Shang Civilization

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by DariusTheGreat, May 2, 2018.


Do you want Shang Civilization to make it to AOE Online Celeste Project?

  1. Yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. No

    5 vote(s)
  1. DariusTheGreat

    DariusTheGreat Woad Raider

    Mar 22, 2018
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    I hope Shang Civilization makes it way to game in the future

    Here is an idea of units that shang will have:

    Age 2:
    + Pikeman (40 Food) - Effective against Calvary
    [Pike] [Cloth Armor] [Soldier Gear]

    + Short Sword Man (30 Food 25 Gold) - Duel Wielding Sword Man, Effective against Infantry
    [Sword] [Sword] [Cloth Armor] [Soldier Gear]

    Archery Range
    + Composite Bowman (25 Wood 25 Gold) - Long Range Effective against Infantry
    [Bow] [Arrows] [Cloth Armor] [Soldier Gear]

    + Chariot - Melee Chariots effective against Infantry and Priest
    [Pike] [Horse Armor] [Soldier Gear]

    Age 3:
    + Broad Sword Man (60 Food 40 Gold) - Strong Infantry with high defence - Effective against Infantry and Siege
    [Sword] [Shield] [Infantry Armor] [Soldier Gear]

    Siege Workshop
    + Siege Ram - Deals less damage but has higher amount of base health than other Rams, can also attack other siege units as well as buildings - Very effective against buildings and siege units
    [Ram Head] [Siege Armor] [Siege Accesory]

    Age 4:
    + Halberdiers (90 Food 60 Gold) - Elite Infantry Units Effective against Calvary and Infantry, can charge into enemies
    [Halberd] [Infantry Armor] [Soldier Gear]

    Archery Range
    + Arbalist (60 Wood 40 Gold) - Area Damage Crossbow Man, Showers arrows at enemies
    [Belly Bow] [Arrows] [Cloth Armor] [Soldier Gear]

    + Cavalier - (90 Food 70 Gold) Effecitve against Calvery and Range, Can charge into enemy
    [Halberd] [Horse Armor] [Soldier Gear]

    Siege Workshop
    + Flamethrower - Land unit version of Fire Ship has much shorter range compared to other ballistic siege units but also has a area damage- Effective against Buildings, Siege and Infantry
    [Firepot] [Siege Throwing Arm] [Siege Armor] [Siege Accessory]

    + Monks - Converts enemies in short range small AOE range , Heals Allies in combat and can buff allied units -
    [Priest Staff] [Cloth Armor] [Priest Accessory]

    Buffs - Each Buff is required to be researched and unlocked in Temple to use -
    • Incarnation - Increases nearby allies health regeneration by 25 per second for 25 seconds (60 second cooldown)
    • Conscription - Increases nearby allies health and damage by 25% for 25 seconds (90 seconds cooldown)
    • Benevolence - Increases nearby buildings research and train rate by 50% for 25 seconds (120 seconds cooldown)
    • Retribution - Decreases nearby enemy health and damage by 50% for 25 seconds (180 seconds cooldown)
    If Monks are killed the buffs will be automatically removed


    + Scorpion - Light, fast and Cheap version of Ballista, very effective against infantry but has shorter base range
    [Siege Throwing Arm] [Siege Armor] [Siege Accessory]

    + Trebutchet - Similar to Palantoon, deals more damage and has slightly better base range but more expensive
    [Siege Throwing Arm] [Siege Armor] [Siege Accessory]


    Advisors - All Advisor names are working titles

    Advisor Global (All Civs can also use)

    Lord Lu Bei - All Military Units cost 15/30/45/60% less gold - Age 3

    Emperor Wong - Walls and Buildings have 18/22/26/30% more health - Age 3

    Lord Wei Ling - Villagers train in 10/20/30/40% Less Time - Age 1

    General Sun Jian - Villagers move 3/6/9/12% Faster - Age 2

    General Cao Cao - All Ages cost 8/12/16/20% Less - Age 1

    Advisor Exclusive -

    General Tao Ku Ni - Monks buffs last 10/20/30/40% longer - Age 4

    Warleader Guan Yu - Pikeman can deal 25/50/75/100% more damage to Infantry and Range- Age 2

