Some Suggestions for the Editor Mode

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by scenariotc, Jun 29, 2018.

  1. scenariotc

    scenariotc Game Developer

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Unlike the single player offline mode, the game editor mode would ask for game file verification if any of them is modified. Experienced designers from AoM and AoE3 should find this rather inconvenient, since a number of us have been used to modifying the game interface to make our life easier. Considering that the offline playing mode does not force game file verification, I would suggest the same to be done for the editor mode.

    Single player offline mode, on the other hand, will delete any additional files I have put in game directories other than the scenario folder. It has deleted for like a hundred times of my custom triggers ... please at least exclude the trigger folder when doing this.

    I have tried to create several fix for the editor, such as the water and cliff preview, it would be nice to see them implemented into the Celeste editor (or at least remove the previous limitation so I can put them back myself easily):
    #1 scenariotc, Jun 29, 2018 at 4:31 PM
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2018
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  3. KhanAckhar

    KhanAckhar Game Developer

    Jan 17, 2018
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    Hey there! Thanks for your feedback! As you know, AoM and AoE3 are offline games with additional online multiplayer. Age of Empires Online on the other hand is primarily an online game with rewards and other RPG features. Because of this, we unfortunately can't allow the same amount of modding. However I will forward your feedback and maybe we can do something. If you have more questions, feel free to PM me on discord.
  4. scenariotc

    scenariotc Game Developer

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Thanks for your reply. Personally I would not take modifying the editor interface as "modding", yet I can understand the team's technical consideration behind that. Sometimes I did change the protounit attributes to make tasks like placing ships on land or building underwater more easier, but most of time I would just change gadgets that appear in the editor and have absolutely zero effect on normal gameplay.

    For trigger I also understand their potential of being a game-breaking function.

    If anything, please leave the offline mode as what it currently is. I can still live with it at the moment. ;)
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