Still no fix for connectivity issues?

Discussion in 'Connectivity' started by DeepFriedBunny, Jan 10, 2025.


Do you or your friends struggle with connectivity issues when playing CO-OP?

  1. Yes, Absolutely do

  2. Sometimes do

  3. Never do.

    0 vote(s)
  1. DeepFriedBunny

    DeepFriedBunny Villager

    Jan 10, 2025
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    Hi AOEO community,

    I write to you as a fellow lover of the franchise that one day found this masterpiece of a game and fell in love instantly, the only issue I ever had even when Microsoft was developing it is connectivity issues, you would be 1 hour into a hard quest/mission and "Lost Connection" pops up making all those hard Elite missions actually impossible to even play.

    No way to reconnect, no way to load your progress, if you were in co-op your friend now has to do it all alone.

    The issue with this version (Celeste) is that it's plagued by the same connectivity problems, I cannot even get through a single Crete mission (30 waves) before either myself or my friend being disconnected.

    My PC and Internet is well above average

    Ryzen 9 7950x, 32GB RAM, RTX 3080, 1TB NVME
    1Gbps Download and 200Mbps upload Fiber connection

    so what can I do to ensure no connectivity issue happens or is this a case of LAN is the only way for my friend and I to play this game/project together?

    added info: Nothing on my PC loses connection, discord VOIP comes through perfectly at the time of the "Lost Connection" so if its not me or my friend? then what exactly is losing connection? the Celeste Servers?
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  3. Donar

    Donar Berserker

    Dec 5, 2021
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    It works fine for me. After some quests you should restart the game to not crash it. If the internetconnection is disconnected for a second it will drop the player out of the game. I used to have this problem with wlan. Then i used a cabel and it became better. But i also had a 24hours disconnect in my router settings. After i changed this i never droped again because of the internet connection. If you can't connect to other players you have to open your ports. Sometimes it will still not work because the other player may haven't opend his ports.
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