By PF2K on Apr 20, 2019 at 7:10 PM
  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
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    Oct 24, 2017
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    Greetings, fellow Celeste players!

    We are very excited to bring you the first new feature that is done completely from scratch by the Celeste Development Team, the Spartan Reforge.

    What is the Spartan Reforge, you say?

    As you know, most pieces of equipment in Age of Empires Online have varied stats. This means that when you find a piece of gear in loot chests, sometimes it can have lower stats than the item's base stats. Well, in case of legendary gear, you don't have to deal with that anymore! Now with the Spartan Forge, you can try your luck at getting better stats on your gear.

    - How does it work?
    First, you go to the Sparta Region. Then you can find the Spartan Forge. Click on the building to open the Reforge menu. Drag and drop your item from your inventory. There you will see your item's Power Level, which is an indicator of how close your item is towards its maximum possible stats.
    If you're feeling lucky, press the Reforge button to have a shot at re-rolling your item's stats!

    - What currency do I need to use to reforge my gear?
    The Spartan Forge uses Empire Points. The cost for reforging each piece of gear goes up every time you do it, and it is tracked separately for each item.

    Once you reforge your item, it can no longer be traded.

    - Can I reforge pieces of gear I have already equipped?
    Yes you can!

    - Does reforging guarantee that I will get better stats every time?

    No - every time you reforge your item, it will completely reroll the stats on it, meaning that you can get better or worse stats every time you do it, and it isn't linked to your previous attempts at all.

    - Can I reforge all kinds of gear?
    No - Only Legendary gear can be reforged, and there are some Legendary items that cannot be reforged due to having non-varied stats. These include:

    • Cyprus Legendary Items (bought from the store at Cyprus)
    • Alliance Gear (Delian League, Council of Imhotep and Legion of Carthage Stores' Legendary items)
    • Event Gear (Zahhak's Sword of the Undying, Ice King's Gear, and future items)
    • Questline Completion Rewards (such as Athena's Long Spear, rewarded to every player for completing the Athens Questline, and the upcoming Norse Pack's Questline reward)

    What do you think about the new Reforge feature? What kind of other new features are you looking forward to? Does any of the upcoming new features showcased at our Development Roadmap for 2019 get you excited? Let us know in the comments below!

    Thanks, and see you in the game!

    - Celeste Development Team
    #1 PF2K, Apr 20, 2019 at 7:10 PM
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2019
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Discussion in 'News' started by PF2K, Apr 20, 2019.

    1. ByFstugan

      ByFstugan Immortal

      Nov 17, 2017
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      I don't like that the items wont be tradable after a reforge - even more if it's not possible to trade within your own empire via the vault. At least when it's an never equipped item.

      Besides that the idea sounds REALLY great, but I wonder on one thing - will each reforge be totally random so it also can get worse than before the reforge, or will it always improve?

      Also I wonder since you want to have coin-sinks if paying with coins shouldn't be the way to go?

      ATM, how high is the EP-cost set to, and how much do it increase per try - and does the increase grow each try?

      Will this be available from tomorrow?
      Lwt, MainMan B and PF2K like this.
    2. FinishedBlock21

      FinishedBlock21 Hippikon

      Aug 16, 2018
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      Nice feature, I've been looking for ways to spend my ep and this looks good. I just have a question, as it's not clearly stated in the announcement. When you reforge an item, does it mean you will randomly get an item of any stats? So, in this case, you run the risk of getting an item with worse stats?
      PF2K likes this.
    3. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
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      Oct 24, 2017
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      Yes, it can get worse. I will add that to the main post!

      That is what we plan to do with the upcoming community lottery feature!

      250 EP for the first time, cost increasing by 250 every time, linearly.

    4. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
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      Oct 24, 2017
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    5. FinishedBlock21

      FinishedBlock21 Hippikon

      Aug 16, 2018
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      Ok makes sense, that's how gambling works after all.
    6. ByFstugan

      ByFstugan Immortal

      Nov 17, 2017
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      Sounds expensive even for the first run, and silly expensive the second - and silly silly expensive afterwards. Perhaps the increase should be like +100 each time or something less crazy. The price and especially the increase would maybe make sense if it was a guarantee to improvement - but you can as well pay for a nerf.
    7. Jeinx

      Jeinx Moderator
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      Nov 21, 2017
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      We don't want to wreck the market. Being able to sell those items that drop, that we do not want to equip ourselves is very important! If reforge was a way to make every piece of gear perfect, was cheap, and didn't bind gear, It would really cause some big issues by obliterating demand. A whole lot more items would get vendored, and would be tough to sell.
      Now you can purchase nerfed gear and take your chances trying to reforge it to better stats.
      17 days of simply logging in and getting your Log in EP is enough to reforge an item, and that is not even counting doing any questing.

