4 Suggestions

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Wololoo, Aug 8, 2019.

  1. Wololoo

    Wololoo Champion

    Nov 27, 2017
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    1 - A small GUI Improvement:
    The Capital City shield & the 3 icons either side of it each give a menu when clicked
    On 6 of the 7 icons, clicking the icon a second time closes the menu
    A second click on the Global Marketplace icon doesn't close the menu - It would be nice if it did.

    2 - Recon Man consumable:
    Currently available in only two varieties - Greek & Egyptian
    Why can't Persians, Celts, Babylonians & Norse have a scout consumable?
    Suggest Recon man is made as 1 consumable which can be used on all civs.

    3 - Gear overhaul:
    Some of the game gear has wrong or rather laughable stats - Some adjustments would be appreciated

    a) Spartan Soldier Heavy Spear sold in Spartan Weapon Store
    Maximum Range: +10.4%
    Line-of-sight: +10.4%
    AFAIK no unit using heavy spear has range?
    I haven't encountered Throwing Spearman yet!

    b) Mark of the Loyalist - craftable uncommon
    Conversion Resistance:+1.1%
    Movement Speed:+0.0%
    lol on the speed buff / nerf :)

    4 - Warehouses
    The 3 Pro civs. Persian, Babylonian & Norse do not allow deletion of the 20 slot w/h.
    It would be nice if all 6 (7) civs could have the fixed 16 slot plus 4 x 24 slot warehouses.

    As it is now the 3 Pro. civs are disadvantaged as they max at 4 less storage slots:
    Pro civs : 1 x 16 + 1 x 20 + 3 x 24 = 108 max store slots
    non Pro civs. : 1 x 16 + 4 x 24 = 112 max store slots
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  3. Kulcsos12

    Kulcsos12 Hippikon

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Some of those windows have an X on the top right corner to close it. Some have a Cancel button on the bottom right corner and some a Close button. Its a little bit messy. It would be better if all windows have the same way to close it.

    Or it would be nice if we can train our own scout(s) in TC with 1 built limit.
    Crixler and Kenji03 like this.
  4. Kenji03

    Kenji03 Berserker

    Jul 17, 2018
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    While I like this idea, it does present some interesting balance questions.

    However, the ability to create more scouts via either consumables or otherwise would be nice.

    As I have learned from interacting with this community and the dev team: "You are 'somebody', so if 'somebody' can make the changes, you can too".

    This is an entirely free project, and while myself or others can help you find the resources to make the changes you suggest, unless you are willing to do the work it won't be done.
  5. Wololoo

    Wololoo Champion

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I sincerely hope that I, and other players are NOT able to change gear statistics.
    The game could be totally ruined if this were the case.

    I'm more than happy to do some review work and make suggestions but it shouldn't be me who has the say so that my suggested changes are implemented or rejected.

    As for the implementation, if I could be shown how to make authorised changes and had the required tools I'd be happy to make them.
  6. Kenji03

    Kenji03 Berserker

    Jul 17, 2018
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    What happens is you make a submission, and the current dev team decides weather or not to APPROVE those submissions.

    You would have to ask for access to the gear data, but the rest of the data for the game can be found at resources.ProjectCeleste.com.

    As per the tools required, you are going to have to learn C# code, as that is how the game is written. Quests are written in .xml format
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