By PF2K on Jul 21, 2024 at 3:57 PM
  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Hello there Celeste players! Here you can find the details of the upcoming Summer Event for this year, going live on July 22th, 00:01 UTC!


    How to access the special event content
    Note that you need to be at least Level 10 to access the Event content.

    Special Login Rewards!
    Just like last year, you will receive event-exclusive daily login rewards for the entire duration of the event! As with regular daily login rewards, progress is tracked separately for each week, and the reward set resets on Monday.

    Note that you do NOT need to be level 40 to receive the legendary items, you can simply get them and save them for when you do reach level 40!
    Event Exclusive Gear
    • Minigame Quests and Legendary Quests.
    • PvP Quests with AWESOME rewards.
    • Gear, Vanity Gear and Capital City decoration from previous years: The Summer Vanity Set and The Temple of Apophis Capital City building, entirely new and exclusive to Celeste.
    • An Event-exclusive Legendary Building: Library of Horus - allowing you to play previous years' Legendary Quests from the Summer Event after the event is over, once you build this building.
    • ALL NEW! Bring one of Summer Event's fan favorites, Snappie the Crocodile, right into your capital city by purchasing its decoration blueprint from the Rhakotis General Store.

    Quest Spotlights

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Two New Legendary Quests!
    Summer Event Minigames

    Summer Event Quest Givers
    PvP Quests!

    These quests can be found in the Sparta PvP region. Remember that you need to first accept the "City of the Sun God" first. Refer to the guide above to see how you can do that.

    We are a small community and we are all here to have fun. Please do not ruin the gameplay experience of other players by going AFK in Sparta games, or by doing matchfixing and other abusive behavior. Thank you for helping us keep the Sparta Ladder a fun experience for everyone.

    If you see anyone going AFK in Sparta or showing any kind of abusive behavior, please report them to one of our moderators at our Discord Server.

    We monitor Sparta activity very closely and will deal with exploiters promptly. This is especially true during Events.


    Can I get every event Item playing only PvP or only PvE?
    Yes! Everything is obtainable by playing either mode.


    What are Summer Points, what can I get with them and where do I spend them?

    Summer Points are the special currency of the Summer Event. You can use them to buy Vanity Gear, Capital City Decoration, Consumables, in addition to exclusive Gear pieces all at the City of Rhakotis Store.

    How long will the event last?

    The Event is planned to be 5-weeks long starting on July 22nd, 00:01 UTC and will end on August 26th, 00:01UTC. There has been a timer added to the sidebar on the Forums with a countdown, indicating how long you will have to play the Summer Event.

    Thanks for reading, and we look forward to seeing you all playing and crafting gear during the Summer Event! Please let us know your thoughts and questions below!

    All current and future content will stay 100% free and accessible to everyone.

    Project Celeste Development Team

    What do you think about this week's blog? What would you like to see next? Let us know in the comments below!


    The Indians are here! Watch the Announcement Trailer.
    The Romans are here! Watch the
    Overview Trailer.

    Project Celeste is completely free and always will be. However, we gladly accept donations for our overhead costs, which are larger than we have budgeted. If you want to support us, you can do so HERE.

    Read every Romans related blog HERE.
    Read every Indians related blog HERE.

    Tell your friends! Join our Discord HERE.
    #1 PF2K, Jul 21, 2024 at 3:57 PM
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2024
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Discussion in 'News' started by PF2K, Jul 21, 2024.

    1. ConradIII

      ConradIII Champion

      May 8, 2022
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      Not working for me ..Marcus is not giving me the nod or link to join .. just Golden Ticket and special gear ......:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:o_Oo_Oo_O
      bbgambini likes this.
    2. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
      Staff Member Administrator

      Oct 24, 2017
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      The very first thing mentioned in this blog is this:

      Hello there Celeste players! Here you can find the details of the upcoming Summer Event for this year, going live on July 22th, 00:01 UTC!