      We want to bring new content, but it has to be balanced, and not cause any major issues in other parts of the game : ) Hopefully when we all get a chance to use it a bit, we hit the price right. A couple of us wanted to start at 350 :eek:

      GLHF Mates :cool:
      #8 Jeinx, Apr 20, 2019 at 9:36 PM
      Last edited: Apr 20, 2019
      MainMan B, ThunderCat and Andy P XIII like this.
    8. rtsgamer

      rtsgamer Immortal

      Jul 9, 2018
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      thats basically gambling, means:
      when the item gets nerfed stats after reforge: lost ep / lost item.
      cant be traded anymore after reforge :(
    9. ByFstugan

      ByFstugan Immortal

      Nov 17, 2017
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      Well, you've decided to make sure items that are reforged will be bound to that city - so it's no chance it can neither ruin or even effect the market since nothing reforged can appear there.

      However that it would be bound to city and not empire is something I wonder if it's possible even to change, if so I would be glad to not have to concider if I'm on the exact right civ while doing the reforging each time. Is it possible to open a way to bind stuff to empire instead of civ that's not tradeable (in other words to ship such bound items through the vault)?

      Also I think the increase in EP is WAY to high after each try, as I suggested above more like a +100EP per try I think is more appropiate. I have now crafted about 20 or so Leg recipes and got 2 good boosted (only one max) and some base or near and ALOT of nerfed crap for silly high material cost. If I had to see my precious EP get lost down the drain with same (silly) bad luck on the reforge I'd be really sad panda. And even after one try its become really expensive in my opinion to try again.

      I still think Reforge is an awesome idea, don't get me wrong. I'm glad I have at least a chance to get some more decent items out of my big pile of messed up tries to do legendary crafting.
      #10 ByFstugan, Apr 20, 2019 at 10:21 PM
      Last edited: Apr 20, 2019
      Ardeshir likes this.
    10. FinishedBlock21

      FinishedBlock21 Hippikon

      Aug 16, 2018
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      I'm actually only planning on using it for nerfed leg craftables as well, but it's still a nice addition.
    11. Jeinx

      Jeinx Moderator
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      Nov 21, 2017
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      Making sure you are in correct civ you want the item in will be very important. Not sure about empire bound vs civ bound, would probaby be easier for a player to just be careful, than trying to change somthing like civ binding and possibly creating new issues.
      One way this reforge in its current state can change the market, you may be able to get a few more coin (or actually sell) nerfed items now :cool: (or maybe even buy them) it also gives us options we never had before in game. The huge disappointment getting a max nerfed item, while a risk, we now at least have an option.
      Reforge isn't meant to boost all of our gear to max stats, but simply an alternative to being stuck with a severe nerfed item.
      In some testing, max stat item was recieved after just one reforge.
      As long as we are not expecting reforge to be somthing it was never meant to be, it's a nice option, just not going to be for every circumstance. It's not for every piece of gear for sure, only really great ones.
      Exclusive0r and Andy P XIII like this.
    12. DrNegative

      DrNegative Villager

      Feb 4, 2019
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      I disagree, the economy in-game could suffer from lottery rolls on this if they were tradeable afterwards. That boosted Lens of Menes someone may have wouldn't be as valuable as it used to be for example. if it had to compete with an item rerolled for the market
      Andy P XIII likes this.
    13. Ardeshir

      Ardeshir Immortal

      Apr 8, 2019
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      Reforging/rerolling in AOEO? Cool!!!

      I think I'm with Byfstugan on the cost and tradeability aspects - the game needs more gold sinks (for players at the stage where "gearing up" consists of getting a better roll of the same item), and EP is easier to spend as-is (on max slot storage, vault expansion, gold/xp boosters, cosmetics, things that you can't just get from a chest). A smaller climb of the EP cost (+100/150 every time sounds healthy), a mixed gold/ep system (200+10k, 400+20k, etc) or a purely gold system with doubling or tripling on subsequent reroll costs would be of bigger positive impact to the economy.

