Sanjay's Serious Soldiers - Open Signup Ingame Rewards Tournament

Discussion in 'PvP Challenges/Tournaments' started by Ardeshir, Jan 26, 2025.

  1. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Sanjay's Serious Soldiers - An Open AoEO Tournament for ingame rewards!
    Thanks to Project Celeste

    Challonge Link
    Discord Link

    This tournament is an open event that mirrors the format of our other event for up-and-coming PvP players.

    Date & Format:
    The signups will close Monday, 10th March at 11:00 UTC
    , or once 16 players have signed up
    (This is NOT when you will need to be on to play games, you have a whole week or more to schedule and play out each game)
    It is Single Elimination
    Bronze Final and Grand Final are Best of 5. All other series are Best of 3.

    The tournament will be played out at a pace of 1 series per week (or more if needed) for each player. You are welcome to play out games ahead-of-schedule if agreed to by opponent.

    Schedule (assuming 16 signups - if 8 or less we finish a week early)
    Week 1: 10/3/25-16/3/25 - Round 1 (Ro16)
    Week 2: 17/3/25-23/3/25 - Round 2 (Ro8)
    Week 3: 24/3/25-30/3/25 - Round 3 (Ro4 - Semifinals)
    Week 4: 31/3/25- 6/4/25 - Bronze Final & Grand Final
    Schedule dependant on reaching 9 or more sign ups. In the event of less, there will be less rounds to play out and a shorter tournament schedule.

    Main broadcasting stream - Project Celeste on twitch

    Other casters are welcome to co-cast on the Project Celeste stream alongside us, or help cover games that aren't being casted on the Project Celeste stream, on their own channels (please avoid using Project Celeste and AOEO assets aside from scoring text in stream overlays if doing so). Players also welcome to PoV stream with an advised 30-90 second delay.

    Prize Pool:
    1st - 1,450,000 coin + 10,000 Empire Points + 1 Bahram's lottery legendary of player's choosing
    2nd - 1,000,000 coin + 5,000 Empire Points + 1 non event, non Bahram's legendary of player's choosing
    3rd - 700,000 coin + 3,000 Empire Points
    4th - 550,000 coin + 2,500 Empire Points

    5th-8th - 425,000 coin + 1,750 Empire Points
    9th-16th - 275,000 coin + 1,250 Empire points

    100% of donations to Project Celeste during tournament streams will go towards future tournament prize pools!

    Map Pool
    - Equal Footing
    - Ghost Lake
    - Swamp Pass
    - Treasure Island
    - Wildwoods

    The first map in all series is Equal Footing. Subsequent maps will be chosen by the previous game's losing player from the above map pool.
    Each map can only be played once per series.

    Each player can play a civ as many times as they want until they take a win off their opponent. After that, they may not pick that civilization again until the next series.

    Restarts & Disconnects:
    - Casters can restart the game within 2 minutes as many times as they want if they discover map imbalances. Players can pause the game (F10) if they found a map imbalance within the first 2 min. Casters will then decide if a restart is needed.
    - Players can ask for a restart without any needed reason only once per series, within the first 2 min. Please pause the game and message the caster if you would like to restart.
    - Players may pause no more than 3 times a series, aside from the pause-to-restart.
    - In case of a game crash or an unexpected disconnection happens, the casters and admins will decide if the game is convincingly in favour of any player and will give the map win if necessary.
    - In case the streamer disconnects/crashes midgame, players can continue playing their game. After the game ends, a screenshot is needed to confirm the outcome.
    #1 Ardeshir, Jan 26, 2025 at 2:03 PM
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2025 at 10:07 AM
  2. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Apologies for the break guys, had some back problems to deal with lol

    Start date moved to the 10th of March. Will be contacting existing signups to let them know and looking for more players of course.
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