    Advisor Special Units -

    Chu Ko Nu - Upgraded Version of Arbalist and deals higher AOE and moves much faster

    Legendary Advisors -

    General Lu Bu - Halberdier and Calverier deal 15% more damage, 20% more health and can deal area damage - Age 4


    Civilization Notes -

    - Shang has two exclusive new weapons called Halberd and Pike
    - Shang also uses Belly Bow for their Arbalist range units which was previously exclusive to Greeks
    - Shang is the chinese civilization of Age of Empires
    - Shang Short-Sword Man is the first playable unit of the game to have two weapon slots unlike the Hypasist which only uses one sword slot- to compromise and balance this advantage they only can use cloth armor
    - Flamethrower is inspired by the dragonbreath siege weapon that ancient chinese battles used
    - Instead of Houses, Shang have Huts which are a lot cheaper to build but are not as durable as houses since they have half of HP of a house which makes them very vunerable

    The Pro's and Con's of Shang Civilization -

    Pro's -
    - Has a balance of strong infantry, range and siege
    - Villagers cost only 20 Food to produce
    - Has all Wall and Tower upgrades
    - Huts (which replace houses) cost only 25 Wood to build for +5 Population

    Con's -
    - Lacks anti-range units
    - Lacks a few Economy upgrades
    - Lacks Priest Units
    - Town Centre has less starting HP than all Civs
    - Armory upgrades are more expensive


    Any feedback would be appreciated also let me know how to balance this civ better too
    #1 DariusTheGreat, 6y 46w ago
    Last edited: May 2, 2018
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  3. AhmedYusuf

    AhmedYusuf Spearman

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Wow, this is very good. This requires lots of work to do. But if they will add a new civ to game, they should add the romans first. Its half completed already, but it may be costly.
  4. DUREX

    DUREX Spearman

    Apr 30, 2018
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    celeste is not a game design team, forget about it
    Kenji03 likes this.
  5. SD_Dan

    SD_Dan Villager

    Jan 22, 2018
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    They seem overpowered in many ways
  6. MegaDerpLord

    MegaDerpLord Spearman

    Feb 27, 2018
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    As nice as it would be to see a completely new civilization added I don't think it's possible to even add new models, audio and custom animations into the game. Would be awesome but unlikely given the limitations of modifying this game.
  7. DariusTheGreat

    DariusTheGreat Woad Raider

    Mar 22, 2018
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    hey thanks for feedback, im gonna do some balancing to make them a lot less overpowered :)
  8. Forest

    Forest Long Swordsman

    Apr 8, 2018
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    I like the idea. However, I don't think it is a good idea to modify the game in that manner. It needs a project team with mandatory roles to roll out such a feature.
  9. JimBond007

    JimBond007 Spearman

    Mar 12, 2018
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    I thought for Romans, the original developpers did 50% of this civ, however they never released anywhere the source code for Romans.
  10. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
    Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 21, 2017
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    If anything, thesee little ideas are fun to read and think about :)
  11. DynasticPlanet

    DynasticPlanet Champion

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Honestly, while I love effort, I just don't feel very inspired. It's a bit bare bones, and a lot of the names are a bit simplistic. For instance, when I think Pikemen and Halberdiers, I tend to think European. There are plenty Chinese names for the weapons you'd want.

    The problem also comes from things like having both Short Sword and Broadsword. Why? They're both infantry who serve as anti-infantry?

    Actually, a lot of the names just feel directly lifted from AoE2. Not sure why a civ would need both Pikes AND Halberds either.

    Then again, 20f villagers scares me. Like it terrifies me as beyond broken. It's simply not manageble for an enemy to keep up with. With 25w h

    Chinese are a civ that you could easily do so much with. An Imperial force with untapped potential and again, feels a bit simple with mostly just shifted stats rather than a unique gameplay mechanic to define it.
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