Server Maintenance - [May 25, 2024]

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by martinmine, May 24, 2024.

  1. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Age Of Empires Online Celeste Fan Project will undergo planned server maintenance on the 5th of May 2024.
    09:00 CEST: The server will stop responding to login requests, meaning you will not be able to log on from this time.
    09:45 CEST: Start of maintenance.
    10:00 CEST: Expected end of maintenance.
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  3. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Game server is now in maintenance mode and authentication has been disabled. Server maintenance will start in 45 min.
  4. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Server is shutting down now, expected downtime is 15 minutes.
  5. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Server back online!
    Slyrevick likes this.
  6. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    • Balance Changes:
      • Egyptian Elephant Archer: Now costs 4 Population baseline. Hitpoints reduced to 560, from 700. DPS reduced to 40, from 50. Movement Speed increased to 6.5, from 6. Training Time reduced to 22 seconds, from 25. Food cost changed to Wood. (225f/150g -> 225w/150g)
      • Egyptian Elephant Archer Champion: Now grants +25% Health, +25% Damage and 10% Movement Speed. No longer grants -1 Population.

    • Sparta PvP Updates:
      • -

    • Map Updates:
      • -

    • Quest Updates:
      • All Champion Mode Quests:
        • Adjusted the Treasure Guardians' stats so they don't have as much Health and Damage as Legendary quests.
        • Added Sparta Point rewards to all quests:
          • Five-star quests: 40 Sparta Points
          • Four-star quests: 35 Sparta Points
          • Three-star quests: 30 Sparta Points
          • Two-star quests: 25 Sparta Points
          • One-star quests: 20 Sparta Points
          • Minigames quests: 1 Sparta Point (since the quests are infinitely repeatable with no cooldowns).
      • Champion: Invasion of Rome: Increased the timer to 30 minutes, from 25.
      • Legendary: Visiting Lavrion: Changed the starting age to Age II, from Age I. Added additional starting buildings.
      • Legendary: Visiting Megara: Made some difficulty adjustments.
      • Legendary: Visiting Corinth: Delayed the initial enemy attacks.
      • Legendary: Visiting Calydon: Delayed the initial enemy attacks.
      • Legendary: Visiting Therme: Made some adjustments to the quest map to make it more accessible to Ships. Made adjustments to the enemy sea patrols
      • Legendary: Visiting Aegion: Made minor adjustments.
      • Legendary: First Blood (and its other variants): Made some difficulty adjustments.
      • Legendary: Turn the Page (and its other variants): Priests are no longer part of the optional objective restrictions.
      • Legendary: It Takes A Pillage (and its other variants): Priests are no longer part of the optional objective restrictions.
      • Legendary: Recapturing Soloi: Increased the quest cooldown to 6 days, from 12 hours. Rewards adjusted.
      • Legendary: I Know I'm Losing You: Increased the quest cooldown to 6 days, from 12 hours. Rewards adjusted.
      • Legendary: Recapturing Paphos: Increased the quest cooldown to 3 days, from 12 hours. Rewards adjusted.
      • Legendary: Breaking Bandits: Increased the quest cooldown to 3 days, from 12 hours. Rewards adjusted.
      • Legendary: Rescue Me: Increased the quest cooldown to 3 days, from 12 hours. Rewards adjusted.
      • Legendary: Tamiat Triple Time: Increased the quest cooldown to 3 days, from 12 hours. Rewards adjusted.
      • Elite: The Fools on the Hill: Made some difficulty adjustments.

    • Art Updates:
      • -

    • Champion Mode Changes:
      • Greeks:
        • -
      • Egyptians:
        • -
      • Celts:
        • -
      • Persians:
        • -
      • Romans:
        • -
      • Babylonians:
        • -
      • Norse:
        • -
      • Global:
        • -
    • Updated the Champion Mode Website to the latest build.

    • UI Updates:
      • "Grants Larger Area Damage" text changed to "+1 Damage Area" for better consistency and clarity (affects Persian War Wagon Champion and Babylonian Siege Tower Champion)
      • Updated some description texts regarding Sparta Points, Empire Points and Crete Points for better clarity and consistency.
      • Updated the Champion Mode minigames in Zabol so their description mentions that the quests are played in Champion Mode.

    • Bugfixes:
      • Fixed an issue where the co-op player would not spawn with a Temple of Ra if they were playing as the Egyptians in the quest Legendary: Recapturing Sardis.
      • Fixed an issue where some civilizations could build 5 Town Centers instead of the intended 4 in the quest Champion: Invasion of Rome.
      • Fixed an issue where the quest Elite: Wherever I May Rome displayed incorrect description text.
      • Fixed an issue where Ptah's Scepter of Construction showed an incorrect in-game model.
      • Fixed an issue where several Well of Urd quests had incorrect Gear sets for the AI.
      • Fixed several text description errors in some Sparta quests.

    • Other Updates:
      • High Vizier's Robe's item level range changed to 35-40, from 25-29. This does not change the item's maximum stats, and it does not affect existing instances of the item. Only chests opened after this patch have the chance of dropping this item, and the level 25-29 version of the item will not drop anymore.
      • Several early-generation Celeste Legendary gear have had their names changed for better consistency and flavor:
        • Blessed Dionysus' Throwing Arm -> Siege Arm of Amytis
        • Divine Heavy Cedar Beams -> Beams of Vitruvius
        • Divine High Vizier's Robes -> Vishkanya's Silk-Lined Robes

    • XLive Changes:
      • -

    • Backend Changes:
      • -
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