Suggestion to skip basic quests...

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ByFstugan, Oct 30, 2024.

  1. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    Now since the "Start at lev 40 and go directly to end-game" wasn't released before Indians as was talked about from start I want to suggest that at least a way to skip all them non-legendary quests should be possible for us who now leveled up to lev 40 and don't wanna have to do them yet another time. I know we can skip, but that will cost mad amount of Empire points to skip all - which would been totaly free if we could have started even Indians on lev 40 (and it will be so later).

    Hence I suggest you make a new quest-giver in each city with them regular quests that unlocks the Legendary ones that give you the option to for free just skip them and open up the Legendary ones.

    Or just make the "Skip" option free of charge - I see no reason to have that cost to begin with as the game has developed.
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  3. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Just because you don't see a reason for it, doesn't mean there is no reason for it.

    Unfortunately neither of these suggestions are going to happen, but thanks for the feedback. :)
    Ardeshir likes this.
  4. TzarKosta

    TzarKosta Long Swordsman

    May 1, 2019
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    it would be enough to reduce the 400 imp points to 100. 400 is way too much
  5. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    How can you see the point of implementing "skip to level 40" to go directly to end-game when you create your civ (which I think is 100% good) - but say that skip must remain impossible in any shape or form to go directly to end-game if you already created a civ (which I see contradictory)?

    Is there an argument even to force people to delete their civs and all investments done to them in order to get that feature? The attitude about this confuses me greatly and so far I've seen no arguments, only vauge "just so" answers which I find don't add up, so trying to show that in colored text above.

    I'm not saying this to bug you - it seems as you take it that way. I as much as you in my way love this game and what to see it improve and be more friendly to new players as well as old. So far you done one amazing stuff upon eachother year after year - I just hope you listen to relevant ideas - and I think this is one of them.

    BTW - I don't mean you should get the quest-rewards for skipping when it's free - the point is only to unlock the end-game Legendary quests.
    #4 ByFstugan, Oct 30, 2024 at 10:43 PM
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2024
  6. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    The downside to skipping to 40 is losing the ability to play any part of the questline content prior to repeatables/legendaries stages AND get any exclusive gear or city cosmetic buildings/units from the final quest in the chain. Sea people ship or the Norse mythical warship for example.

    The alternative which came first, is incremental skips for EP. A quest at a time so players can replay what they want to, skip what they don't, still get the end chain rewards, but at a cost. Because of the cost, they're still having to play the game to get things out of it.

    Do you really think there should be an option to just skip everything pre40 but also get all the benefits of having done it, at low/no cost at all?

    Why don't we just autoplay as well?
    Exclusive0r likes this.
  7. Exclusive0r

    Exclusive0r Immortal

    Nov 5, 2018
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    I may be wrong, but I suspect, that PF2K is thinking about giving the EP economy a few sinkholes , there must be millions of them and they have to managed . Coins? I bet there are billions. The system needs to track each user
    I have my Indians at 40 , didn't take long

    Then we have the valid points made by Ard
    Really I read all your posts Fstugan and I know how passionate you are on this theme . This is obviously a "thorn in your side", I wish I could help. I have 10's of 1000's of Empire Points - can't seem to use them - If I could donate them I would. I can't really use them except for consumables - with them you can fly through - but I don't really like to use them. Did it for Romans until 20 - but it wasn't very satisfying.
    Maybe use the route to 40 to 'learn the Civ' , it really doesn't take long to get to 40, I mean Romans started at 0.
    Co op with me and you can read a book, I'll do them 4 you if u want :):):):)
    Ardeshir likes this.
  8. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    This thread is not about "skip to level 40" - it's about "skip to get to end-game" content (after you have leveled to lev 40) so you can start doing the Legendary directly without doing the basic quests to unlock them yet another time (which most has done up to 7 times already).

    Many of the Legendary quests isn't even a challenge - even less then the basic ones. I see no reason to force us do them once again when it's already decided to implement a feature BOTH to "skip to lev" 40 AND "skip to end-game". To demand that when you leveled to lev 40 you must delete a civ to get the skip (to end-game) is simple just not neither nice or sensible in any way. I see no logic to have to delete to get that feature - to me it feels just weird. Also for me who has injected all advisors (non-Indian) it's not an option at all - and then the "force to delete if skip" feels extremelly... not good.
  9. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Just play the game man and spend the EP you have from already playing on skipping lol. At least this way you get to keep the unique rewards from the quests you skip, get a bit of coin and some drops, and recoup some of the EP anyway. If legendary quests are so easy you should have like 150k EP unless you're a reforging addict
    Exclusive0r likes this.
  10. Exclusive0r

    Exclusive0r Immortal

    Nov 5, 2018
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    As Ard says, I find hard to disagree :)

    Also "skipping" requires extra program logic of some sort, that means coding and with small team of volunteers, maybe they have other priorities.

    I would just accept what PF2K says ,

    "Just because you don't see a reason for it, doesn't mean there is no reason for it."

    I am sure if was some trivial matter .... it would be done
    #9 Exclusive0r, Nov 1, 2024 at 10:28 AM
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2024
    Kevsoft likes this.
  11. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    You miss the bigger picture - this is not about me mainly but about every player that wants to skip this quests and don't want to delete all they have on them to be able to.

    There is no logic to not open up that feature as I've shown in the message with the green and red texts above. The game would be better for all with this suggestion - for as long as it will exist. You don't need to see it for it to be true - but I assure you it is.
  12. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    It was easy to disagree with what he said since the idea wasn't mainly about me, but about the good for the game - which the new idea of "go directly to end-game" is about that just now is being implemented.

    The skip function is already in the game - hence that function can't be that hard to modify to be free of charge, think about it a bit. To have an EP-sink I feel is no big priority, better find other ways to spend them instead - as I said "go directly to end-game" is a feature already; and to force some to delete their civs with all advisors/recipes and stuff to get it but not others is just plain weird - even more since it punishes old and loyal players more than new ones.

    I have no problem with them putting it on a priority list - I have issues with dismissal without any real reason at all - even more since it's against common sense as shown in the message with green+red text above (and the point I just made right above).
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