something at 40% LOS would be fine

    Solider's Gear
    Mostly ok, for a cheaper Ramses option we have lvl 38-39 Odysseus in trade and as backstop there is the lvl 20 Mycenaean gloves, but perhaps a lvl 30 shop/crafted version would be nice

    Mostly fine, the line of sight swords take a bit of saving to get, but are not bad

    All the other slots were fine, in my opinion.
    One other thing to note, without the web search tools its hard to get an handle on what items are available in the game, for example there were lots of good choices from shops or crafting, but without going outside the game and searching it was hard to know that. Changes to this are probably not easy or practice for a fan project game, but perhaps links to the search tools could be make displayed in the launcher, or a tooltip when loading, so users learn that they have somewhere they can go look.
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  3. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    Not really a big issue at the moment, there are always rare ones being sold in trade, but occasionally its hard to get a specific one you need. Perhaps have a shop that sells all the advisors at uncommon level for 750 or 1k, so its not a replacement for trade, just a backstop for when player base is small.
  4. Kenji03

    Kenji03 Berserker

    Jul 17, 2018
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    Sounds to me like your issue is more that you are having trouble making money as a new player.

    Once you hit level 20 (or use the Babylonians/Norse/Persians) I would highly advise unlocking the Ambrosia quest line, as you can repeat that every 12 hours for around 5k gold and enough experience to level up once each completion for around 25-40 minutes of play time.

    Get the quest from your mail person, then complete Median Raiders + A Median Alliance? + Makru, The Mad Median
    Once that is complete, finish 3 challenge missions and you are set to loop that sweet and easy coin reward -- Challenge: Grab that Gold! + Challenge: Collect that Coin! + Challenge: Mine that Money!

    For the first 3, you can easily get help from others as all 3 of those are coop quests. For the Challenges, equip the advsior Miner Kleon can help a lot as well as the consumable Discovery Gold Deposit.

    If you need more help after this, send me a message in game (Kenji03).
    #3 Kenji03, Aug 15, 2019 at 11:48 AM
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2019
  5. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    Hey Aryzel!
    Many of the items you listed are available and easily accessible for all players. You just have to hunt a little bit for them (cant be too easy right? :)) I would recommend looking on the global market place for epic gear recipes, or purchase the crafted epic gear directly from other players. For example, the armor plating you are looking for is craftable, can be obtained affordably, and is actually arguably best in slot for many units. (Only bettered by the NEW Celeste exclusive Legendary craftable plating. Punic runic tunic is a craftable affordable cloth armor, ect.
    A player can generally gear their civ decently enough to do the hardest quests for 1-2k a slot. Many 1k items for sale in trade and Global Marketplace. Also dont forget the stores scattered around the different realms, many of them have some really decent goodies waiting for players to discover them. If you need a specific piece, you can ask in our discord what a good effective affordable gear piece for any units you are struggling to find, our player base is great with helping. :)
  6. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    I think I didn't explain my point as well as I thought I did, as I'm starting to do ok for money now and I'm aware of the good items in game and people have being really helpful already (its a great community on discord and in game). But I was referring to particular gaps. None of these items are issues for me, they are either minor or I've got what I need already, but I still think new items could be added that smooths the game for new players for what should be a minimal amount of effort as new items and recipes have being added before.

    Big Gaps:

    Reinforced Construction

    Line of sight:

    There are two options, Master Defender (~55% LOS) - very expensive and Hand-Carved Wall Braces(~50% LOS) rare and also expensive. I got the Wall Braces as drop when levelling so I'm fine but this is still a gap for new players, I feel it makes a big impact on quests having strong line of sight on your outposts. There should be an intro option with maybe 35% LOS that people can get for 1-3k.

    Cost & Build Time
    Best option is Walls of the Architect (-6.5% cost, -6.5% time) which is the expensive legendary, which is fine. Next up is Superior Imperial Fortifications (-1.5% cost) lvl 15 from Sparta. (There is the Novice's engineers Braces (-3.5% cost), but that is a early game item lvl 2 only end up with 1 of them at best). Build time does have Walls of Earthen Strength (-4.4% time) but its rare drop due to small player base and so is very expensive too. For most buildings you don't need health or dmg or armour in this slot, build time and cost are the stats wanted but don't have good options accessible to new players. I would suggest adding two new items, one with -4% cost and one with -4% build time, easily accessible for 1-3k for new players.

    Scout Special
    Two options in game, Lens of Mens costs 70k+ (~74% LOS) and Looking Glass (20-50% LOS lvl 7-27) which is rare because of smaller player base, it used to be the stepping stone back when AOEO was out the first time around. Line of Sight on scouts is a huge impact on quests I feel and there should be an accessible option for new players, something with 40-50% LOS for 1-3k would be good stepping stone.

    Less Big Gaps

    Armor Plating
    There is one Line of Sight Armor plating in the game, lvl 14-18 Scales of the Leviathan (@Kenji03 if I'm missing the one you talk about as craftable can you share details of it as I can't see it on the web item search page, Its not a super important item slot, but could be nice to use on transport ships during A new Pharohs Challenge quests (which I complete fine already, was just something I thought would be nice to try out). So far its rarely on trade or the marketplace and was 40k+ on there when I saw it. So having a more accessible part could be nice.

    Cloth Armor
    There are lots of good options for most slots, punic tunic like you say, however for villagers there are limited options.
    Tunic of collector, Ancient trojan guard chiton, alligator-hide chiton - all are very expensive 60-100k. As intro options for players there are Worker's Cloth from Norther hold, lvl 25 and 3.5% wood gathering and Royal Guard Tunic, lvl 19-23 drop with 5% food gathering, however that one doesn't drop often due to playerbase size so isn't generally available (never seen it listed anywhere). So it would be nice and not unreasonable if there was a food gathering cloth armor with 4-5% food gathering that was accessible for 1-3k for new players.

    Merchant Gear
    There is one line of sight merchant gear item, lvl 32 Helio's Mule Barding, from Respectable Rare Ramparts. If you don't have that shop and visit an empire is disabled (usually a quick way to find someone with the shop) then can't get it. Not a big deal is a small line of sight percentage and jsut wanted it for A new Pharohs challenge but just making a note on its accessibility.

    Construction Addition, Soldier's Gear, Sword
    Good enough options exist, see notes in original post as I'm already making this a wall of text :D (PS: Suggestion for new Construction Addition: "Wall of Text" - Snares enemies within 20 yards of it and reduces their line of sight 90%")
    #5 Aryzel, Aug 15, 2019 at 2:36 PM
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2019
  7. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    Some good ideas. I was going to suggest thick brick walls level 10 for LOS or just buy the Argos reinforced walls. A few new celeste exclusive pieces found their way in to the store in the well of urd region that does exactly what you are asking for, give a good middle ground for people leveling. I also use those Superior imperial walls on all my buildings until I get the Archi as well.
    Some good thoughts though :)
  8. Aaron

    Aaron Berserker

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I have gotten a civ to lvl 40 not too long ago, and for me the biggest hole is definitely the scout slot. Even the lvl 27 looking glass sells for 50k in the marketplace. Everything else could definitely be improved, but not unbearable as-is.
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