Full Model Skins [Suggestion]

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by GeorgosJ, Apr 26, 2019.

  1. GeorgosJ

    GeorgosJ Long Swordsman

    Feb 4, 2018
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    Well I come again, first sorry I some of my suggestions sound a little bit, complicated... bothersome, etc.
    Thanks for bringing back AoE O.

    So the point is that when we reach lvl 40, we unlock a special slot in the units equipment that allows us to change the complete model of the unit.
    For example:
    Minoan Set: Hoplite, Hyspapista, Archer. We get their visuals without affecting the stats.
    Bandit Set:
    Naked Set:
    A set that gives the apperance of having no gear, but with stats of the gear we have.
    Bronze Set: A set that gives the apperance of having uncommon gear
    Iron Set:
    A set that gives the appearance of having rare gear.
    Unique Units: A set that gives the apperance of beeing a unique unit, ex: Hyspapista with Pezhetairoi apperance.

    And so on.
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  3. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    I'm not sure if adding the special slot is needed, because we already have vanity slots, where you can use the stats of equipped gear underneath in PvE. Naked (no gear displayed, not nude :D) units/Don't show gear in x slot choices in options would be nice to have, and I'll always welcome more new cosmetics. Getting a set of vanity gear to make your units look like the uniques would be cool too!
    GeorgosJ and Exclusive0r like this.
  4. Exclusive0r

    Exclusive0r Immortal

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Seems like a lot of work for cosmetic reasons ... and as Ardeshir says maybe just new vanity sets ? or maybe I misunderstand completely - has been known :rolleyes::rolleyes::p
  5. GeorgosJ

    GeorgosJ Long Swordsman

    Feb 4, 2018
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    Let me explain further: Vanity has up to 3 slots: Helmet - Weapon - Shield. Then body (chest) or whateaver you want to call it is out. Yes it would be nice instead to have a toggle button to show/unshow gear, thus we could have gearless units, while they actually have gear.

    But as far as I know "special units" or "unique units" are 1 single model, meaning it would be hard to visually equip other stuff into them or use the 3d graphics they have for other units. (correct me if I wrong). Thus you have normal Hoplite and Minoan Hoplite, which in theory should be the same, but arent, thus if you want to use a Minoan Hoplite you have to craft it and use it.

    An so with several of this unique units, what i propouse is to have a slot for example the hoplite to change the complete model with another one, example the minoan hoplite, the spearman with the clubman model and so. to give an example. In other words you are not changing a specific gear of the unit, you are changing the whole 3d model.
    Ardeshir likes this.
  6. Exclusive0r

    Exclusive0r Immortal

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Ah Ok I see a different concept. oh and btw There is a vanity toggle in options if I remember correctly.
    Ardeshir likes this.
  7. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Yeah I get that, but couldn't new gear sets be worked to do the same in theory if you had 3/3 equipped? Where partial set use just adds the item/s over the old character model, but a full equip could also tell the game to load a completely different 3d model?
  8. GeorgosJ

    GeorgosJ Long Swordsman

    Feb 4, 2018
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    I suppouse it would need to add that fuction to the code, if that is posible, it could use for example head vanity slot, but change the whole model, this would be a "special" new type of vanity of course.
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