Official 2 minute Trivia

Discussion in 'PvE Challenges/Tournaments' started by smileyguyx, Jan 28, 2019.


Did you think the Winter Event was well designed?

Poll closed Feb 11, 2019.
  1. 5 - Excellent

    7 vote(s)
  2. 4 - Good

    18 vote(s)
  3. 3 - So-so

    1 vote(s)
  4. 2 - Bad

    1 vote(s)
  5. 1 - Terrible

    0 vote(s)
  1. smileyguyx

    smileyguyx Moderator
    Staff Member Moderator

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Results from last week are as follows:
    Carthage Delos Imhotep
    Joined 6 3 12
    Sabotage 8 7 5
    Points 4 -1 19

    Poor Delians! EP and Legendary Items should be in your mail.

    This time, we will try something new: a timed trivia. Here's a couple of things you should know:

    • There are 19 questions, totaling 39 points.
    • You have 2 minutes to complete as much as you can.
    • If you don't submit, your responses will not be recorded.
    • Values are taken from the PvE Technology Trees!
    • The first question is your IGN. You will receive 1 point (manually added) if it's correct.

    Rewards are as distributed based on overall performances by all participants:
    Bottom 40%: 60EP
    41% to 60% : 80EP
    60% to 80%: 100EP
    80% or above : 200EP

    And that's it. Links must be created individually so drop a reply below or message me on discord and i will privately send you a link when i can. You don't have to complete it immediately, you will be taken to a start page first. I'll accept entries for a bit longer than usual as a buffer in case I don't get back quickly.

    As an aside, with the Winter Event is now over, we'd love to hear your thoughts on it! There's been some discussion on Discord and I've asked a couple of people but we're always eager to hear more opinions in detail!

    EP is generally distributed in batches, on the weekend.
    Entries close when the poll ends.

    Any changes will be posted in a log below, dates are in AEST.
    28/01/2019 - original post, instructions on how to start a conversation
    29/01/2019 - rewards adjusted
    #1 smileyguyx, Jan 28, 2019 at 12:54 AM
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2019
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  3. FinishedBlock21

    FinishedBlock21 Hippikon

    Aug 16, 2018
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    Send me a link please, same name.

    Concerning the winter event, overall I liked it and I wish we have more events, not necessarily related to Christmas or anything. Just to freshen things up every now and then. For next event, it would be a good idea if all materials dropped as quest rewards. This way you're encouraged to play the game and complete quests. You just adjust the rate at which materials drop to limit the gear that can be crafted. For example, one type of material drops from Cyprus quests, another from Athens etc, so you don't just farm the same quest or the chests. I just like to be able to earn everything by playing as I'm not a big fan of trading.
    smileyguyx likes this.
  4. CrimsonCantab

    CrimsonCantab Berserker

    Sep 14, 2018
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    I'd like a link, please. Trivia sounds like fun :).

    I agree with the idea of more events on occasion.

    However I do like that you can participate in different ways, rather than being forced to do specific quests. I got most of my ice king hearts through playing PvP, and I think events that encourage PvP play would be awesome.
    Exclusive0r and smileyguyx like this.
  5. Zhade

    Zhade Villager

    Jan 20, 2019
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    I would like a link, name is Zhade.

    Personally I thought the quests were fairly well rounded. There were multiple ways to achieve some of the necessary items. Like CrimsonCantab mentioned - PvP was one way, but you could also play the legendary quests for some of the shards.

    Overall I thought the event was great.
    smileyguyx and Exclusive0r like this.
  6. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    I asked for link on Discord, though you name showed as "Funemployed" there after I had sent it, seemed weird.

    About Winter Event. I think it was very good and it made me do alot of stuff so I played silly much more during that period. Also good that it encurage to PVP which I did some - and PVP accually is a more adrenaline-giving part of the game (perhaps the stats on the leaderboards there could be made a bit more advanced and intresting though?). Good to encourage to coop also, but that reward needed 5 quests to give a small reward, could have been a bit more pay on that. The repeatable quest+Elite quest reward was so small I never put any focus to it, though I claimed it as often as possible.

    I acually think that the resourses that put a cap to how many items you could craft was a rather good idea, I know many didn't. But it's probably good that to many items can't be made and maybe also it makes more people see the use of the "industrial-side" of the game (and gives them who focused on it a payback). Perhaps the costs spiraled away a bit fast, but otherwise nothing really to complain about.

    When it comes to claiming the Ice Kings Heart it was silly easy to get it when you learn the easiests ways to do it and that could be made a bit more challenging. It's rather easy to restart some of the maps and see if he appears on one of the more accessible places (or to see if the quest appear on the side with the possible quests to finish, though that often is bugged and don't show). Perhaps the king should appear on random after the maps real quest is finished instead on a special spawnpoint on map (instead of at a guarded fort), if so with much higher chance of him spawning than now of course. Or even better it could be solved with as a special-quest-map (that you get access to after you've done other quests) where he also have a city/fort that he protects that you have to break through to kill him in the heart of it (and that makes it impossible to kill him with just fortress units on a consumable bandit fortress), that would be most fun (a quests where he and his minions only is defensive and any player could turtle him to death).