      I don't think the items should be tradeable from player to player, but I think allowing for vault depositing to save time and prevent accidents should be the way to go. Would making a new class of item restrictions be doable? IE - making bind to account items as opposed to bind to civ items?

      EDIT: Was under the impression it started out at 500 for some reason.
      #14 Ardeshir, Apr 21, 2019 at 7:06 AM
      Last edited: Apr 22, 2019
      ByFstugan likes this.
    14. rtsgamer

      rtsgamer Immortal

      Jul 9, 2018
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      Reforging item:

      Ahapitep's Solid Gold Staff
      Maximum Range:
      • Minimum: + 39.24 %
      • Default: + 41.30 %
      • Maximum: + 43.36 %

      stat before reforge:
      maximum range: 39.4

      after 1st reforge: 250ep
      maximum range: 39.2

      after 2nd reforge:500ep
      maximum range: 41.3

      after 3rd reforge:750ep
      maximum range: 40.3

      after 4th reforge:1000ep
      maximum range: 40.7

      after 5th reforge:1250ep
      maximum range: 40.9

      after 6th reforge:1500ep
      maximum range: 41.9

      1st boosted stat @6th try, by 5250ep investment.
      Towex likes this.
    15. ByFstugan

      ByFstugan Immortal

      Nov 17, 2017
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      So, after seeing the effect of the increase of price I would like to argue to remove the increase in cost all together (and give reimbursements to them who wasted precious EP on that).

      If one reforge an item and it's not good and price is the same it still would become more and more waste to the item that cost likelly more than you want to pay - like rtsgamer's example above without increase would still be a cost of 1500 EP that was wasted and for nothing, and he would now have to ask himself the question if he wanna waste more EP on that item or if it's enough already.

      This will drain EP from most of us like nothing before, even if you half the price and removes the increase of it. I thought the pricing was set to high from start - I think now after seen it that it's not just a little to high but VERY much so indeed. Maybe set it to 100EP and 10k coins each try instead and make price more reasonable and also make it a coin-sink - instead of a "we will kill alll your EP faster than you can spell e(p)". The cost is to high, and maybe partly or in whole in wrong format.

      Also I'd really like to see a solution for making items empire-bound instead of civ-bound, especially when it comes to reforge.

      If you think you don't want it to be to easy to get a maxed version of each item (which I understand can be an issue) just make a max 3 reforges per item as a barrier.
      #16 ByFstugan, Apr 21, 2019 at 3:12 PM
      Last edited: Apr 21, 2019
      lukipr0 and rtsgamer like this.
    16. Towex

      Towex Long Swordsman

      Apr 1, 2019
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    17. rtsgamer

      rtsgamer Immortal

      Jul 9, 2018
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      that's exactly what I thought haha
    18. Andy P XIII

      Andy P XIII Moderator

      Nov 14, 2017
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      If you think you don't want it to be to easy to get a maxed version of each item (which I understand can be an issue) just make a max 3 reforges per item as a barrier.“

      This is a joke, right? You want us to stop you from hurting yourselves? I assume you would also expect a refund? We already set a max to the number of reforges by increasing subsequent prices. I’m not sure how that isn’t obvious. If you don’t want to get fleeced by this new tool, kindly put some better strategy into using it.

      People are allowed to misuse the reforge to their own detriment. If anyone was going to harm themselves with a powerful new tool, I’d expect them to do so before they have much experience using it, so seeing people screw up today doesn’t shock or appall me. Whatever. Keep your fingers away from the moving pieces. Don’t reforge the same item 5 times.

      Use it on really crappy versions of really powerful items. Use it once and go home. Don’t expect it to spit shine all your gear quickly and cheaply. Stop blindly assuming the reforge is a cure all and wind up cutting your fingers off only to blame us for providing you with the opportunity to do so.
      #19 Andy P XIII, Apr 21, 2019 at 3:41 PM
      Last edited: Apr 22, 2019
      MainMan B, Jeinx and Exclusive0r like this.
    19. lukipr0

      lukipr0 Woad Raider

      Jan 19, 2018
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