      You posted your message before this time, which means the event was not live at the time of your post. :mad:o_O:mad:o_O:mad:
    3. ConradIII

      ConradIII Champion

      May 8, 2022
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      take it easy ... I would have thought you want people to be excited to play

      The Picture on home says "Summer Event now Live"
      Like "LIVE" as in Live not live is some UTC Universe

      How am I supposed to know wft UTC is ???
      Im not in the forces
      Im not a Weatherman
      There was a new load of the Game so 1+1 makes 3 .. no need to be so uptight ....
      you sure get salty easily ....

      I know GMT , I know the Summer time Winter time
      I am tired of this .....
      So enjoy your saltyness - no more problems from me .....
      bbgambini likes this.
    4. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
      Staff Member Administrator

      Oct 24, 2017
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      UTC and GMT are one and the same! :)
    5. knyght_byte

      knyght_byte Spearman

      Mar 25, 2020
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      My first summer event :D Did the mini games today, had a lot of fun! Tomorrow my coop friend comes on and we are going to hit the legs! Looking forward to that!

      And for the above poster, UTC took over from GMT in 1972. So it’s not a new thing. Yes, in the UK we carried on using the term GMT (in winter) and BST (n summer), but for the last decade roughly, due to the internet shrinking the world, a lot of places encourage the use of UTC in the UK as well, to identify more easily worldwide. But as always, given you are posting on an internet forum, you coudl always just google the term UTC if it doesnt make sense to you. I often use google to confirm the time in another zone as I play various games where people are from all over the world.
      Servimomia likes this.
    6. ConradIII

      ConradIII Champion

      May 8, 2022
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      In big yellow letters on the home page :

      "NOW LIVE" not soon to be live at UTC blah blah ....
      I didn't even read the post ... why would I ??

      "NOW LIVE" , like it's live boys

      so l downloaded the update an set forth

      WTF is wrong with you people ??
      Im here to play a game not to be educated by some smart asses looking down on me ??
      OK stuff it
      I am not able to play a game 'cos I don't know wtf UTC is ...
      Go pat yourselves on the back you are all so smarter than me ....

      So I was excited to play .. that feeling has left ...
      Funny nobody answer's my question just jump on to bash me .. Im done
      we don't even use GMT where I live - we tell the time as it is
      like it's 2pm not oh it's 2pm GMT ..... or it's 2pm UTC ...
      I don't need to know every book in the library or every way to tell the time
      on my rig it just says 14.30 or 17.45 not 14.30 BST, GMT, UTC

      Could have been "You were to fast Conrad" no you have to lecture me o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O
      #7 ConradIII, Jul 23, 2024 at 10:55 PM
      Last edited: Jul 23, 2024
    7. Slyrevick

      Slyrevick Immortal

      May 22, 2020
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      Hello :)
      You have the UTC clock here :
      bbgambini likes this.
    8. Servimomia

      Servimomia Moderator

      Nov 23, 2017
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      Its funny the people saying "take it easy" and being obviously unable to apply same to themselves.
      Great job here from the dev team, as usual. Thanks for wasting your time working on this amazing project for free, just in order to keep the best game alive. BIG thanks.
      bbgambini likes this.
    9. Krazplay

      Krazplay Spearman

      Jan 25, 2018
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      An Event-exclusive Legendary Building: Library of Horus - allowing you to play previous years' Legendary Quests from the Summer Event after the event is over, once you build this building.

      I never played a seasonal event before, does this mean you can still gain summer points and materials with the Library once the event is over ?
    10. Kire

      Kire Game Developer

      Jan 28, 2019
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      No, outside of events you will earn regular rewards from them, tho they will have increased rewards from what they got during events. It's to give people the option to play the event quests anytime.
      bbgambini and Krazplay like this.
    11. ConradIII

      ConradIII Champion

      May 8, 2022
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      Look I came to the home page ...... dived into the game
      and now everyone is ragging me ....
      As you are all so superior and all experts in time measurement
      I didn't realise being too enthusiastic was such a crime
      I am so ashamed , I will repent and learn all about time
      I will make the sacrifice to leave your community
      bbgambini and Kire like this.
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