New legendary crafting recipes and their cost...

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ByFstugan, Apr 6, 2019.

  1. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    I have no problem with these items having a large cost, but to me it's become silly when I've for example crafted 7 of the legendary version of the Hyena, the Aegean Trader's Contract, and ONE (1!) of them got BASE stat on the speed (most important stat) and ALL the others were nerfed and worse off than the rare Hyenas that I build for a material cost that is about nothing (compared to the 140k or so times 7 that I have thrown in the ocean of despair). I've sold some of them for 30-50k now with some struggle, but it is unlikelly one will get any sell for this nerfed items further ahead.

    I think either the cost should be reduced MUCH because nerfed items are worth very little, FAR from the silly high material cost - or else the risk of getting a nerfed one should be greatly reduced. I know people say they will not build this item I use as example since the risk of loosing almost all is to high. Another sollution could be to make sure even nerfed versions is same or better as their rare/epic counterpart.
    Ghati and Kenji03 like this.
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  3. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
    Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 21, 2017
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    The Traders contract is the one recipe that has an overlapping spot in stats where a rare version (buffed) can possibly have a better stat than its legendary counterpart. I can feel your pain on the bad luck getting so many rough versions. I can't tell you how many epics and Rares I had to craft to get great ones, and some legendaries myself. Some good news, there may be a feature coming in the future that could be a blessing for players in this area.
    I have seen players crafting legendaries, getting nerfed ones, and still expecting a profit off of the duds, listing them high in the GM, wanting a coin value above the cost of materials for these, unfortunatly, it's an rng game, win some, lose some. I priced some less than desirable stat items in the GM very reasonably just like you did, they sold quick, I didnt make any money, but hopefully the better crafts bring better payout. Having to take a loss on the duds, and sell cheap, can be painful. On the flipside, everyone being scared to craft many of these should leave one heck of an opportunity for folks that do. With a shortage of them on the market, the max buffed speed ones should bring one heck of a nice pay day with that lack of supply in the market. It should be higher than other legendaries that have more availability. The high material cost should have demand for them being far more long lasting, and not just somthing that folks can get done super quickly and move on from right away. Good luck on future crafts, may Zeus bless your future craft luck! May your next one be a max buff prize :)
    Kenji03 likes this.
  4. Kenji03

    Kenji03 Berserker

    Jul 17, 2018
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    This does bring up a good point, why do items have a "range of stats" in the 2019 version? How does your gear having a range of stats improve gameplay for the user base?
    Ardeshir likes this.
  5. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Would you rather flat rolled stats, and reforging be used to actually change from one stat to another?
  6. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
    Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 21, 2017
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    In short variable stats prolong gameplay.
    Ardeshir likes this.
  7. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    It does lift the gear ceiling and/or lower the floor, but so would having more items, or bringing in tiering of the current items, so instead of having varied ranges, they just come in 4-6 tiers or ranks of the same item (with each higher tier meaning higher across the board stats by an equal amount between tiers of the same item, with the current base roll being the middle tier or one either side). Obviously the most attractive method to players would be having more items in general, but it's also the most work.
    Kenji03 likes this.
  8. Kenji03

    Kenji03 Berserker

    Jul 17, 2018
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    I would rather have flat stats and no reforging
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