    The most sad thing with this event is the bug that made chest-items untradable, which still is only partially fixed I think, so still weekend-items is still with that bug. Was bad timing, even more for your team since it happened on christmas vacation.

    Overall, this kind of events with it's rewards is really good.
    smileyguyx and Exclusive0r like this.
  7. Exclusive0r

    Exclusive0r Immortal

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Count me in please :)
    Winter event very good much better than MS ever got together . However, I made many hearts (alone of course) but the leg gear .. ? Well perhaps I am a not getting it but I just couldn't use it, my friends enjoyed that :) and try as I might I nvr met the Ice king. My leg quest ws broken (see forum) so I stopped leg's and went for elite .. :)
    Likes : the combination of PvE, PvP crafting .. trading (no man is an island ), The journey
    Dislikes: Leg gear not really useful .. but I have so much gear in my vault LoL so I got a few trophy's

    But I like the event itself and I made myself and my friends happy .. that is what Xmas is about :) +

    So overall thumbs up :)
    smileyguyx likes this.
  8. Exclusive0r

    Exclusive0r Immortal

    Nov 5, 2018
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    I never found him (Ice king) .. did legs, elites, but never saw him .. you got lucky :) I made 5 hearts , but my leg got stuck so I stopped :) doing legs

    I like yr idea of a special quest
    ByFstugan and smileyguyx like this.
  9. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    ok, about the quiz .. I had time to do 5-6 answers and then the page closed and nothing recorded ... I think you did silly short time or silly much questions.

    How would anyone even read most the questions in 2 minutes, even less have time start to look at the answers. This was really a fail. It's like asking to reach Age 4 in two minutes starting in age one with no resourses.

    A tip for anyone who tries - aim to get the consolation prize and hit submit before the time runs out, and take a chance on many question without reading them.
    smileyguyx and Exclusive0r like this.
  10. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    Yes, I think that would be an extra spice to the boss thing.

    I also got my Legendary quest stucked once on one civ, but I choosed to abandon that quest and restart it - so just lost the reward for it once, but continued to claim it later.
    smileyguyx likes this.
  11. Servimomia

    Servimomia Woad Raider

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I would like to receive a link as well, sounds funny...
    smileyguyx likes this.
  12. Servimomia

    Servimomia Woad Raider

    Nov 23, 2017
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  13. FinishedBlock21

    FinishedBlock21 Hippikon

    Aug 16, 2018
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    My answers were not recorded either lol. Your progress should be saved/ submitted automatically.
    smileyguyx likes this.
  14. smileyguyx

    smileyguyx Moderator
    Staff Member Moderator

    Dec 25, 2017
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    The prize structure has been adjusted to better accommodate the median score. While it would be nice if the form saves your selected responses unfortunately Google Forms's does not support it and other platforms are paid. In the future, we'll try a different platform but i need an idea of numbers to decide what would be suitable.

    i do not expect players to answer all questions!
  15. ljopp

    ljopp Villager

    Jan 17, 2019
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    count me in
    smileyguyx likes this.
  16. Andy P XIII

    Andy P XIII Moderator

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Thanks for doing this, Smileyguy. And of course the Winter Event was excellent. :)
    smileyguyx likes this.
  17. Exclusive0r

    Exclusive0r Immortal

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Even with yr advice I could not finish ... :) so I had 10 secs to random hit answers an I think I just made it .. I didn't read my score too embarrassed :) :)
  18. Exclusive0r

    Exclusive0r Immortal

    Nov 5, 2018
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    LoL well after years of conditioning by school college and work I did not know that :)
  19. Positivmental

    Positivmental Villager

    Nov 10, 2018
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    hello; i would like to participate too. Same nickname ingame. Thx
    smileyguyx likes this.
  20. Dealwithit69

    Dealwithit69 Long Swordsman

    Nov 1, 2018
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  21. toto2379

    toto2379 Long Swordsman

    Sep 10, 2018
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    Link please, same nickname ingame

    The winter event was good overall, but there are two points that could be improved :

    -Alliance quests not counting for the repeatable/elite quest counter. It turned out to be Microsoft's fault because alliance quests are not tagged as "Repeatable". Alliance quests should be counted in one way or another

    -The heart shards being more valuable than full hearts near the end of the event, because people were crafting hearts more for the extra winter points than for crafing legendary items(the epic material cost was very high near the end).
    Fortunately, the value of individual full hearts was always above 1-2k(not counting stacks of 10 because it's not worth it), so i think it's unnecessary to increase the heart cost after each crafting. A way to improve this point is to be able to vendor the hearts for winter points.

    Edit : I clicked on the colored button at the very bottom of the quiz with 5 seconds left which i thought was the "submit" button, then a rectangular message box with another colored button appeared. I didn't have enough time to read the message box so my answers were not recorded. bummer
    #20 toto2379, Feb 10, 2019 at 8:07 AM
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2019
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